King Kong

King Kong is a glorious spectacle that offers something for everybody and even more amazingly, does all of it right. There are edge-of-your seat action sequences that are pure rushes of adrenaline; there are emotion-filled quiet moments that make you smile; there are clever lines that deliver hearty chuckles; there are shots that make you form a lump in your throat; and there are creepy scenes that gross you out very effectively. All of these come together in a film that turns a monster movie into a near-epic. Forget the lapses in logic and just sit back, relax and be amazed!
Though I haven't seen either of the two previous versions, the outline of the story was pretty familiar to me. Anne(Naomi Watts) is part of a film crew that sails to a hitherto undiscovered island to get some new locations for their film. Anne is captured by the tribals living there and offered as a sacrifice to a giant gorilla that lives there. The ape takes her but eventually turns protector, saving her from other dangers in the forest. The film crew, now without a movie to return with, see a bigger prize in the giant ape. So they capture it and take it back to New York, where it becomes a spectacle on Broadway.
Its actually quite a while(more than an hour) before we get our first glimpse of what we've come to see. It takes that long for the cast to get together and sail to Skull Island. But this allows us to get to know the characters so that there is a twinge of sadness when even a minor character dies. And even this prologue is not all character development. It features a terrific shipwreck and a genuinely scary encounter with the locals.
King Kong takes special effects to a whole new level. I've read in several places that the big ape was created solely using CGI but I still don't believe it! Every wrinkle on his face is detailed with incredible clarity and his eyes mirror so many emotions. And smaller movements like the casual way he flips Anne onto his shoulder or his languid grace as he leaps from ledge to ledge almost make us believe he is real.Truly an incredible creation that makes other recent CGI-only creatures like Gollum, Doby and Jar-Jar Binks pale in comparison.
Ofcourse the special effects are used in the aid of the spectacular visuals in many other sequences. Sequences like the fight with the T-Rexs, the retreat of the hunters as they are beaten back by Kong and the subsequent fight with the bugs, and the ape's angry rampage down a New York street are breathtaking. If I were to point out a couple of places where Peter Jackson went over-the-top, they would be the dinosaurs chasing the film crew and falling over each other(a little too ambitious) and the climax(a little too long).
But the movie also has heart and that makes it more than just a special effects extravaganza. The near-humanness of Kong makes us feel for him. We laugh when he treats Anne like a toy and we feel real sympathy when we see him helpless in shackles. The relationship between Kong and Anne is developed very naturally and is marked by some real sweet scenes. Even the mentor-student relationship between a couple of the supporting characters touches a chord.
The human actors are dwarfed, both literally and figuratively, by the gorilla but it is to their credit that some still manage to make a mark. Naomi Watts looks very beautiful and credit goes to her, the cinematographer and the casting director for making her look every inch the movie star of a previous era. She has to use just her eyes to reflect all her changing attitudes towards King Kong and she does so superbly. Jack Black is way less wacky than he usually is but it is an inspired casting decision. The little zaniness that peeks out at times makes his almost-suicidal devotion to his craft very believable. In retrospect, he is the real villain of the piece but there are times when we admire rather than loathe him. Adrian Brody is genuine but pretty flat. His chemistry with Naomi seems rather weak, especially when compared to the chemistry between Naomi and a special effects creation who she never saw during the shooting!
Long Live The King Kong!
bb, add me to the king kong fan club! i loved the movie....thot the sfx were amazing...
totally agree with u over the fact that king kong was absolutely 'real.' technology has improved sooo much eh, very good very good!
I havent seen the movie yet.. But plan to watch it this weekend. Well this is perhaps the best review I have heard about this movie so far. A friend of mine commented it is like another Vijayakanth movie with King kong replacing Vijayakanth :) n e wayz.. my comments on the movie after I watch it :)
Kingkong is a racy movie to watch, especially the fight b/w the dinosarus and Kingkong.
But the storyline completely matches with our KadhalKonden. The climax is very much matching with the Kathalkonden. If you compare the fight between the Kingkong and dinosarus to the fight between dhanush and the friend (in Toilet), who tried to destroy sonia agarwal, then you can say English KK (KingKong) is same as Tamil KK (KathalKonden)..
Still many more things are there to co0mpare between both the movies.
Hope somebody from Tamilnadu may be in Technical crew :-))
But each and every shot is awesome.
Kingkong oda Kannula theriyura Kathal erukke..hiyyo..athaiyum thandi punithamanathu..(Hope u know Kathalkonden have the traces of Guna)
Exactly the same way as I felt after watching the movie(all the highlights and a couple of -ves). IMHO credit should also be given to the actor Andy Serkis for the expressions and actions of King Kong.He was the man behind Gollum also.Hopefully he gets rewarded for whatever he has done.
must be the first time i disagree with you fully!
I disliked most of the action scenes you told about, since some of them were quite repelling (scenes with bugs and worms!) and also it seemed so illogical for every animal to try and eat these people. Dinosaur fight was good, but it was too prolonged and again i found it very illogical. i have explained the reasons in my blog.
I have not watched many cgi movies, but more 10 yrs ago, we had excellent graphics in 'Jurassic park'. Of course it didn't have any close-ups or emotions of dinosaurs, but i was expecting that this should be possible after 10 yrs. Anyway such affection between a gorilla and a girl was itself appearing so unlikely that graphics couldn't convince me.
i didn't even find the movie fully entertaining. u can check out the review at my blog.
venkat/karthik, 'king kong' was 1st made in the 30s and then the 70s. in the 30s version the girl didn't reciprocate KK's affections but in the 70s version, she did. so selvaraghavan copy adichaan solringala?! Note panningala... even initials of the 2 movies are the same!!
vidya, hope your friend was kidding because thats the weakest comparison!! will wait for your comments :)
srivat, read somewhere that andy serkis acted in the role of the cook. did u know that?
nivas, did read your review even earlier. regarding your comments here, the repelling scene is a matter of taste since i felt it was within limits. and i already mentioned that u should not look for logic. i mean, u can't really look for logic in a movie about a 25-feet ape, right?? i felt the movie was an amazing ride and i was breathless after each action sequence. after a very very long time, i really wanna see a movie on the big screen a 2nd time...
I knew that.
He is the cook Lumpy - with a Cigar,Kind of one-eyed and dies in the fight with the bugs.Looks like he has gained some extra pounds for this movie.May be because he has to enact King Kong :-).
I havent seen this yet. But for those who saw the Lord of the Rings trilogy on screen like me, is the special effects in the film still mindblowing? If not, I will give it a skip
Hmm i absolutely loved the movie. Remembered watching a big ape as a toddler but i am happy i don't remember anything more coz this movie was an amazing experience. Only snag being, I loved watched Aragorn ride his horse slowly but to watch some scenes in slo-mo here kinds bugged me.
Of course as always, i was the only nut in the theatre cheering when KK hit those dinosaurs and airplanes :D
Nice review. I colloborate :D
vijay, i too saw all 3 LOTR movies on the big screen. I would say the special effects here r on the same level but more subtle. With LOTR, we knew it is a fantasy and the graphics were extravagant to bring a fantasy world to life. Here, the effects r more intimate. as i mentioned, they go towards making the ape more lifelike and believable. so they r still mindblowing but can't compare them to LOTR.
kumari, haven't seen the other versions. but read the KK was a model in the 1st one and a man in a gorilla suit in the 2nd. as ram said, the movie's a pretty clear example of how much technology has improved...
I took my 6 yr old to the movie (his first outing to a multiplex) - I was initially apprehensive because of the movie's PG-13 status.
But, he really loved the movie and
wants to see it again on the big screen.
Balaji, I agree with you on the review, even though the film's length could've been easily reduced by 30-45 mins.
i seem to be a lone voice here, but anyway i would continue!
to reply to ur comments, when i say logic, i actually mean a kind of "internal consistency" - whether the movie appears logical after assuming there is a 25 foot ape. And ofcourse i was thinking of all this during the movie, which meant that the movie really didn't hold on to my attention, to cover the logic holes.
Anyway as u told its a matter of personal choice, so this is just my opinion.
Belated new year wishes saar :)
We went for King Kong on Friday night and got seats in the second row. Was apprehensive about seeing King Kong so close, but ended up straining my neck to see most of the movie though. I wasn't brave enough to see too much of the tribal folks and ended up closing my eyes for that part.
Overall, well made with great sound effects and total nerve wracking action.
Finally, Happy New Year to your family and am back to my blogging in 2006.
anon, 6 yrs? i'm surprised he loved the movie. i would've thot the scenes with the tribals and the bugs would've been really scary for him. those scenes had me wondering how the film got by with a PG-13...
nivas, yeah i know what u mean. when u say "i was thinking about all this during the movie", thats the key. the movie swept me along and i didnt ask questions until i was driving home. i guess that was the difference...
mitr, welcome back. and a very happy new year to you and your family too...
Is it CGI or SGI? Think its the latter..
anon, its CGI - Computer Generated Imagery. Check here :)
ONe of the reviews that I read about King Kong said this is how Peter Jackson would have directed the "The Hulk" :). Like you said I was impressed with KK's expressions and show of emotions. The movie was a little bit long though.
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