Saturday, August 9, 2014


In August, we went to Boulder, Colorado to watch my sister, Abbie's, fiance compete in an Ironman. James completed the course in 12 hours 36 minutes, so for about 12 hours Ezzy and Kyky were dragged throughout Boulder and the surrounding areas. They were both troopers.
Our day started with an early bus ride to a lake. Do our sleepy eye tell you how tired we were??
There were so many swimmers... they looked like a school of fish fighting for food. 
Brandon was amazing and let me sit on his shoulders so I could get a good picture of James at his transition. He had to hold me up there for a long time... we got lots of stares. I think people were worried he would fall and smash my baby... I might have been a little worried too, but Brandon assured me he was fine.
After what seemed like forever, (I'm sure it was longer for James) he finally came running out of the changing tents and headed for his bike. 
THOUSANDS of bikes.
We cheered him on at a couple of locations along the bike course then decided to head back into Boulder and wait for him at the bike/run transition. 
 Ezzy loved ringing her little cow-bell and watching the competitors.
 After 112 miles on a bike it was time for his marathon... no big deal. ;)
And finished!

It was a pretty exhausting day for us... haha. ;)
Even though traveling with 2 young kids is hard, it was well worth the trip. We were also able to visit my grandparents, and aunt and uncle. Ezzy was terrified of my grandparents... you would have thought they were zombies trying to eat her brains. she wouldn't go near them, and if they got within an arms length of her she would start sobbing... ha. I seriously don't know what to do with her. Good thing she's cute. I love this panoramic of my grandparents house...
Mostly because of these 3. Classic.
Did I mention we spent a LOT a time in the car? Because we did. 
This was my first time really experiencing Colorado and I loved it. Brandon and I both loved the atmosphere in Boulder and neighboring towns.
Downtown Boulder had some pretty great street entertainers... you cannot imagine the fear this guy inflicted upon my little Ezzy. We had to pass him on our way to the car... oh the screaming and kicking and dragging. I'm pretty sure she is scarred for life.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dirty 30

This year my younger sister, Millie, and soon-to-be-brother-in-law, James, turned 30, so we HAD to celebrate with a Dirty-30 Party. I am still missing half the pictures (between dead batteries and full memory cards the pictures ended up on multiple cameras) but I'd better post what I have now, otherwise it will NEVER happen.
"Night-Crawler Dig" 
Basically digging for worms in mud/chocolate pudding using only our mouths. This one was by far the tastiest. No pictures... yet.
"Jelly Bean Mountain" 
Next game, involved flour and jellybeans. We had to dig jellybeans out of piles of flour; this, of course, turned into a flour fight.
"Millie's Marshmallow Madness" 
This game required partners, we had to drop chocolate covered marshmallows into our partner's mouth from the trampoline... much dirtier than expected.
"Cherrio Face" 
We had to smear our faces with honey and then pick up as many Cherrios as we could... it was sticky.
"Egg Roulette"
This game was by far the best. We had to answer questions about Millie and James, if we answered wrong, we had to choose an egg and crack it on our heads. Some eggs were raw while others were hard boiled. This is another game that I don't have pictures of YET...  one will have to do for now.
 We ended the night with Millie's (and now James') traditional fruit pizza.
Happy Dirty 30 Millie and James!