
Showing posts with the label Class

Album Review: The Horned God- Volume 1 (w/ bonus Narrator Sidekick NPC!)

The Horned God are an Albuquerque “cosplay band” who create fuzz-metal. They pay tribute to the long-running fantasy comic Slaine, published for decades in 2000 AD (famous also for Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper). Slaine is a celtic Conan turned up to 11, with all of the badassery and far more magic and violence. The legendary run “The Horned God” with art by the great Simon Bisley gives the album its subject material. This is Volume 1, which the band began recording in 2012 and released in 2018. As of now there are no follow-ups, and it doesn’t look like there will be. Many a saga has begun that was too grandiose to carry to its end, and so too have many stoner metal bands made a Vol. 0 or 1 never to be followed. Do not fret, dear reader, for I will tell you of this lost gem, and why you should worship at its altar of dark druid magic and distorted rock fury. Volume: 1 by The Horned God   The band's look is GWAR-esque, but their sound is not. If anything, they sound like an over-fu...

The Coral-Folk: Reef Elves (LotFP class & monster)

This began as a Secret Santicore 2017 request for Dungeon Crawl Classics. That post has already been published here . I intended to write it up for LotFP simultaneously but since the relative power levels of the two systems are substantially different it took some time for me to write something I considered usable. The Reef Elves as written here are present in my campaign and available to players. Reef Elves live below. Some, it is said, have never seen the sunlight, so deep are they beneath the waves.They take many forms, when it suits their purpose: as fish, as half-fish merfolk, or when they take to land, as bipeds nearly indistinguishable from common elves but for the coral growths down their spine, which they are careful to keep hidden. Deep, hidden in dark crevices and the lava floes of mountains long consumed by the sea, they reside in their reefs; they live among the coral and foster its growth. The coral makes their homes, their tools, and their altars. ...

Monster/Class: Reef Elves (statted for DCC)

Nothing particularly sea-themed about this band except the name, but they're fucking killer live. The Curse That Is by Graves At Sea I created the Reef Elves as part of the 2017 Secret Santicore for a dude who wanted some previously undiscovered aquatic elves for Dungeon Crawl Classics. They're also statted for Lamentations of the Flame Princess as both class and monster here . Reef Elves live below. Some, it is said, have never seen the sunlight, so deep are they beneath the waves.They take many forms, when it suits their purpose: as fish, as half-fish merfolk, or when they take to land, as bipeds nearly indistinguishable from common elves but for the coral growths down their spine, which they are careful to keep hidden. Deep, hidden in dark crevices and the lava floes of mountains long consumed by the sea, they reside in their reefs; they live among the coral and foster its growth. The coral makes their homes, their tools, and their altars. On these altars are th...

The Lucky Idiot

This class is for the player who doesn’t know the rules, or doesn’t care. The player who fucks around and clashes with the tone of the campaign, who’s both annoying and entertaining. It’s a way for them to engage and let them attempt all the stupid shit they want, with astronomical odds and entertainment more in mind than success. Their actions are more or less confined to themselves; they shouldn’t get the opportunity to derail the campaign for other players, but should have the ability to get creative and weird. And the Ref gets to have fun describing the effects of their antics, whether they succeed and baffle the other players and NPCs with their oddity, fail spectacularly, or take place entirely in the imagination of the Lucky idiot while something completely different occurs in reality. The Lucky Idiot can break the laws of physics and attempt actions that are impossible for other characters. Jump off of a cliff and bounce off the bottom like a trampoline? Check. Throw a sw...