Trick or Treat!

Kavya and Karthik went trick-or-treating yesterday night to cap off a fun Halloween. Kavya was Ariel, the Little Mermaid, while Karthik, true to his nature, was dressed up as a li'l Monster. Had some trouble getting him to wear the headgear but he let it stay on for a while once he got used to it. Needless to say, they looked extra-adorable :-)
After the costume-preview during our party last weekend, Kavya got another chance to dress up yesterday afternoon since she had the Halloween parade in her school. That was a fun affair as always - a sea of color with the kids(and their teachers) dressed up in a wide variety of costumes.
In the evening, they raided the houses in our neighborhood for candy. Our neighborhood is mostly made up of older families with kids in high school or older. So my li'l ones didn't have much competition and got a pretty good haul. In a couple of houses, the inmates had simply left the front door open and laid the candy out in the living room. The kids were expected to simply go in and help themselves... Haven't seen that before! Must be a really safe neighborhood.
As expected, Kavya turned out to be shy one. She took a few steps back once each door opened and barely whispered the traditional "Trick or Treat!". But Karthik strode forward purposefully once he realized that people were giving out something! The usual anxiety in the presence of strangers was nowhere to be seen as he actually smiled at people, stretched out his hands and came out of each house with a candy clutched tight in both his tiny hands!
hi bb ... m frm india.. so i know abt halloween only frm the internet. The kids look cute in those costumes. 'specially the younger one and the elder one has a cute smile. But oru chinna dbt. Did u purchase these costumes ? If yes .. wil they use it again ? wen wil they use it ? kandippa adutha varusham ithe vesham poda maataanga thaane ? coz.. wen i was a kid myself.. i insisted my mom on giving me a different saree or costume every year for navratri golu (ovvoru naalum ovvoru vesham :) ..).. so it wil b wid them also , rite ?
But neways... its fun to c them in those dresses ....
B : Good snap !
No book reviews for a long time .Waiting t c some :-)
Karthik is a mini B, at least in this shot. Cute kids.
Kavya will outgrow her shyness soon. My older did that too.
They both are just adorable & so cute, Balaji. I have heard about people leaving the candy basket at the doorstep outside the house but like you too have said, this is the first time I am reading about people leaving their houses open :) Should definitely be a very safe neighbourhood to be able to do that.
cute snaps...yes, Karthik definitely has "mischief" written all over his face!! kavya looks very cute in the, do u get to eat any of the candy or do they finish it in a few days?!
Absolutely adorable.
But you know what, I always thought little kids look cute, but something about your daughter's smile makes me already think pretty. Your definetely going to have your hands full with her when she grows up, I mean if she looks pretty not cute when she's 6. Good luck to ya!
(thrishti suthi podungo)
I agree with Sivajini, Balaji.. Drishti Suththi pOdungO! :-).. But you have to admit, Karthik may resemble you (my god, what thiruttuthanam in those eyes! You must have your hands full with his pranks!), but Kavya looks like Anu and there's no doubt about it.. Boy, these two are growing so fast.. I feel that same way about my daughter, Mahalakshmi, too.. They are growing at the speed of light and we are growing older at the speed of light with them! ;-)
Very nics pics.. thanks for posting them..
cute costumes! especially the little monster :)
anon, yeah we did purchase them. a bunch of halloween stores selling costumes and other stuff comes up around this time. and yeah they won't be wearing the same things again. we have all their halloween costumes from past yrs with us still and these get added to the pile :)
quill, thanx :) and its nice to c someone looks fwd to book reviews too on here. i have 2 books on my to-read list(collectors, mephisto club) and i'm in the queue for both in the library. so li'l more wait :)
munimma, thanx... i think :)
filbert, that was my thot too :)
ram, we're pretty strict about kavya eating the candy. so we might even have some left over for next halloween :)
sivajini, lol thanx :)
sandya, thats the exact look+smile he has when he does something that he knows is naughty and shouldnt be doing!! so don't know whether to mirattify him or hug him :)
u still owe me a pic :)
anjali, thanx :)
enga veetla oru kutti cindrella (this year again) and another kuttu bunny : )
i however missed to be in US on this very special day !!
hope to make it up next year : )
ariel seems to be a good idea - i will try to convince my niece next year something else other than cindrella :D
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