Sunday, January 31, 2010

Their Future is so Bright...

It doesn't get much cooler than these two, and they know it. :)

How to eat a bagel, by Riley Faye.

Here's a little visual manual on how to eat a bagel and cream cheese like a two year old. Notice her amazing ability to ONLY eat the cream cheese and no bagel.

Riley's SECOND Birthday Party

Surrounded by her besties, Riley celebrated her second birthday today at the Children's Museum. She really is blessed to have so many great friends. They are all so adorable, so well behaved, so cute - it was a really great time surrounded by really great people. Lauren, being the best bestie that she is, grabbed my camera and captured a ton of great moments while I was busy hosting.

Kyle and the girls blowing bubbles. Makana enjoying a cupcake.
Riley enjoying her cupcake, on the table (only because it was her birthday).
Ava & Grif (cutest brother/sister team ever)
Riley playing shy why everyone sings happy birthday to her. Not sure who she thinks she is fooling ;)
Blew out her candle! I considered getting the ones that never blow out but thought that might be a little cruel for a 2 year old party.
More fake shyness during her birthday song.
Party people...

Her favorite part - PRESENTS! Opening her first baseball mitt and ball (LOVE THIS!!!)

So cute, all these kids, presents and not one tantrum, fuss or problem from any of them!
The Birthday Girl.
Kai & Kana (super cute sisters)
Riley & Jalyn
Tamsan, Baby Keir, Erika, Jenn & Baby Bradyn
Party girl is partied out.
Thanks to all of you who came and celebrated with us today! We love you all so much!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

28 week 3 day ultrasound

Here he is! Super cute huh? The sonographer was nice enough to show me a bunch of 3D pics of him. He's just adorable - it looks like he has Riley's big lips and a cute little nose. I can't wait to meet him!!

Oh Riley...

I am TRYING to get her to say 'Baby Johnny' on film. She says it all the time but of course, when I ask her to say it - no luck. I love how she's so into her 'drawing' and how obviously annoyed she is with my persistent questioning...

He's got a name!!!

Barry and I have decided to name the sweet little guy in my belly John Anthony Baumann.

We chose to name him John after my dad. Since I was a little girl I've wanted to name my son after my dad. My dad is an amazing man, and pretty much the best father a girl could ask for. I can't think of any better way to honor him then to name my first son after him.

The name John means 'God is gracious' and was the name of two highly revered saints. The first was John the Baptist and the second was the apostle John, who was also traditionally regarded as the author of the fourth Gospel and Revelation.

Anthony is Barry's middle name and the the name of the patron saint of lost things, the poor, and travelers.

Riley calls him either 'baby bro' (what we told her to call him before he had a name) and now she'll call him 'baby Johnny' which is the CUTEST thing ever. I've tried to get her to say it on tape but I haven't had any luck yet!


The ABC' Riley.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

More Babylegs...socks this time

Kai was my sweet little model for this shoot. I threw Riley in for a few 'couple' shots - how cute are these two in their coordinating Babylegs socks. SO precious.

27.5 weeks!

Nothing really new to report, I have an appointment this week, heart doctor, ultrasound and midwife appointment - hopefully they'll get some good pics of the baby during the u/s for me to share here!
Love my little Riley sitting on her baby bro. Don't ask about the bunny ears, just a typical night around here :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sunny Day...Chasin' the Clouds Away...

Is this really January in Seattle?? Sunshine, warmth, the park???? The girls got some serious outside playtime today and we all had a good time. Notice Riley's ponytail, she's sort of letting me do her hair - before she would FREAK OUT if I tried to put it up.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Babylegs, by ME :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Baby Legs, by ME!

I blogged earlier about Babylegs asking me to shoot a few items from their Spring Line. I couldn't be more excited. It's been a bit of a challenge with the bad weather, but I'm doing my best. Here's what I've got so far, I have 2 more shoots planned. Hopefully they'll like my work. I love their Spring line, they are adorable!

New Toy Closet!

With a new baby on the way, I've been on a mission to organize and use the space that we have in the most effective and most efficient way possible. This closet was stuffed full of old coats, all our ski and snowshoeing equipment and some other very random items. I went through it all, gave a ton of it away, put some of it in the attic and found homes for the essential items. Barry built a few shelves and we turned the closet into a toy closet for Riley. She thinks it's pretty cool and actually likes to play in there. Here are a few pictures of her and her pals Kai and Jenny enjoying the new, improved space.

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