Tuesday, May 24, 2011

{2 months }

esme turned 2 months old last week and i have spent a lot of time
reflecting on the changes in our lives in these last 2 months. being a mother has been one of the most rewarding experiences i have ever had. it has also been the hardest. i have a whole new love and respect for mothers.

in the past 2 months esme has gained over 4 pounds and weighs in at a whopping 12 pounds 12 ounces. she started cooing and "talks" to us constantly. she smiles more and more each day and has just recently begun to giggle (although it's rare, and takes lots of work on our part).

in the past 2 months brandon finished a killer semester of 18 credits while still working, (really, it almost killed him) and i must brag a bit for him... he received all A's and one itzy-bitzy C. nice.

b-don celebrated his academic accomplishment (and his one week break between semesters) by putting in an amazing path from our walkway to the road in front of our house. did i mention it's amazing? because it is.

we were able to spend the night with our friends, Jeff and Kendra, at their cabin and do a little 4-wheeling. it was so nice to get away and spend time outside.

in the past two months i have been to more weddings and bridal showers than i have in my 29 years combined (cupid must be working overtime). one wedding in particular was my best friend brook's. we are so excited for her and kevan.

in the past 2 months my maternity leave came to an end and i am now back to work. I have adjusted to being a working mom much better than i thought i would. esme has loved her babysitters: grandma, millie, and kelsey. actually, she probably has no idea that i leave her with babysitters for 8+ hours a day but i tell myself she loves it to make myself feel a bit less guilty. i am lucky to have so many people willing to watch her. it has made going back to work so much easier.

in the past 2 months our lives have changed completely. we are sleep deprived. our house has never been so messy. my hair is in a perma-pony. laundry has become an ongoing battle... here a little, there a little. my bathtub hasn't been cleaned in 2 months... gross and kind of embarrassing, but true. through it all though, we have never felt so happy, lucky, and blessed.