Monday, January 4, 2010

25 Weeks!!

Well, here we are at 25 weeks - almost to the end of my second trimester. So far, this pregnancy has really been simple. My blood pressure, which was an issue with my first pregnancy, has been perfect. My Dr put me on medicine for it at the start of my pregnancy and it's working perfectly. We had one slight speed bump this week, but otherwise it's been a picture perfect pregnancy.

On New Years Eve I started the day with horrible horrible pains, they felt like labor pains and weren't going away. Finally, after about three hours of excruciating pain, I called the triage nurse and she told me to come in and see my midwife. My midwife met me up in labor and delivery and put me on the monitors. The baby was perfectly happy and I was definitely not in labor or having any contractions. I was SO happy it wasn't preterm labor, but I was still in horrible pain. They sent me home and sent my blood and urine to the lab. When they got the results they called me and told me to come back to the hospital, I was passing kidney stones.

Now, for those of you who have not had kidney stones before, I can honestly say the pain ranks right up there with childbirth. I was on pitocin for 4 days and delivered Riley with no pain medicine and the pain of the kidney stones was right up there with childbirth. Well, maybe not that bad, but definitely in the same ballpark. They put me on pain medicine and I rang in the New Year in the hospital, on IV pain meds. Not exactly my dream New Years Eve. They released me home the next day with some take home pain meds and basically said that there isn't much they can do but watch for infection or blockage and try to keep me comfortable until all the stones pass.
I was so happy the baby was fine and that the pains had nothing to do with him. If this is my only complication then I'd be one happy mommy.


Anonymous said...

you look great...

Team Gibson said...

You look wonderful! I am so sorry to hear about the stones. I have heard that is TERRIBLE!! However in this situation thank god it wasn't anything to do with that little guy inside ;)

Anonymous said...

Hot Momma
pregnancy agrees with you, you look

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