Monday, November 9, 2009

Wouldn't Change a Thing

Because this is the first year that I haven't worked at all and other reasons, we have fallen on hard times. We live off Brian's 15 hours a week and student loans. We won't be spending the Thanksgiving holiday with our family in Boise this year because of this. We're also facing the probability of moving back in with parents after Brian graduates because we will have no job and no set plan, just waiting. Now this sounds like a complaint but the truth is that I wouldn't change a thing.
Brian and I married and moved to Rexburg not knowing what was in store and only having money for tuition and living costs because of generous gifts (especially one very generous gift in particular) which we contribute to faithful tithe paying. Our marriage has been one of the greatest learning opportunities and joys of my life. We were prompted and made the choice to invite a new spirit into our home over two years ago and have been blessed ever since with ways to provide for her when she came, but not only that, we have been given one of God's most choice daughters to raise. She is so happy and loving. She truly is one of the sweetest spirits I have had the privilege to meet. Not to mention she is such a beautiful child. I would not give away the light she brings to us for anything. Now I have chosen to be a stay-at-home mom which means I don't bring in any income. I am coming to see the good I can do by serving my family and know what I am doing is far more important than any work I could do outside my home. Soon we will be welcoming another child in to our family, relying on the Lord to provide what we need. We don't have a whole lot, but we have always had what we need. Brian is working hard to be able to provide for us. He has goals and he loves our family. We have each other and the happiness that comes to a loving family. Sure we have our problems but I think our blessings out number them by far. Our future looks bright.

Best of Friends

These two girls with Paige are her best friends. They have so much fun together. Paige and Alisabeth (the one on the right), at times, will just sit and giggle at each other. These two families are getting ready to move away in Dec. and Jan. We are really going to miss them.