Angel Island
Spent a fun day at Angel Island on Saturday. The island itself doesn't have much to see but has a bit of history(its the "Ellis Island of the West") and a number of biking and hiking trails that offer views of San Francisco and the bay. Not sure if it would've been the right place if it was just me, my wife and our daughter. But it was a fun place for a group picnic and I played a li'l bit of volleyball, ate the (catered) barbeque lunch, went on a small hike and took a tram tour of the island with my daughter.
Here are some pictures from the trip [you can see larger versions by clicking on the pics - Highly Recommended :-) ]
The ferry to the island

View of Golden Gate Bridge from the ferry

"The Rock" i.e. Alcatraz

Seagulls over our ferry

Seagull resting its wings on the ferry

Sailboats docked at Angel Island

A wildflower on the island

Downtown San Francisco (with Alcatraz in the foreground)

View of the bay (with supposedly multimillion dollar houses in the background)

Another flower found on the island

bj, why no pics of family or friends? these pics are nice but boring (gosh, i'm so mean!)
Very nice! Somebody took the time to compose those shots. The picture of that bird is pretty good. Fill-flash would have made it more impressive. I take it no polarizer was used. It will be another month till we see weather like that in Boston.
hi balaji...this is prasanna....all the snaps luk really gud....the seagull snap might be the pick of the lot.....maybe u cld also have a section where in u cld post more of some professional snaps which u ve taken....and which i had the privilege of luking at.....
ram, didnt take too many pics of family and friends actually. but i did think that those would be the boring ones for readers here!
gopi, nope no polarizer. just the plain ol' lens on my plain ol' A70.
Lovely pictures you've got there Balaji. I dont think these are boring at all. :). Looks like you had a lovely with your friends and family!
Take care
thanx merino. knowing your interest in photography, i was surprised u hadn't seen(or atleast commented about) them yet :-)
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I didnt realized you've put up pictures. But when I found them I was quite surprised that I didnt notice them soon enough.You know the last picture you posted... Do you know what kinda flower it is? IT reminds me a of a giant rice clump. I dunno why it intrigues me :P
The seagull resting, looks quite comfy right there... Must be enjoying the wind on its feathers :)
Also, the purple wild flower, at first glace I thought it was a sea slug or something... Hehehe...
merino, the last one actually had an interesting name-'rattlesnake flower' or something like that since it rattled when u shook it. not sure of the technical name though.
i was planning on going closer to the seagull to get a macro shot. But a lady tempted it with some crumbs and it flew away :(
nice pics..balaji
Hey Beautiful Pics...Reminds me of my trip last weekend ;-))
Awasome place and SFO is sooo
beautiful :-))
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