Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts

Monday, January 1, 2018

Learning How To Needle Punch

This was my very first attempt (Self Taught) at needle punching.
I bought the needle punch at a local alpaca festival
Was given very good verbal instructions and decided to give it a go!
This is the right side of the work
When punching, ALL work is done
on the reverse (wrong) side.
I simply hand drew (no pattern)
a heart, threaded the punch needle
and began carefully going in one direction...
After the outline was done, I realised I didn't have
anymore of the same coloured DMC floss
so I made due with my spare stash of floss
and filled in the middle part.
Again, this is a view of the right side of the work.
This is the view from the back (wrong side) of the work.
I used an embroidery hoop that had a lip on it,
so it did not slip while I was punching.
This was the second project I made.
When I bought the needle punch I learned that
I could take a class from the owner.
This was from that class, using a pattern
and pre-selected floss.
All works are done on Weavers Cloth
I used a special frame to work this project.
The edges are lined with very sharp, metal
'velcro' like grips. Actually it's the stuff on a carding brush, for fibers.
This is view of the wrong side of project
and using the special frame, pulling fabric 'drum tight'
really helps with keeping punching even and steady.
Once finished I pull off frame, cut around project
leaving about an inch and a half margin
then I turn to back side
and whip stitch to back of project.
I found this great little frame at a charity shop
and decided to attach it to the front of the glass.
I think it worked out great!
This was my third attempt to continue needle punching.
I drew 'Maryland' out on the weavers cloth, stretched it
onto the frame and began using DMC floss
I thought would work best...
Because I decided to use a smaller piece of the weavers cloth
I had to attach it to a few smaller pieces of muslin cloth
so it would fit on my frame.
After completing all the punching,
I tried the fabric, turned under and did
a whip stitch to attach to back on work.

Found this great frame at the same charity shop as before.
This time I mounted the work UNDER the glass
to keep it from collecting dust.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Item 1 From Postcard Swap

Stamped Postcard Swap
Originally this postcard arrived
at my loft with just a purple, partially stamp
winter tree on it.
I've hand drawn every thing
in colour!
I've not completed this post card yet..
Text still needs to be added, but I wanted to
snap a quick pic so far.
Wish I would have snapped a 'before' pic.
Oh well.

She'll go out in post shortly!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Graffiti Girl Heart Art Designs

Back at my desk
sketching out a few
little things...

Heart Art
for a friend of mine

Doodling with coloured
pens & pencils

I collect a few things
around my computer
that make me smile

inspire my colour choices

I think I've never really
grown up
deep inside
I love toys too much!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cross Stitching a Vintage Typewriter

I thought I would make a cross stitched cover
for my vintage typewriter...

This wonderful pattern byAngela Poole is perfect!

Easy to follow instructions.

I found this pattern in this month's Cross Stitcher Designer Stitches Mag.

A wee bit costly, however
I had a 50% coupon so
I was happy to get it for a great deal less
that original sticker price!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Time to Make More Summer Jewelery

Gathering all my supplies
for more 'beach' themed bracelets.

I love these Fresh Water Pearls.

These are dainty yet study element
to add to my charmed summer fun bracelet.

Glass beads are so fun to work with...

I'm off creating...

Sunday, July 14, 2013

New Fabric!

Lovely nesting doll print.
I have several projects planned for this pretty fabric!

There's a silly project in the works using this Dachshund print

this one too

this adorable fabric too!

Dachshunds, mini-weiners, weeny dogs...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

An Early Morning Creation

I decided to make another blue cord bracelet
early this morning.
I'm not sure if I'll use birds or ocean life charms.

I have a few beaded charms already made up.

The pink cord will be my next project I think...

and I may use a few larger charms next time.

Mini bowls filled with mixed beads inspire me.

These beads are recycled
from older jewelry
that either broke or simply needed

So my work area is set...

but now I need caffeine :/
to be continued...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Simple Cord Bracelet Pt. 2

Finished the Birdie corded bracelet...

I'm very pleased with how it turned out!

Simple assembly
and knotting was just a little
bit tricky to figure out.

Button for a clasp.

Recycled beads from a previous necklace that broke
long ago.

Nice and light weight and water proof,
perfect for summer activities!

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