Sunday, February 28, 2010

so pretty...

Sunday Funday

What a great Sunday. Started with Church where Riley was a complete nightmare - we usually make it almost all the way to communion before she really starts being a pain but today, lucky us, she started in with her drama before the opening hymn.

We decided to reward her stellar behavior with a trip to the local coffee shop for some tea and crepes. We walked the whole family up to the cafe, even kiwi got to come, and had a yummy breakfast.

A nice snugly mommy/daughter nap followed by a visit from my tan and freshly home from Cabo parents. Minus the craziness at church, it was a pretty perfect day :)

What you can't hear while looking at this sweet picture is me screaming 'BARRY DOES THAT HAVE CAFFEINE IN IT?? NOOOOOOOOO.................." because every two year old needs a good shot of caffeine in the morning.

Baby Girl #1

Baby Girl #2

"Where's Daddy? Where'd Daddy go? Ohh.....THERE's daddy"

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Today Riley, completely out of nowhere, decided she wanted to 'cut baby bro'. Instead of seeing the somewhat violent nature of this request, I've instead decided to take it as a sign that she's destined to be a world class surgeon...assuming, of course, she learns to flip the knife over. :)

Some part of the big sister in me loves that she already wants to torment her little brother :).

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Is on the babylegs homepage :) <-- the picture of Riley in the upper left hand corner.

The BIG girl bed!

In preparation for her little brothers arrival, Riley was given an eviction notice from her crib. We got her all set up in her brand new, super cute, super comfy big girl bunk bed. She thinks it's pretty cool and so far (I really really hope I am not jinxing this) she has done amazing. She goes to bed with absolutely no problems, sleeps through the night without a peep, sits up in the morning and calls 'Brieeeeee Brieeeeee' (yes, we're currently on a first name basis and it's starting to bug me, I earned the title 'mom' the day I pushed her out of my girly parts with no pain meds and don't even get me started on the 18 months of breastfeeding but I digress...). The kiddos will be sharing a room, sort of, we keep our babies in our room for a long long time, so I don't foresee them spending the night together for a long time. I am almost done decorating the boy/girl shared baby/toddler room, I'll post pictures when it's alllll finished!

Some Vintage Cuteness...

32 Weeks!

Almost there...home stretch :) 55 days until my due date, but who's counting? Riley and I are sick, bad cough/cold/runny nose, you know the drill. Baby Johnny is still breech but has plenty of time to move (they keep telling me). Otherwise things are going good - doctor appointment Thursday morning!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Better Than a Cup of Coffee

Love her in the morning - I wish I looked this cute when I woke up :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Baby Shower!?!

Ever felt really loved?

I THOUGHT I was meeting Alicia, Jenn and Lauren for dinner on Thursday night down at U Village. I came around the corner to meet them and I thought I saw Lauren taking pictures of some balloons, as I got closer I realized, It WAS Lauren taking pictures of the balloons and there were all my favs sitting around a table.

I've never ever been really surprised by something like this and I can honestly say that they got me :). I had NO idea! I am generally anti second showers but after this fun night, I think I might have changed my mind. :)

Bike Ride

Riley has a sweet red bike, an awesome daddy and legs that are just too short. Nonetheless, we had a great morning at the park and I think she'll be tall enough by springtime! This method ended up being her favorite - who wants to pedal when she can just sit back and ride?

Friday, February 12, 2010

30 week ultrasound

Oh I already love him :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Valentines Day Craft

Check it out - she's a little young for crafting (I've discovered) but we've had fun trying :)

What's better than being pregnant?

Being pregnant at the same time as one of your absolute favorite people in the whole entire world! Lauren is going to have a baby this summer and I, personally, couldn't be more excited. She's going to be an AMAZING mother and I hope this kiddo realizes how lucky they are. Alicia, being the great friend that she is, snuck a little peek at baby Carlton and let the excited parents know what is coming their way this summer. So, what are they having?? Baby Johnny's best buddy or future wife?? I'll never tell :)


Katie and I took the kiddos on a quick shopping trip where Katie purchased the first few items for her baby girls which should be making their debut this summer!!

Belly Pictures!

Monday, February 8, 2010

More from Riley...

Pretty sure I can stop saving for Riley's college - this kid has stardom in her future...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Scooter Gang

Riley got a scooter from her pal Jalyn for her birthday. Jalyn has the same one and loves it. Now they have a scooter gang. Today they had a gang meeting in South Cove. Notice the absence of other kids at the park, is it because it's raining or is it because they heard about the scooter gang and are scared of them? That's for you to decide.
bad. ass.