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Showing posts with label Policies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Policies. Show all posts

Friday, May 20, 2011

Review Policy

[We would really appreciate any authors/publishers/etc. reading our policy before emailing us!]

Firstly, I would just like to point out that BAM Book Reviews is primarily devoted to YA book reviews and news. Every so often we may review a book that isn't YA, but for the most part that is our main focus.

Genres we accept and/or consider:
  • YA (Any sub genre except non-fiction)
  • MG (Usually don't accept, but will consider)
  • Adult Fiction (Usually don't accept, but will consider)

Genres we don't accept:
  • Non-fiction (Biographical, Informational, Self-help, etc.)
  • Graphic Novels
  • Westerns
  • Also, we don't accept e-books.
[For any genre not listed above; please ask us about so we can give you an answer of whether or not we're interested and also so we can add it to one of the lists above for future reference.]

About our reviews:

All three of us are currently students so it may take us anywhere from a week to a year to review a book. We will always provide an honest, critical review of the book. We try to be as polite as possible when writing a bad review and in no way do we tell our readers not to read the book. We strongly believe that one man's trash is another's treasure (for lack of better words.) If a book is sent unsolicited to one of us for review, we will consider it but do not have to review it. If we aren't interested in reading it, then we'll either have a giveaway, donate it to a blog tour, or give it to a fellow blogger.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask us (preferably) through email. You can either email us at the address we share (bambookreviews [at] gmail [dot]com) or directly to one particular reviewer. Our personal email addresses should be to the left unless we (for some reason) took it down or would rather not have it posted publicly.

**Lastly, we are in no way paid for our opinions. We're sent books for free in exchange of a 100% honest review.