Showing posts with label convention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label convention. Show all posts

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Scene in St Paul

Ike went to shout at the Republican'ts who invaded his hometown. He got see Eugene Robinson and he took this picture:

First, I like that the stars on the GOP banner makes it look like the elephant is passing gas. But I don't blame him for having indigestion since the Faux News Tent is attached to the convention like a giant, cancerous tumor. Not unlike in real life.

But this week we've had all bad news so here's some hope-i-ness from Ike.

Why is he smiling? He can't wait to Bark for President Barack!

Friday, September 5, 2008

We Interrupt this Blog...

On Wednesday night in her speech Governor Palin got some (GOP) laughs with the line "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? Lipstick." Here with a response is my friend Big Red, an inmate at the SPCA.

Dear Governor Palin,

I know pit bulls. Some of my best friends (me) are pit bulls. You, my friend, are no pit bull.


Big Red
President and Vice President
Pitty Anti-Defamation Society (PADS)

P.S. I do look darn fetching in lipstick.
P.P.S. Please stop smearing pit bulls. We have it tough enough without being compared to Republicans.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Dispatches from St. Paul

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

My friend Annabelle is three and a half and lives in St. Paul. She had the most insightful bit of political punditry I heard today. This is what she wrote me:


Seriously--far more sensible than Morning Joe on MSNBC today. Our Teevee nearly went out the window.

Annabelle's very smart mom also gave us this link to the NPR Minnesota blog which is a highly recommended read. It has some interesting information on the protests. Ike also has some good pictures and stories.

The NPR blog notes parallels with the '68 Democratic convention, though no one seems to be taking the protestors seriously as anything other than rabble rousers (and the infamous "anarchist" labels--more on the so-called "angry left" later!) But my favorite story was this one about the longest line in town--the one to see The Daily Show on location!

The Daily Show might argue, however, that there's quite a line for men's room at the Minneapolis Airport. Paging Senator Craig!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Labor Day!

It is the first day of the GOP Convention AND Labor Day.

Irony has landed in the Twin Cities.
Have a good one! (Even my friends who live in those places that celebrate labor day in May because they are commie pinkos. Just kidding!)

Friday, August 29, 2008

My Review.

Here is my review of Obama's speech:

Delicious! Here's video of the speech and you can read a transcript here:

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gore in the House!

Hi Al!

I can't help but think how much better this speech would be if it were being given by outgoing President Al Gore.

I wonder if there has ever been a time in history when the counterfactual in an election is so dramatically different?


Look! It's our next Veep!

And our former Prez! The best line: People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power.

Also John Kerry (our shoulda been Prez) gave the best speech I've ever seen him give so good on him.

I've been practicing my speechification because I know that my invitation to give the nomination speech for Obama was just lost in the mail and his peeps will be showing up any minute to whisk me to Denver. Mile High, here I come!

See me practicing, guys?

What do you think I'm saying?

And how many jokes about the VP shooting people in the face can I fit in?

See how hopeful I am? I have my own halo!

And my new friend Gucci asked where to get a Barking for Barack Tee--my shop is here.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tonight at the Convention!

Tonight Michelle Obama is speaking at the convention!

While she is distracted I'm going to try to text message her daughters to come pick me up. I wanna live in the White House!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Go with Joe!

Congrats to Ike and Jake who correctly identified MY SENATOR JOE BIDEN as the next VICE PRESIDENT! And now, Joe, I need a lift to Denver!

I've got on my tee:

I've hauled out my donkey stuffies:

I've schooled my baby brudder in the finer points of American paw-li-ticks:

And now we're gnawin' on some elephant ears! (Please note: no actual elephants harmed in the making of this post. In fact, we would like to liberate that noble beast from being the mascot of the Ignoble Party.)

So, Joe, I hope you're ready to be an attack dog to save us from Four More Years!

We dogs are here to help ya out.

We're a bit more bark than bite.

But we'd make darn cute delegates!

P.S. Auntie Linda and Onkel George, can we crash at your pad in Boulder?
P.P.S. Please stock the fridge with beer and Senor Miguel burritos.