Saturday, October 30, 2010


halloween has come again! friday was a crazy day at school... as usual. but we had lots of fun and the students loved our costumes. that night my family celebrated my dad's birthday with our annual costume party.

{happy birthday papa}

we feasted on swamp monsters, fish egg swamp juice, and mummy dogs.

and of course, it's not halloween without pumpkin carving.

{happy halloween}

Saturday, October 23, 2010

what a week

-out with the "old" patio.... in with the new
-practice wedding cake.....
we decided to have a little fun with it.
-the real thing (my first and last)

-little wedding dj-ing...

-this was delivered friday morning...
-and now we have a yard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-plus, 3 major school projects for brandon that were all due this week. to say the least, we had several late nights and feel like we need a vacation.

-and last, but certainly not least, we found out that we will be
welcoming a baby girl.

Friday, October 15, 2010

feels like fall

so i have not had anything to post about for quite a while. mostly because i've had absolutely no energy to do anything but lay on the couch. gratefully, my energy is slowly returning and i'm feeling like myself again... so hopefully there will be more things to post.

the other night, brandon and i borrowed my sister's kids and visited a little pumpkin patch at the end of our street. not only were we able to pick our own pumpkins out of the field, we were also able to play in a giant corn-box, get "lost" in a hay maze, and spend some quality time with a wallaby, a llama, some pygmy goats, sheep, and was fun to get out of the house and enjoy some fall festivities. our front porch now looks a bit more festive, although it's nothing compared to our neighbor's porch. i think we'll always be a step behind. ;)