Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Brody - 5 weeks / 1 month

I've missed a week. I think I'm going to be doing monthly posts instead of weekly. I'm kind of a dead beat blogger lately. Oh well, I think monthly is just great!
Brody is now cooing and smiling a ton. I can't wait for more cooing. It is pretty much the best thing in the world!
He had his 1 month dr appt. on Monday and he now weighs 11 lbs 9 oz. He is growing so fast! The rolls on his legs are slowly getting bigger and also his cheeks are chubbier.
I just love this little guy so much!
The girls are getting better with him and I am getting better with them. (Meaning I don't get as mad or frustrated with them) So things are good! Whew! I think we'll keep them still.

See how fast he's growing? He's already got a mustache as thick as his Grandpa Burl!

Brody and his cute cousin Hadley (1st cousin once removed, if we want to be technical) She is one month older than Brody and we just think she is so darling!

Good big sisters... don't mind their hair! Yikes!

Warning!... Grandma Jan, if you are reading this, don't scroll down. There is one more picture and trust me, you don't want to see it. And don't say I didn't warn you!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Big 3-0

That's right! Matt is 30 years old today! I keep joking with him that he is an old man. I don't think it bugs him too much because he knows 30 is not old and people tell him he looks way younger than he is.
Anyway just want to wish him a Happy Birthday!!! I love you so much! You are the best husband and dad anyone could wish for.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Brody - 3 weeks

Brody has been waking up only once in the night (mostly). I get a few hours of sleep at a time! His sisters STILL won't leave him alone, but Ella knows that when he is asleep she can't go anywhere near him.

Macy has yet to learn that...

Everytime Ella sees him, she says, "is he awake?". She has to make sure it's okay to talk to him. He changes everyday, it's amazing!

This next photo was taken the other day when I was busy getting ready for our "super tuesday" enrichment night. Poor guy didn't get enough attention.

This one is during enrichment and he had just had it! (I'm glad he slept most of the time.)


Ella sounds out her words

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Ella waiting for her ride to school and Macy keeping her company before she went to playgroup. They are cute!

09/09/09 - Brody - 2 weeks old

Brody is getting big FAST! He is only 2 weeks old and growing like a little weed. He is starting to get days and nights down. I still have to regulate when the girls are around him... they won't leave him and his things alone!!! He is super calm and chill for the most part (unless he's hungry). We have been getting him to smile once in a while. It might be gas, but I think they are real! He wants to talk so bad but just can't get out the words.
This picture I just had to take. Last week he was half asleep and kept smiling so I got a couple of him. He was peeking a little. Must have been having a really good dream...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Brody - 1 week

A friend of mine does posts for every week for her baby and has recommended it, so I'm going to try and do the same. I think it is a great idea!
Brody has been such a good baby for the most part. We're still working on our days and nights, but he is still pretty new. Today he was so good and just chilled for a long time awake.
Yesterday he had his first Dr. appt and he weighed 9 lbs 4 oz so he's doing good in the weight department. The dr said he is very healthy.
I'm just trying to soak in every minute while he's so little. Here are a couple pictures from today...
Not very happy after his bath

Saying "hi"