Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

The book is about Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts, the wizarding school. On the personal front, he learns to acknowledge his feelings for Ginny, Ron's sister, while at the same time, trying to make Ron and Hermione acknowledge their real feelings for each other. And on the wizarding front, he finally learns the secret behind Voldemort's immortality and the way to vanquish him.
The book spends a lot of time on Harry's personal life. I guess romance and hormones and members of the opposite sex do play a major part in any teenager's school-life and that's whats been reflected here. But I was bored. The first few incidents of Harry's jealousy over Ginny's boyfriend and Ron and Hermione's masking of feelings for each other were cute because we are so familiar with their history. But it tended to get irritating after a while and seemed more like a tactic to increase the number of pages. But what keeps us reading through all this is Rowling's amazing imagination as her words take us to a whole new world. The way she gives magical touches to everyday items and the fantastic places she conjures up are simply brilliant.
The first half of the book is also slow since not much happens. There are a frustratingly large number of things left hanging. And Rowling resorts to some obvious methods to prolong the suspense. For example, I lost count of the number of times Dumbledore tells Harry that he will tell him the story behind his injured hand "when the time is right".
The chapter titled 'Horcruxes' is the most important in the book and also the point from which the book really takes off. The remaining part of the book really defines the term(which I have made up!) 'un-putdownable'. Questions are answered and loose ends are tied up in this portion of the book and there are some nice surprises like the explanations for some rather ordinary happenings(like people dropping items) and Malfoy's girlfriends. The sequence in the cave is definitely the best part of this section(and hence, of the book itself). It is amazingly visualized and written and the vividness with which Rowling brings the scene before our eyes is testimony to her literary skill. And the end of the chapter, when Dumbledore says "I'm with you Harry!", literally brought goosebumps on my skin. This is the stuff classics are made of!
The book ends on a rather downbeat note but in a way that will make all Potter fans wait for the last book with tongues hanging out! Its just so frustrating that it is 3 long years away...
Are you sure it's going to be 3 years:-(!!!
I was estimating 2 years max(and secretly hoping not even that long)...this is devastating...3 years...
Great review, Balaji !! Very nicely put .......
3 years ????? No way !! I'll be grown up by then !!
Finally, eh? :-)
Sorry to nitpick, but I have to point this out - There are a frustratingly large number of things left hanging.
I need to read it once more, at a slow pace to get the whole of it. But as you say, she has a vivid way of bringing things to life for the readers.
anon, i thot i was 2 yrs too. then read on a couple of blogs and some other spot that it was gonna be 3 :-(
ruchi, thanx! u'll be grown up? lets hope not :-) those who have tell me its not much fun ;-)
munimma, actually that line was only about the 1st half. there r usually a few things open to keep u reading but i felt there were a bit too many here. and the techniques she used to prolong the suspense were quite irritating :)
aiyyyooo, naan atha sollalai :-)
It is a question of are vs is :-P
munimma, en englishil kutramaa?! :-)
i know i used 'large' but "number of things" still indicates discrete, countable things. so should still be 'are' right?
I don't know. I remember asking about this to our English prof (remember the one who conked out?) in our first year and I am pretty sure he said "is" - "is a" and "are many"
ok vaapas, :-)
I found this explanation - nouns of multitude
whew! :-)
the link made interesting reading... am in the middle of a book on punctuation right now! will write about it once i'm done...
which one, eats shoots and leaves? :-) I remember there was another such book recently.
Yep, I like reading these things too.
yep, thats the one :) makes for real good reading. and learning a few things along the way too!
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