A blog about change and whatever medium I'm currently expressing my creativity through....

Showing posts with label freeform peyote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freeform peyote. Show all posts


White Freeform Peyote Bracelet

About a week ago, in this post, I showed you the beginning of this bracelet. Sometimes it's a good thing when a project waits to be finished. When I take a break part way through, I'm often inspired to go a different direction than my original idea for the piece. That's what happened with this bracelet. When I went back to it, I knew that I wanted to include the Swarovski pearls and I saw that there were already obvious places on the bracelet that were perfect for those pearls.

Choosing the combination of beads that I'd use to support the pearls was simple because I used a Toho Seed Bead Mix called Winter Frost. Sometimes when I use these mixes, I add several other beads from my collection. This time, all of the beads I used were part of the mix. I especially love the consistent quality of these mixes.

The bracelet is available for sale in my Etsy Shop.


Works in Progress

Before anything else, I need to mention this gorgeous sunset I managed to get a pic of from my bedroom balcony two nights ago.

I do have a few things in progress. This is a freeform peyote bracelet I'm working on. It's very early stages and I'm using a Taho bead mix. If you haven't played with any of their mixes...check them out. They just happen to be on sale at Artbeads.com this week. But hurry, they are going fast because they are having a Dollar Days Sale. I've already placed my order and will place a second if the money gets to PayPal quick enough!

On this tray, I've got a pair of earrings in Delica's started. I'm also working on a necklace and pendant using some Howlite beads I've had for a while.

And finally if you are interested, I've put some photos of the "greening of my garden" HERE.


More Spiral Earrings Plus...

Last post I mentioned making some pink ones for my granddaughter. Here they are...one pink and one in her favourite colour combination, pink and lime green:

I also completed a new freeform peyote bracelet which is listed in my Etsy shop. Similar to one I'd made in the past but a bit simpler.


Just Two More Days...

...left to vote on the Etsy BeadWeavers Challenge for September! If you haven't already voted, please do so now! I need all of the votes I can get on this bracelet of mine which is entered!

 Click HERE to vote!

For more views of the bracelet (or to buy it) CLICK HERE.


EBW Challenge Voting Open

It's that time again! And I've entered a piece in the challenge again! So please head over to the Etsy BeadWeavers' Blog and check out the entries and choose your favourite and VOTE!

EBW September Challenge Mosaic


Earrings and Bracelet To Match

Ever since I made this necklace for the Etsy BeadWeavers' Challenge, I've felt it needed matching bracelet and earrings. I finally got them done and here they are for you to see. I'm happy with how they turned out and now I feel like I'm 'finished' with the design. Now, on to another freeform bracelet. I've got the beads all picked out and ready to go!


Freeform Peyote Bracelet in Black, Grey and Silver

First thing on my agenda today is to wish my daughter Rainey a very happy 41st birthday! Here is a recent photo of her just hanging around!

I'm very happy to say that I've finished the bracelet that I have been working on! I'm pleased with how it looks finished though I have to say that the photos do not do it justice! Of course, it's for sale and I'll be listing it in my Etsy store very soon. It's made of a combination of beads, including seed beads, triangle beads, bugle beads and even a couple of gorgeous Swarovski rondelles.


Work in Progress

Today I'm working on this freeform peyote bracelet. It's been a while since I've done freeform so I'm really enjoying it. As I bead away, I'm being inspired to create some other pieces and I've been taking breaks and surfing the net looking for a few different kinds of focals. Something that I haven't had much success finding is raku beads. If anyone out there knows of a raku bead maker, please let me know. Anyway, I have a lot more to add to the piece.

This pair of bracelets were completed yesterday. I'm not yet sure whether there will or won't be a third bracelet in the set. It's my intention to sell them together. They can be worn individually, together or linked to create a princess length necklace. I'm also considering making a pendant to go with them to make them even more versatile.


Book Review - Exquisite Beaded Jewelry

This book has been in my library for a while; about six months. I read it cover to cover when I first got it to help to teach myself freeform peyote. I hadn't picked it up in at least a couple of months, but there is a whole lot more than freeform in it as I rediscovered today.

In the Introduction, the author, Lynda Musante says: "I hope to help you build and expand your skills; find your own voice in your beadwork -- to discover your "look" and, perhaps, challenge you to look at your beadwork differently." The book will certainly challenge you on more than one level.

For the beginner, it covers basics on beads, tools, materials and findings. There is a fairly comprehensive section on the basics of wire work. It also explains stringing with six projects and then moves on to beadweaving.

Chapter six, Stitched Bead Basics, includes detailed instructions with excellent photos for peyote stitch, tubular peyote and brick stitch. The instructions are very thorough and the accompanying gallery provides wonderful inspiration.

The final chapter is titled Sculptural Beading and explains and teaches the techniques of freeform. There are five projects and a gorgeous gallery. Throughout the book there are plenty of detailed close-up photos on almost every page, so there is plenty of eye candy.


This One's for Me!

Turquoise is one of my favourite stones. Probably because it's my birth stone. I've got quite a collection of turquoise stones and I've been surprised to learn that they come in so many different shades. I've been collecting beads to go with them and finally decided to sit down and do something for myself with them. This bracelet in freeform peyote stitch is the result. I chose to add in some beads that pick up on the dark lines through the turquoise stones.


Black Freeform Peyote Earrings

This is a nice relaxing process to do. I beaded both at the same time so that I could match them. Two needles, two earrings. A few times I got lost in the beading and forgot to do the second one but was able to still manage to match it. Fun to do. They are meant to be reminiscent of feathers.


Yet More Blue

This piece is a commission. I didn't enjoy beading this as much as I'd like to. The problem, I decided, is that when someone doesn't have any expectations it would be easier for me. I felt I needed to create something for this customer that looked like my pieces that made her want to ask me to make something just for her. I'm sure many creative artists can identify. It's complicated by the fact that I can see the evolution of my beading and I don't fancy many of the things I made in the beginning. I feel that the pieces I'm creating now are coming from a different place in me. They are more intuitive while earlier pieces came from more of a mechanical/technical place. I was "doing" the beading whereas now I'm am "being" the beading.

Anyway...here are the results.

And these are the beads that I ended up using. I've emptied the tray of the ones that tried out and didn't make it.

P.S. I learned today that new owner of this anklet is very happy with it. That makes me very happy.


Sold a Piece

I'm thrilled that this piece just sold in a small local store where I have some of my jewelry! It didn't hang around very long!


Ocean Motion Bracelet

When I'd completed the last bracelet, Elegance 2 Drop, I was excited to start the next one and this is it. I've listed it on my Etsy site, for sale. This is part of my description there:
My inspiration was the motion of the ocean which I can see and hear all day every day as I live at the shore. I've long been fascinated by the interaction of the ocean and the shore it washes over. The motion of the ocean reorganizes the composition of the shore with every wave. The bracelet is meant to reveal that one small moment when the ocean has backed away and left behind visible evidence of having been there. The next wave it's all gone and reorganized.

Now on to a commission that's been waiting while I played!


Elegance 2 Drop Peyote Bracelet

This bracelet is a continuation of the experimental process with freeform peyote stitch; this time two drop. I'm pleased with the result and learned a lot from this bracelet. I can barely wait to begin the next one! I haven't yet decided whether it's for sale or it's a gift.

It feels very soft and slinky on the arm and I imagine it with a little black dress.


Plum Delicious Earrings

This pair of earrings are the result of an experiment fooling around with two drop peyote stitch. The size of the pieces was limited by the quantity of beads but I loved the result so much that I wanted them to have a purpose. As I held them up I began to imagine them dangling and swinging...voila...earrings!


Deja Vu - Freeform Peyote Bracelet # 12

Hard to believe, but I'd put away all of the packages of beads that I used for bracelet # 11 and it was a few days later that I went through my stash to make a bracelet for a very special friend. When I look at this new bracelet, I realize it's almost a clone of the last one. Awwwww....shoot! The bracelet is fine. I like it but it's not what I really had in mind for my friend so I'll be going back to the drawing board.


Copper & Carnelian - Freeform Peyote Bracelet #11

I absolutely love working with these colours and I think this is my third bracelet using them. The beautiful coppery Delicas are my favourite! The carnelian chips were a gift from a friend that I was anxious to use and I have to say that I've really come to love carnelian. I really struggled as I worked this bracelet and wanted to tear it out almost all of the way to the end. Once again, I have to say...Persist! I think I read in Robin Atkins blogs ages ago, the advice not to rip things out and she's right!


The Blues Freeform Peyote Bracelet #10

This bracelet was a real challenge to me. For the longest time, I wasn't liking it at all. Several times, I considered cutting it apart but kept pushing myself to continue on it. It was very close to the finish before I started to be happy with how it was coming out. It proves that if I just keep working at it, it will all come together!

I'm thinking I'm going to gift this one. There is someone that I think it would be perfect for!


Lavender Free Form Peyote Bracelet #9

Another bracelet and yes, it's for sale! This is a lighter lavender than the last mauve toned bracelet I made. It includes labradorite jasper and a Swarovski crystal as well as three tiny exquisite purple flowers dangling. There is a little bit of netting stitch on one edge that enhances the balance. And I'm ready to start the next one!