Friday, June 25, 2010

last day of gymnastics

Riley had her final day of her gymanstics class last week. She got her first ever report card - lots of rave reviews (seriously do they really expect me to believe they're grading her skills?? she's 2?!) Apparently she's on track for the 2025 olympics.

Being awarded her end of the year...FRISBEE? Sort of random?
Stamps from teacher - her favorite part of class.
Balancing with Daddy - we're getting her ready for ski season
Jumping in the 'castle'
Learning how to evade law enforcement.

Jump. Jump. Jump. Another favorite.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I'd say he's filling out...

Nail Fingers

Riley LOVES to have her 'nail finger' and 'toe-nail fingers' painted. Last week, after her bath, she got her nails painted in the backyard!

He Smiles!

John laughs and smiles all the time in his sleep, and we'd get a gassy smile from time to time but in the last week we're starting to see more and more 'social smiles'. He's my goofy little dude and I love him!!

big girl panties

Check it out! Riley is potty trained - 100%! On Friday we threw away all of her diapers (and then I dug them out of the garbage and hid them away for John), put on her princess panties and told her to keep them dry. She had two accidents right away and that was it - she figured it out. She's been shopping, ran errands, been out for a few meals, drove to North Bend and back, been on a playdate, and to a birthday party and hasn't had an accident. I couldn't be prouder. The only problem we have is that she's figured out that if she tells me she has to go potty I'll drop whatever I am doing to go with her so sometimes she tells me she has to go potty just to get my attention. I am okay with it though, I'd rather take a few extra trips to the bathroom than clean up a bunch of accidents.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tummy Time

Tummy time, one of the highlights of a newborns day.

Big sis cheering on her baby bro.
Showing John how it's done.
Apparently he needed his paci, so Riley 'the baby whisperer' helped him out.
More pep talk.

He'll be rolling around, crawling and walking in no time. With my first - I was SO excited for her to reach those that I am a seasoned professional I know better and I am cherishing these moments of immobility.

my helper

Riley has been a wonderful helper. Apparently she can read John's mind because she tells me all the time what he wants. 'Mommy, Johnny is hungry, feed him' 'Mommy, he wants his paci' - and if I don't meet his needs quickly enough, she takes matters into her own hands.

J Jane Hats

Another super cute hat from J Jane hats - I wish I could knit, maybe I'll learn someday? If you love it - get yours here -

Just Riley.

Things have been getting VERY fancy around here these days.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The sun will come out...tomorrow...or never?

I love Washington, I love love love it and will live here until the day I die. However, this spring, having a two year old and a newborn - it sure would be nice if we could get some more consistent sunshine. I am a WAY happier mommy when I can take the kids outside to play. Monday, the rain finally stopped and the allusive sunshine made a quick appearance. We ran outside and took advantage of the nice afternoon. Notice that Riley's feet finally reach the pedals of her bike!! Makes it a lot more fun to ride when you can actually pedal.

Take a picture of me?

Every single day Riley asks to hold John and then she asks 'take a picture of me?'

The 'Official' 1 month post - a little late :)

Well little duder - you made it through the trial period and you're pretty rad so I think we'll keep you. I went to visit my friend Katie at Swedish after she had her twins and he was probably a week(ish) old. In the elevator an old man looked at me, looked at John, looked at me again and said 'oh, taking him back?'

You've had quite a month - you were born, you've been out to breakfast (at 2 days old), out to dinner, rode in the car for 5 hours going to Spokane where you stayed in a hotel, attended a fair, saw a parade, watched your uncle graduate from law school, and went out for countless meals. You've attended a first birthday party, gone shopping, went to mass, attended two 30th birthday parties, attended a bridal shower, been harassed pretty much constantly by your sister, went to the hosptial to meet your friends Elizabeth and Courtney who were born right after you, spend the day at Emerald Downs watching the horse races, you were circumsized (sorry about that dude, but you'll thank us later), watched your sister at gymnastics classes, had a million people come visit you, went to discovery park and watched your sister model, celebrated mothers day with brunch, and you went to the doctor twice.

You are a super star baby and I have absolutely no complaints - you eat great, sleep great, burp and poop like a champ - what more could we ask for?

Here are your stats -
Birth - 8 lbs 4.5 oz * 20.5 inches
2 Weeks - 8 lbs 9 oz * 21 inches
1 Month -- 10 lbs 13 oz * 22 inches

and a quick flash back to Riley at 1 month