Fun Saturday

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Love the weekend. Love sleeping in. Hate the fact that we slept like NOTHING last night. So all of a sudden, in 2012 it seems we got a new neighbor or he got new friends and they decide on the weekends to party and drink outside at all hours of the night while talking VERY LOUDLY. No music, just like load chatter to the point we can hear their conversations. We have already called the cops, Blaine shut down their power once and other neighbors yell "be quiet!" but these people (who are young) don't seem to get the message! I got a headache from their annoyingness and hated it so much that we moved to the guest bedroom to sleep...can you believe that?!! Our guest bedroom bed is tiny and what we once thought was an amazing mattress is soooo uncomfortable it squeaks haha. So we took a NAP there for like 2-3 hours and around 5 am we moved back into our own bed. Then we just slept until like 8! What gives! We had breakfast, Blaine did hw, I cleaned the house like a mad woman, did grocery shopping and then we were off around 4. Blaine went to work on the race car and I hung out with my mom as Michelle was having her formal and I took just a few pictures inside. It was dark and raining cats and dogs so no luck to pretty pictures today but oh well! She looked beautiful as always and Mitchell is always the gentleman that he is. Hope they had fun! Mom and I then did dinner at Olive Garden, watched Footloose 2011 and skimmed through Footloose 1960 something....or whatever long time ago haha I LOVED IT! Blaine picked me up and we crashed :)

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