Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brody - 5 weeks / 1 month

I've missed a week. I think I'm going to be doing monthly posts instead of weekly. I'm kind of a dead beat blogger lately. Oh well, I think monthly is just great!
Brody is now cooing and smiling a ton. I can't wait for more cooing. It is pretty much the best thing in the world!
He had his 1 month dr appt. on Monday and he now weighs 11 lbs 9 oz. He is growing so fast! The rolls on his legs are slowly getting bigger and also his cheeks are chubbier.
I just love this little guy so much!
The girls are getting better with him and I am getting better with them. (Meaning I don't get as mad or frustrated with them) So things are good! Whew! I think we'll keep them still.

See how fast he's growing? He's already got a mustache as thick as his Grandpa Burl!

Brody and his cute cousin Hadley (1st cousin once removed, if we want to be technical) She is one month older than Brody and we just think she is so darling!

Good big sisters... don't mind their hair! Yikes!

Warning!... Grandma Jan, if you are reading this, don't scroll down. There is one more picture and trust me, you don't want to see it. And don't say I didn't warn you!


The Owens said...

ARE YOU CRAZY! That is a HUGE SNAKE by your girls!! AHHHHHHHHHH ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!

BRODY is so adorable!! I need to just make a special trip to come see him, I am such a horrible friend!

The Owens said...
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Melissa B said...

Oh Em he is so stinking cute! I need to come see you guys again! Where were you guys where there was a snake that big?!! WOW!