Friday, August 29, 2008

It's Friday Night and I'm Chillin' at School!!

I'm officially a total loser.  It's 7:19 on a Friday night and I'm in my classroom.  I've been here since 7:30 am... sigh.  

I've finished the work I wanted to do and now I'm debating how to get home.  Yes, I am STILL without a car.  I hate calling someone to come pick me up... I had planned to walk home but the thought makes me tired. ... maybe I'll just curl up on one of my bean bags and take a nap until 9 when Brandon can come get me. ... but the bean bags stink... smelly kids use them.

... so to pass the time I check my email... then I look at everyone and their dog's blogs... dog's blogs, that rhymes... maybe i'll write a poem to kill the time, this only took 8 minutes...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Crash! Bam! Crunch!

My poor little 626 is no longer!  a couple of weeks ago i got into a little fender-bender.  the damage wasn't too bad and fortunately it wasn't my fault so the other insurance company would cover everything, including a rental.  so we took the car to a collision mechanic and they said it will be a couple of thousand and about 4 days.  no problem.  ya right, is life ever that easy?  a few days later i got a phone call from the other insurance, they wanted to total the car.  i honestly thought the guy had the wrong person or they had been looking at the wrong car.... there had to be some mix up, it really wasn't that bad!  but... after talking to the mechanic and my insurance we discovered that the damage was worse then originally thought. :(  the repairs would cost over 70% the value of the car.  sad news.  so after talking it over we agreed to say goodbye to the car... that was paid off...  sigh...  

the car shopping begins...

let me begin with, I HATE CAR SHOPPING!!! unfortunately for brandon i didn't do a good job hiding these feelings.  plus, last week was the first week of school, and the thought of another car payment makes my stomach turn.  let's just say it's been a long week.  brandon has been very patient with my orneriness.  he's been very good husband, i'm sure this will be a growing experience. ;)  so, after a week of car shopping we still don't have a car.... sigh.  

Sunday, August 10, 2008


brandon and i went shooting with my sister millie and her hubby jacob. jacob brought the shotguns and clay pigeons. brandon borrowed a couple of pistols from his dad. the "cricket" (25 auto) was my favorite. it was just so little and cute! (i know, cute isn't a word to describe a gun...)
i even bought outfits for the occasion. well mesh vests and safety glasses!
millie and i had a hard time throwing the clay pigeons. the boys made it look so easy. "just flick it" my butt. millie and i would throw with all our might and the stupid thing wouldn't budge! i discovered that if i yelled "BAM" as a threw i could do it.
now for the poses...

jacob brought up a computer monitor from our garage sale. as you can see there wasn't much left.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

ROPe-r SwINg

last week abbie and jeremy took us down to mona to a rope swing.  so much fun!  the weather was perfect!  the water was warm and smelly... probably from all the pee. ;) 

brandon and jeremy had a goal to land in the raft.  as you can see brandon made it here.  he made it a few times... even with abbie in it.  poor girl even got landed on.  ouch!  thats a little girl and a big big boy. 

Sunday, August 3, 2008

More Wedding...

We got our pictures back from Jessica.  She did a fantastic job!!  So here are MORE pictures!