Monday, December 21, 2009

Gift Wrapping / Hair Bow Making Day!

Tomorrow (Tuesday the 22nd) I'm having a gift wrapping / hair bow making day at my house. It is a come and go thing all day long from 9 am till probably around 10 or so if we need more time. If you are interested and want to come, please come by! I would love to have you! Plus I can show you how to make a present look super pretty! (if you don't already know how, that is) Or you can come and get all your wrapping done. I have a lot of paper and tape! And if you want to make bows, all you need is your own ribbon.
If you don't know where I live, just leave your email in the comments (I will not publish it!) and I will email you directions.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Brody got a tooth on Sunday and his other bottom one is really close to breaking through! In the picture he is feeling it with his tongue. I couldn't get a good picture of the tooth itself.

He's only 3 1/2 months! I thought my girls got their teeth early at 4 months.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Brody - 3 months!

Brody turned 3 months on Thanksgiving which was also my parents anniversary. (Happy Anniversary mom and dad!)
Brody is getting so big! Actually mostly long, he is going to be tall, but he is growing fast.
He goes to bed really well which I'm not used to! My girls had the hardest time in their cribs when they were babies. (They go to bed great now) But when Brody gets tired, all he wants is his bed. He sleeps through the night most nights, so I am very lucky. When he doesn't is when I have to get up early, of course.
He has rolled over only once. Ever. We are working on that, but he is just so content on the floor belly or back that I'm not going to rush it. (Like I have control over that)
Ella and Macy are STILL constantly in his face and love him soooo much! I can't blame them, I'm the same way.

I guess this is the most recent picture I've taken of him and the other recents I have already posted below. So here is my 3 month old...

post edit: Brody has now rolled over twice! Just 2 hours after posting this he did it. So now he has rolled from tummy to back once and back to tummy once.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Brody's Blessing

Here are some pictures from Brody's Blessing. It was perfect! We had a wonderful day.

His Great Grandparents (Jones) and FAVORITE Great Aunt Rachael

His other Great Grandparents (Ashcroft) Sorry Grandma I just got the back of your head!

The fam

All 12 grandkids. You can't see the 2 babies very well, but they are there.

We weren't able to get all of my family for a picture but we are so happy most everyone got to be there.
I love my family!

Haircut time


And during...

He did ok at first and then it just took too long and he was done!
As you can tell this was a much needed haircut so we went ahead and did it. His hair stood up in only that one spot and I could do nothing about it. It still sticks up in the same exact place but it is now the same length as the rest of his hair that it's not as noticeable.
We actually did this to the girls when they were about 4 months old and they had bald patches on their heads. They looked like boys for a while, but headbands and bows helped out.
For a few days after we cut it, everytime he would fuss, Ella said "I think he wants his hair back". She's funny.

I kind of miss his hair!

It's Great to be Eight!


These girlies got Baptized! Bridgit and Brooklin are such wonderful nieces and awesome cousins to my kids. Congrats on your Baptism girls!
I wish I got a better picture of just them. This was taken the day after their Baptism (the day of Brody's Blessing)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Blessed are the Little Ones

This little guy is being blessed by his dad this Sunday Nov. 15 @ 9:00

If you would like to come and don't know where to go, email me and I'll give you the address of the church.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Meet Baron

We have a new baby in the family! We are so excited to introduce Baron! (Spencer and Lindsay's baby) Born Oct. 29th. 8lbs 9 oz.
He is the cutest little thing!

Cousin buddies!

Pumpkins of Halloween (past and present)

My kids so far have all been pumpkins for their first Halloween. I was looking through pictures and was comparing (again) how much they really do look alike.

These two are Brody

The next 2 are Macy

And the next 2 are Ella

(Ella still makes this exact face when she cries)

In these ones I think Ella and Brody look more alike. He is so much like both of his sisters though!


Happy Halloween.... Late

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's cold out...

79 cookies have been baked...

My house smells so good!

Monday, October 26, 2009

My evening so far...

It started about 4:40 when I got up from resting for a while to find this (what did I expect, a clean house?)...
It was everywhere! This is just a fraction.

I sent them to their room and Macy comes out with this, saying "mom I pooped!"... (graphic and gross, I'm sorry, but we've all seen it), and I know she should be potty trained/training, but I don't want to hear about it.

Notice there is powder on the floor still

I cleaned her up and sent her back to her room. Finished cleaning the kitchen as best I could and heard clinking/banging sounds, and found this...

More powder on the bed, too

And it's only 5:00. 20 minutes of bliss, let me tell you!

Brody is 2 months old!

My friend Darby came and did a photoshoot of Brody at 6 weeks. She did an amazing job, as always! There were so many pics to choose from so I just chose a few. Thanks Darby! (check out her website here)

Brody is just growing so fast! He went to the dr a couple weeks ago and he was almost 14 pounds! He plays so good and loves his sisters so much!

The Girls and their Poppa

I think my girls have ridden on a motorcycle more times than I have in my whole life!

Every Sunday after church they have to go find Poppa so he can give them a ride home.
(We live very close to church)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Some people have asked if Brody looks like his sisters' baby pictures. These are the best I could do, but, to me they are all very similar looking.

Here's Brody having a good hair day



Which sister do you think he resembles most???

My personal opinion is that he is a good mix of them both

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brody - 5 weeks / 1 month

I've missed a week. I think I'm going to be doing monthly posts instead of weekly. I'm kind of a dead beat blogger lately. Oh well, I think monthly is just great!
Brody is now cooing and smiling a ton. I can't wait for more cooing. It is pretty much the best thing in the world!
He had his 1 month dr appt. on Monday and he now weighs 11 lbs 9 oz. He is growing so fast! The rolls on his legs are slowly getting bigger and also his cheeks are chubbier.
I just love this little guy so much!
The girls are getting better with him and I am getting better with them. (Meaning I don't get as mad or frustrated with them) So things are good! Whew! I think we'll keep them still.

See how fast he's growing? He's already got a mustache as thick as his Grandpa Burl!

Brody and his cute cousin Hadley (1st cousin once removed, if we want to be technical) She is one month older than Brody and we just think she is so darling!

Good big sisters... don't mind their hair! Yikes!

Warning!... Grandma Jan, if you are reading this, don't scroll down. There is one more picture and trust me, you don't want to see it. And don't say I didn't warn you!