Sunday, November 23, 2014

{day 4 ~ Disneyland

Our final day was spent in California Adventure. My parents only joined us for the first hour and then they headed home with Annie and her family. 
{Grizzly River Run}
B and I hate getting wet, so we just took pictures of my parents... happy to sit this one out.
{Mater's Junkyard Jamboree}
Another favorite for Little Miss. Her giggles were the cutest thing ever. 
Everytime we went on the Radiator Springs Racer Ezzy was devastated and somehow ended up with a sugary treat to help her feel better. (Yes, I am teaching my child to eat her feelings... oops)
I asked for a bite and this is what she gave me. SO generous!
This girl cannot eat without getting it EVERYWHERE. (She goes through multiple outfits a day.)
The Cars characters were the only characters Ezzy would go near. Even then, it took some coaxing. (notice her outfit change... I wasn't kidding)
{Ariel's Undersea Adventure}
This was one of our favorite rides for several reasons; all four of us were able to ride together, it was nice and cool, and there was never a line. We rode it 3 or 4 times without having to leave our little seashell. Ezzy had the ride memorized by the time we left. 
{Tower of Terror}
I had to ride by myself... :'( so lonely.
{Mickey's Fun Wheel a.k.a. The Ferris Wheel}
Ez begged and begged to go on the "big round ride". She loved each and every second.
{Toy Story Mania}
The best $10 I have ever spent was on a Disney bubble gun. It kept Esme, and all other kids in line for Toy Story Mania, completely entertained and happy. 
One of my favorite things in the world is watching my family have fun and enjoy life. I had a week of this, and I tried to soak up every moment.
{Rainforest Cafe}
We were able to meet up with my cousins Christopher and Cassie (and Cassie's husband Mark) for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. There is a picture of all of us somewhere... but this one of Esme will have to do for now.
We ended our adventure in Cars Land. LOVE this place at night.... especially while eating yet another sweet treat. ;)
We were pretty sad to leave the happiest place on earth, but also grateful for the time we had to spend with our family and enjoy a little time away from the stress that builds from everyday life. It was a much needed vacation.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

{day 3 ~ Disneyland}

By the third day, we were pretty exhausted. It was nice to take the day a little slower, enjoy a relaxing mint julep in the shade, and even watch a parade.
{Alice in Wonderland}
{Splash Mountain}
With the help of shoe inserts, and a slightly distracted cast member, we were able to get Ezzy onto one "big" ride. She hated it. Probably wasn't the best ride to choose.
{Mint juleps and beignets. Best treat ever!}
This little man was wiped out!
I tried to show Ezzy that the characters were nice and nothing to be afraid of... It didn't work.
But she did however, want her picture taken with every statue we saw, including this dude.
 These two cousins love each other, and were in heaven being able to spend two whole weeks together.
 Brandon and I normally hate parades, but with Ezzy it was a whole new experience. We loved watching her get excited about the princesses (from far away) and wave until we thought her arm would fall off.
{Toontown at Night}
Ezzy's favorite ride was the Gadget Coaster in Toontown. I wish we'd taken a picture of her on it. We rode it over and over. In fact, it was so slow we didn't even get off between rides. She giggled and squealed, and even kept her hands up the whole ride. She didn't want me to hold on to her either... which kind of made me nervous.