Dear Friends,
I wanted to show you my Mini Muffin Basket once again. I demonstrate this basket in my YouTube videos and take you through it step by step in how to weave it. Just go to my YouTube channel and follow right along! I call this a Mini Muffin Basket because it is just the right size to hold 6 mini muffins or 2 large muffins. You could also put a large muffin and a small bag of coffee in it.
Get you weaving supplies ready. You will need the following:
- 5/8" flat reed
- 3/8" flat reed
- 1/4" flat reed
- #3 round reed
That's it! Only four sizes needed for this sweet basket.
As always, if you would like to view any of my baskets, you can visit my YouTube channel at
We finish our basket! Today we do the final step to our braided rim and we put the bow on the front. Enjoy your basket! If you've made this basket I'd love to see a picture of it.
As always, this and all my videos are on my youtube channel HERE.
Happy Weaving,
The next step here in our braided rim.
Happy Weaving,
We are continuing on with our braided rim in this video.
Happy Weaving,
In today's video I will get you started with creating the first step of your braided rim.
Enjoy and Happy Weaving,
Hi Friends,
In today's video we get started with our braided rim. Today we will be inserting the round reed into our twining in preparation to braid.
Happy Weaving,
Ooooo....It's just after Halloween and I have my scary face on! ; - )
In this video we twine the top to prepare for our braided rim.
Don't forget to post your projects for the week HERE. We want to know what you are working on!
Happy Weaving,
In today's video I will be weaving up the sides of the basket.
Remember those clothespins are your extra hands so use plenty of them for the first couple of rows. Also remember to keep each row packed down tightly.
Hope you are weaving along with me!
Hi Friends,
In this video we will finish the base. That will include tucking in the fillers, twining a keeper row and upsetting the stakes.
Happy Weaving,
In today's video I show how to weave a solid base using fillers.
Happy Weaving,
Dear Friends,
We will begin weaving a new basket shortly. It is my "Mini Muffin Basket."
Get you weaving supplies ready. You will need the following:
- 5/8" flat reed
- 3/8" flat reed
- 1/4" flat reed
- #3 round reed
That's it! Only four sizes needed for this sweet basket.
As always, if you would like to view any of my baskets, you can visit my YouTube channel at
Hi Basket Weaving Friends,
In today's video we finish the handle wrapping and I show you how to splice a wrap. I really try hard to get a piece of reed long enough to do the entire handle, but sometimes that just doesn't happen so here is how to splice it. Also, be sure to get creative when wrapping your handles. I just showed you one example, but you can do any design you like. If you have some pictures of wrapped handles, leave me a comment and I will link to you so others can see your baskets as well!
Be sure to visit my YouTube channel for all my videos HERE.
Happy Weaving,
In this video we begin doing a decorative wrap on our basket handle. I also show you how to splice your wrapper.
As always, you may find all my videos on my YouTube channel HERE.
Happy Weaving,
hahaha!!! Could I have a sillier face in this video! Seriously, I need to get some sort of video editor. Hope my picture makes you smile ; - )
In this video we begin lashing the rim of our basket.
In this video I show how to taper and thin the reed on the rim where it overlaps so that it becomes just one thickness. I get the rim and filler in place. This video runs just over 6 minutes. You can watch it here on the blog as well as on YouTube and all my videos are together in one place on my YouTube channel.
Happy weaving!
In this video I show you cutting and tucking of your spokes and how to form your handle. As always, if you want to see all my videos in order you may visit my YouTube channel at
Happy Weaving,
In this video I show how to weave the sides of a round basket. Remember you can see this and view all my other videos in order so that you may weave along with me on my YouTube channel at:
Enjoy and Happy Weaving,
In this video we continue to twine and we are adding four more spokes to our base. This video shows how we incorporate those spokes into our existing base.
Happy Weaving,
In this video we will be weaving a round berry basket with integrated handle. This video starts explaining the base and how to twine a round base. You can also view it, and my other videos on my YouTube channel
I have to say one more thing. I know that the sound and the picture are not in sync with each other and it drives me nuts, but I have no clue what to do to prevent it. If any of you could tell me, I would be so appreciative. So for now, just look at my hands and the reed and not my mouth as you listen.
Enjoy and Happy Weaving.
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Some of the links/codes on this blog are affiliate links, which means if you chose to make a purchase using my links, I will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. I recommend these products because I have found them to be helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make.
Every product I recommend, I use myself.