Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kailyn Update

A quick update on Kailyn. Kailyn has dearly missed her old friends in Toledo, OH but has adjusted well to her new school. Her teacher says she is really nice to everyone and gets along well with the other kids. She continues to love to read and can't seem to get enough of it. She has become very affectionate. She loves to give hugs and kisses. The other day Ken dropped the girls off at school on his way to work and she kept saying 'I love you' over and over to Ken and giving him hugs and in the process completely forgot to grab her backpack.

She seems to have recently had a growth spurt. She got brand new pants just before school started and they already look short. She is acting so much older too. She is convinced she wants to get her ears pierced (this from the girl that can't even watch others get shots).

She recently had her tonsils checked out. The comment from the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor "those are some weird looking tonsils." They are HUGE and perfectly round. Right now they don't seem to be causing enough problems to warrant removal (she doesn't get strep or infections).


Ken had the day off so we decided to take the boys to the zoo.

Caden loved this bird. Wherever he put his hand on the glass, the bird would peck at it.

Chase was more cautious of the pecking bird.

Playing around on the gorilla statue.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


For Family Home Evening we talked about being thankful.  Everyone in the family took a few minutes to write down why they were thankful for others in the family.  Here is what everyone said (other than Chase who doesn't say much right now).

Caden said...
Dad: He lets me help.
Mom:  Cause she helps dad.
Kailyn: She lets me play 'I Spy.'
Jordan: She helps Dad.
Chase: He shared the last sucker with me.

Jordan said...
Dad: I like the dinner he made for us today.
Mom: Makes dinner for us.  She does everything for us.  She cleans up.
Kailyn: She's a great friend.  I like to play with her.
Caden: Such a sharer-because he shared his chocolate with me a little.
Chase: He's so cute. I love his cute smile and his grumpy smile.
Unborn baby: That she's going to join our family.  That she kicks Mom and sometimes I can feel it.

Kailyn said...
Dad: His hard work to get money.
Mom: Here yummy food.
Jordan: She is so nice.
Caden: His imagination.
Chase: I like to play tag with him and hide-and-seek.

Mom said...
Dad: He makes me laugh and is always willing to help.
Kailyn: She works really hard at school and loves to learn.
Jordan: She loves to surprise people with little notes or acts of kindness.
Caden:I love his imagination.
Chase: The funny things he says (like anytime he sees someone in the family he gets excited and says, "Hi, Chase!").  He always makes me laugh.

Dad said...
Mom: She helps me understand.  She sees things from the perspective of "why are they doing this?"
Kailyn: Smile; dimple; tries to be a good example.
Jordan: Proud of work
Caden: Plays pretend and tells me what's on his mind.
Chase: Love how he says, "Hi, Chase!"  Puts diapers away.
Unborn baby: Turned her head for the 3D ultrasound.

Kailyn's Well Child Check

Here are the stats from Kailyn's 7 year old well child check.

Height: 48.5" (50th percentile)
Weight: 55 lbs (65th percentile)

(Yes. a little late.  It has taken us little while to settle in and then it took awhile to find a new doctor.)

Friday, November 19, 2010


These kids love to paint.

Chase, 20 months

Jordan, 5 years old.

Kailyn, 7 years old.

Caden, 4 years old.

Caden's Well Child Check

Here are the stats from Caden's 4 year well child check.

Height: 39.25 inches
Weight: 35 lbs

He is in the 50th percentile for weight but has dropped to the 25th percentile for height (he was in the 50th percentile).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Park

We love to be outside. The weather has been unseasonable warm here and it has been wonderful! We have been checking out all of the great playgrounds in the area. Here are some pictures from a few weeks ago.

Caden loves sliding down the fireman pole. He is such a busy body it is hard to get a picture of him.

Jordan loves the glider and monkey bars...

She has developed horrible blisters on her palms...

Yet she continues, despite the pain (mom and dad have tried to tell her to give her hands a break so they can heal, but she just can't help herself).

Chase loves to do everything his big sisters and brother are doing. He has no fear.

Our sweet Kailyn. Also a glider and monkey bar enthusiasts.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kailyn's Field Trip

Ken's schedule is all over the place, in terms of what days he works and what hours. This is not convenient at times but has made it nice for doctor appointments and being able to help at the girls' school (if it is his day off he gets to watch the 2 boys). I was incharge of Jordan's Halloween party this year (sorry no pictures, I forgot the camera in the car) and a field trip for Kailyn (see pictures below).

Kailyn covering a bagel in shortening to make a bird feeder.

Part of her class hard at work on their bird feeders.

They were learning about birds so they went outside to find some birds. Binoculars made everything so much more fun to look at.

Looking at beaks, feet and feathers of different birds.

At the end they played a game where they pretended to be migrating birds. Kailyn is in the orange hat and is one of the hunters.

Eating Ice Cream

The kids won some free ice cream. Yum! Yum! They sure enjoyed it.


Caden, Jordan, Kailyn

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Over Labor Day weekend we decided we wanted to go hiking. So we called a few people to see if they would want to meet up with us. Well, one family said they were actually going camping and that we should join them. We are so glad they invited us, because we had a lot of fun!! I did horrible at picture taking. I didn't get picture of the kids two favorite activities 1) smore's and the campfire 2) fishing (their kids brought fishing gear and our kids had so much fun watching and even trying).

Chase was fascinated with the our new flashlight, even before it was turned on. He kept looking into it. Ken decided to turn it on to see what he would do... he kept looking right into it.

Jordan and Kailyn with 3 of the Ulrich kids.

We did get a little hike in. The kids loved the rock climbing at the end.

Jordan on her way up.

See Jordan with her hands up (in the middle of the picture)? She is only half way up.

Here is a picture of the whole rock. The kids had a lot fun climbing up. You can't see from this picture, but they did not climb straight up the rocky front, around the side was a little pathway that made it a little easier to get up.

This is Caden and his very forced smile. He didn't sleep so great the night before.

Helping Daddy

To allow us to park our car in the garage and yet still be able to store some things in there, we decided to build a shelf in our garage. The kids had fun helping Daddy.

Teasing Dad by trying to hide from him.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Apple Picking

Trying to do some catching up. Here are some pictures from apple picking from the first of October.