Thursday, December 13, 2012

summer remembered... and recorded

i’m trying to get all caught up and so have spent the past week looking over our summer pictures, and oh, how i miss the warmth of the sun. don’t get me wrong, i love the holidays and even the snow… if only it could be warm. 
our summer was perfectly relaxing. we soaked in the sun at the pool. esme is scared of any water that reaches above her knees (shocker) but she LOVES splash pads and sprinklers, so that's where we spent most of our time. we celebrated the 4th by running in the provo freedom run and stuffing our faces with some delicious bbq. the week of the 24th, we went to the expo center and were awed with the glitter and confetti covered parade floats. we visited the zoo… twice. brandon and i played at lagoon and were reminded just how old and boring we are getting. for example, we didn't take a single picture. how lame are we? 
like all good things, our summer had to come to an end. in august, brandon started a new job at northstar alarms working in their i.t. department. he continues to work at costco at nights and on weekends. he stays very busy. ez and i are grateful that he’s willing to work so hard for our family, but hate how lonely our dinners have become. 

{water fun}

{days of 47}

{owls baseball game}

{garage sale}
side note: my family had a garage sale where we put out the old highchair. it didn't sell. {shocker} when it was time to pack it to d.i., my dad just couldn't part. being the sentimental man that he is he stated, "All of you girls sat in that chair!" my solution: take a picture and throw it out. so that's exactly what we did. 

{cousin twins}

{4th of july}

{this girly loves a good swing}

{...and a good book}

{movie night with cousins}


{31st birthday}