Friday Jumble - 4
First unscramble the 4 words(no plurals). Then unscramble the circled letters to answer the riddle below.
"CYA" Note: Some of the words may have multiple answers :-)

On movies, books, music, technology, family, humor, travel and everything in between
excellllllent, balaji...and undoubtedly, the most challenging one till now...have sent u a mail...
really, realllly enjoyed this one...thanks for 'waking me up' on a friday afty!
Naan idhai Gavaskar style-le outside the off stump "well-left" delivery aakkida poren. Requires too much of something that I normally don't have or use that often :-)
found the answer without looking at the clues.. sorry.. had even back calculated letters on number 2 and was still struggling to figure that one.. finally got it.
good one.
ram, thanx :) glad u found it fun!
priya, thanx! guess this shows how the ease/difficulty varies from 1 person to next!
thennavan, ivlo modesty vendaame! sure if u try, adichu nimuthiduveenga!
sundar, was hoping people wouldnt guess the answer to the riddle first since it isn't that common. anyway, glad atleast 1 of the words posed a challenge :)
hey, bb, u didnt tell me if i got it rite!
i had difficulty on the 3rd word. nice puzzle. found it to be more difficult than the other ones. let me know if i got the answers right.
sk, i'm sure u did. u didnt email the answers did u?
veejay, glad to hear that. that was the intention since most found the last one too easy :)
ram/mitr/sumant/kaps/sk - thanx for the emails. needless to say, all of u got the answers :)
(a play of words on 'bird of prey').
good 1 balaji!thought the 2nd one was "radon" ;) and hence didnt complete!
rama, but 'radon' is a proper noun isn't it? defly no proper nouns in any of the words :)
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