Showing posts with label childhood cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label childhood cancer. Show all posts

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Palm Sunday

We were off to a nearly late start this morning but made it just in time for church. It's our second week of being back  I feel Him. We needed this, and Him and even though the reason for us being drawn back to our faith isn't ideal. I still feel it's a blessing and I thank Him many times daily.

 We walked down to the park yesterday and there was a little girl with a bunny and our hearts melted. I've always wanted to get a bunny for the kids and this sure didn't help.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

4 years

Today. Today marks 4 years. It doesn't feel that long though, to be honest. I can still remember where I was standing in the house when I was told over the phone that my 8m old baby had cancer. I can remember what outfit Grayson had on.
Those feeling, emotions, all still very raw. Even 4 years later.
I could go into detail what all we went through, but if you haven't been down this road, there is no way in hell you would have a clue.
Today, I challenge you to not complain. Not once. Hug your children. Be kind. Be generous. Be thoughtful.
‪#‎Graylove‬ ‪#‎warrior‬ ‪#‎survivor‬ ‪#‎childhoodcancer‬ ‪#‎myhero‬ ‪#‎supergray‬ ‪#‎celebratetoday

Saturday, August 11, 2012

No More Chemo

Such a big and emotional day for us! The day we've waited for, dreamed of, and for so long it felt an eternity away.
We can officially say - Grayson is done with chemo! Thursday was his very last day!! I keep thinking about the damn scans though! Blah!!! Big "Fuck You" to cancer! Oh, and I know this sounds crazy, but the 'end' of treatment is really going to be hard to adjust to! I swear I'm on a rollercoaster ride with ups and downs every few minutes! I thought the oncologist was kidding when she said a lot of parents have a really hard time at the end of treatment. Who would have thought?!  LOL

Exactly 14 months!

Looking forward to not having to spend so much time at the Oncology clinic!!! Yay!! We do go back in 6 weeks for a followup and they are throwing a little party for him there. Isn't that sweet?! So much fun!!

I am trying to think of things to distract my mind from wandering to those anooying and fun-sucking 'what if' thoughts. I know I do need to start getting school supplies and clothes for the girls. They are coming back on the 26th and school will start on the 4th. I'm going to let them pick out some stuff and will have to wait for stuff like shoes and jeans to make sure they can try them on first. So now I just need to find something to do in the mean time! I feel like I need to go do something, but Grayson has to wait at least 3 weeks before we go do anything to extremem with lots of people/kids. He needs some time to get a decent ANC and let that immune system start to bounce back.

Thank you for following!

Gracie Joles Day

Happy Gracie Joles Day!  Gracie had the same tumor Grayson had and even had the same oncology doctor. We've grown close to Graci...