Sunday, February 21, 2010

Baby Shower!?!

Ever felt really loved?

I THOUGHT I was meeting Alicia, Jenn and Lauren for dinner on Thursday night down at U Village. I came around the corner to meet them and I thought I saw Lauren taking pictures of some balloons, as I got closer I realized, It WAS Lauren taking pictures of the balloons and there were all my favs sitting around a table.

I've never ever been really surprised by something like this and I can honestly say that they got me :). I had NO idea! I am generally anti second showers but after this fun night, I think I might have changed my mind. :)


Meghan said...

Thanks for the invite....sad. JK!
Sort of. But really, it looked perfect.

Lauren Carlton said...

such a cute pic! glad you had're special to all of us brieanne.