I try to convey that love when I am packaging up my items to send them out. I don't believe in just tossing it in a box and slapping an address label on it. I spent time making this item, I love it, so I want to package it with care and love.
I found these great tags from Growing Phases Farm.
These are a wonderful item to include with any Handmade Product. Last week I received a custom order for an apron and when I packaged it up I attached one of these tags to the apron. The customer Loved it! She actually took a picture of the tag and posted it on her Facebook. She wrote how you don't get this kind of caring from any of the big box stores and she could tell I had made her item with Love. If you truly love the item you have made the customer will feel that love when they open their package.
I also just added a new line to my shop, they are called Prayer Quilts, and I hope the love I feel when I make these will be passed on to the buyers. I am actually going to keep one of these for myself and keep it by me while I am sewing.
You can see the available styles here, more pattern will be added soon.
Love is Handmade and Handmade is the best way!
Marsha Bourquin/Head Hag- Bags By Hags