Wednesday, June 16, 2010

big girl panties

Check it out! Riley is potty trained - 100%! On Friday we threw away all of her diapers (and then I dug them out of the garbage and hid them away for John), put on her princess panties and told her to keep them dry. She had two accidents right away and that was it - she figured it out. She's been shopping, ran errands, been out for a few meals, drove to North Bend and back, been on a playdate, and to a birthday party and hasn't had an accident. I couldn't be prouder. The only problem we have is that she's figured out that if she tells me she has to go potty I'll drop whatever I am doing to go with her so sometimes she tells me she has to go potty just to get my attention. I am okay with it though, I'd rather take a few extra trips to the bathroom than clean up a bunch of accidents.


Heather Conniff said...

she is a proud pantie owner, she is soooo cute! good job momma w/ the potty training. I've heard its really hard work.