Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thanks You's

Princess Isis Thank You!
You put a smile on mommy's face and our tails have been a waggin'.
We are so not deserving of this award but we will proudly accept and display!

Award defined: The Premium Dardos recognizes the values that each blogger shows each day in commitment to transmit cultural values, ethical, literary, personal etc. that, in short, demonstrate their creativity by alive thinking that remains intact from their letters and words. This label comes with two rules: 1st link the blog to which he received the award ~ that's easy Princess IsIs & 2nd pick blogs to deliver the prize ~ that's hard YOU all deserve this!

Special Note: We want to thank all our friendzees fur visiting us while we were out. It was so exciting and meant so much to see and read all your visits. We are so sorry to have missed supporting and saying goodbye to so many of our dear friendzees. It has been an emotional return full of laughs and heartaches. Some of our friendzees blogs have disappeared too and that makes us very sad. Plus, we would like to ask furgiveness that we missed tags and recognitions. Each and every one of you and your familees are dear to us; it is so true and we do not express that enough.

Me Crikit for those who have inquired ~ my injury well, I did something to my front leg. I'm doing much better now cos mommy & daddy have reduced activity to almost nothing which, has cause me to add to my girlish figure! I blame the young one fur digging mine holes all over the yard. Daddy thinks I missed stepped when charging after my tennis balls OR it could be that all three of us charge down the stairs so fast and swiftly turn that I might have strained something. It's necessary though at times to charge down the stairs so we can chase any and all living things away from our yard, especially those noisy garbage trucks! Pawrents thought it might be my joint or sprang muscle cos I started having trouble with getting up and stairs. The limp gave me away but throw my tennis ball and I seemed fine till I go back to walking. I think I am 99% better but know this, I never flinched when touched and I never whined and the up side was it got me lots of messages :)

Now I know what your thinking ~ why didn't our pawrents take me see the doctor? Well don't think bad of them k? same reason we still don't have Mr. Computee Box fixed ~ the mail person keeps bringing us these paper things that open daddy's wallet and takes the money! Can you believe that?! Lots is already going to a doctor and lots is going to some lab! ~ if I find that doggie I'm gonna have a major discussion. In the meantime, if any of you friendzees have an extra prayer you could send up fur us, we sure would apawreciate one from time to time fur our mommy cos prayers work. Why you ask? Well, Mr. Sun must have gotten offended that mommy never really liked him all her life. She never wanted to be his Sun Goddess avoiding him every chance she got, so we think he got mad and he gave her cancer, just like our Angel friendzee Gizmo; Squamous Cell Carcinoma (daddy says its cos she has translucent skin mommy calls it glow in the dark skin.) Anyways, now mommy rarely steps outside with us during the day and no longer lets us lay out in the sun fur very long but one thing fur sure, we now have lots of fun at night. It just doesn't seem right but we're taking good care of her with lots of love licks plus snuggles and we try never to leave her side cos she still recovering.
Anyways dear friendzees, we thank you again fur visiting while we were away. We are so happy we can socialize again cos we don't like missing our friendzees. It was a long few months and we hope it never happens again ~ paws crossed! Sending lots of love licks your way and thanks fur being our friendzees.
xoxo Crikit out! Y

Friday, September 26, 2008

Goodbye Solinski

Our hearts are breaking right now.
Our dear Beautiful Beta sister is now in God's pond.

We never introduced Solinski our Beautiful Beta on this bloggie only mommy's. Her nickname was Beautiful Girlie. She was an extra smart Beta. Every morning mommy would wave to Solinski to see if she was awake and if she was then Solinski would swim to the bowl by mommy's hand and wave back. Mommy would talk to her and Solinski would swim to the the part of the bowl where mom was and blow kisses. Not the blowed up fighting face just the beautiful rainbow blue face showing off her beautiful fins swaying gracefully in the water. This communication happened often throughout the day. Mommy only let us look from afar. Mommy even waited till she saw Beautiful Baby eat during her dinner before leaving her to enjoy her habitat. However...
Around 8:00 PM mommy realized Solinski was not doing well. She was making us a treat and stopped everything. We heard mommy tell daddy she thought Solinski's was dying and she was crying. Then she said she thought she witnessed Solinski's last breath... she tried to change the inevitable by transferring fresh water to stimulate her baby and was gently nudging her lungs but Solinski must have wanted to be an Angel. This picture doesn't show the true beauty of our Solinski's colorings, blue~ish rainbow. We have never seen a lovelier beta.
We are so sad ~ Your in our hearts forever Solinski ~ We love you ~

Saturday, April 5, 2008

When we woke up

we were ready fur our Road Trip Home!
Turns out we left late Monday so we got home Tuesday cos mommy & daddy had to rest at two of the rest stops!
Anywhoo this was the morning we were leaving
I was working a plan to open the door

I could hear daddy coming

yup I was right

yeah daddy!







then daddy came out to give us our morning pet

He called Ginger but she wouldn't come, she probably figured daddy would hold her and let the famileee pet her

then he went in fur breakfast without us

but look at smarty me I figured out how to open the door

funny thing that Gingi acted like she wanted to go in too

anyway I had to nudge daddy that it was time to say goodbye to his famileee

I even had to beg a little but then yeehaw we finally headed home!
Jus so you know...
mommy took a million pics on the way home
told you she can be a camera monster
Love Licks all

Road Trip Sunday

evening with the family in the patio room aka our rooom

Visiting Izzie & his famileee was so much fun that it relaxed us enough to enjoy the evening with the famileee , at least me (Crikit) & Sparky. See the swing that Ginger stood behind most of the time (crazy kid) that's daddy & our cousin Niki. Can you believe Ginger went up to her fur a split second!

Our Auntie Lilly loved us can't you tell?! She gave us a million treats!
Auntie Lilly is from Mexico and we furgot to ask if she knew Lorenza how silly were we?

I was wide awake but you can see Sparky was pooped and Ginger finally rested when mommy held her while everyone else was playing cards.

We had to watch from the patio as everyone said goodbye ~ sheeesh
this was the dreaded part cos everyone was getting ready fur bed and the curtains would be closed ~ we were hoping if we jus laid there nicely they wouldn't do it but they did ~
guess that was okay since Ginger would only sleep with everyone gone.
But when we wake it will be time to go home!


Once we arrived in Tucson well...

Crikit here: it's sounds like 2-saun but
we like to say tuck-sun hehe haha of course that's wrong
Yikes we knew in an instant it wasn't our home
it was way too dark and no grass!
Daddy tried to get us to go inside this place but we weren't having it. There were strange noises, smells, people and well it just wasn't our home
what up dad?!
Ginger darted back to the truck, mommy had to raise her voice and put her on the leash to get her into the house. Daddy led us to the patio thru this maze of people and then mommy showed up with Ginger.
Our uncle opened another door and we went to the yard that had NO GRASS!
Hello? WHERE were we suppose to do our ~
you know what?
Ginger stayed in the middle of the yard looking at the door ready to run anywhere she could to avoid being petted.

mommy tricked her and locked her in the patio room where it turns out was gonna be our room during this visit. It was huge and kinda like outdoors but the huumons were calling it a screened patio ~ whatever when mommy put down our beds, our food bowls and water we knew we were restricted to this area.

Found out we had a fur cousin who lived in the house named Sharon. She was an 18-year old scaredy cat. Our relatives didn't believe us that we like cats as long as they don't run that's why we were not allowed in the house.
Sharon is purdy huh.

Everyone tried to pet us but no freakin way. How do we know they were really our family! jus cos daddy said so, he's tricked us before. It wasn't long before they left us there and closed all doors. Oh, Ginger even dropped a turd when daddy picked her up. His mother wanted to pet her but she was sooo against that idea it fell right out of her! we were shocked but the huumons laughed so we knew we wouldn't get introuble, phew! She hung out in the furthest part of the patio behind the swing away from everyone and tried never to sleep... she was stressed to say the least. Jus so ya'll know we were good and didn't chew anything and held our business the whole time we were stuck inside the patio room.
Golly. all we could do was hope the night would pass fast cos we knew we would visit Izzie the next day.
Love Licks, Crikit out

Friday, April 4, 2008

This was the 1st day on the Road

last Saturday cos daddy fell asleep after our baths
so we didn't leave Friday like we were suppose to.
Didn't matter to us as long as we got to visit Izzie on Sunday.
mommy (camera monster) went to town the moment we hit the road
but the plan was fur her to take over driving at one of the rest stops in
New Mexico or after the Arizona check point
thank goodness cos this was gonna be at least a 13-hour road trip

I prefer shotgun seating but mommy called it first so I claimed middle most of the time

1st fill-up plus ~ the covered load looked like a cat from the inside of the cab weird huh?

trying to nap but camera monster was annoying us!
can you see snoopy on the mt. top?
do you see the cross at the top of this mt.?
can you see the smiling face at the top of this mt.?
this cross was on a mt. top in Mexico that we could see when driving through El Paso, Tx
This was the last exit in Texas going West
Now Entering as the sign says...
Then we came upon the check point in Arizona and they had dogs!
Daddy then had mommy take over the driving woohoo! no more pics!
wish ya'll had come along
it woulda been sooo fun!