I am thrilled to have received the Domestic Witch Blog Award from my very talented friend Pattee of Odd-Dolls . Please check out her blog to see her work. Her pieces are quirky, charming and absolutely enchanting.
I'm not too sure about the magical housecrafting part of this award - magically messy maybe! I sure do love the striped stockings and shoes though and I love the fact that Pattee honoured me by presenting two other bloggers and myself with this.
In keeping with the award rules, I am going to pass this along to three other artists/bloggers, and they are:
*Angela, Angela Recada
*Abi, An Angel At My Table
*Julie, When the Spirit Moves Me
Please do yourself a favour and check out these blogs!
Now I'm off to notify these ladies. It was very tough to only list three as there are so many of my blogger friends that I know are also deserving of this award.