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Showing posts with label Polls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polls. Show all posts

Friday, August 7, 2009

New Poll; What book should Marisa read next?

Since you guys did such a good job on voting for what book I (Briana) should read, I thought it'd be fun to do the same poll for Marisa. So go ahead and vote! :)


Thursday, July 30, 2009

New Poll; Rock the Vote Guys!

I stole this idea from Flip the Page Book Reviews. Since I am almost done with the book I'm reading for school (Thank goodness!), I will have to decide what book to read next. I was hoping you guys can help me out? :)


Monday, July 13, 2009

Poll Results: Book by Book

Yay! I think I like this choice too. To those of you who didn't vote and aren't happy with the results, this should teach you that every vote counts!

Now I just have to think of a new poll... with the Blogger poll widget.

**EDIT**To those of you who couldn't see the poll... sorry about that. The poll was basically asking how you would like us to review a series. The choices were "Book by book"; "As a whole"; "I don't want to read a review on a series"; or "I could care less."

"Book by Book" won.**EDIT**
