Showing posts with label Canard enchaîné. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canard enchaîné. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2013

French Fukushima cartoon offends Japan

From The Guardian

"Marvellous! Thanks to Fukushima, sumo is now an Olympic sport."

Japan is to lodge an official complaint about a cartoon in a French newspaper that links the Fukushima nuclear disaster with Tokyo's successful bid to host the 2020 Olympics.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Le Canard enchaîné (4)

From The New York Time's Saturday Profile.

Photo: Valerio Mezzanotti for The New York Times

Claude Angeli had his little black book on the table — a real little black book, leather bound and yellowing pages. No BlackBerry. No iPhone. No computer in sight.

Mr. Angeli is the 79-year-old executive editor of Le Canard Enchaîné, a weekly satirical newspaper. He writes his articles longhand.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Le Canard enchainé (3)

An article published on March 9th in Der Spiegel:

French President Nicolas Sarkozy enjoying an article in Le Canard enchaîné with cabinet member Roselyne Bachelot. This photo is from 2002, but the weekly remains mandatory reading for French political classes.

Le Canard enchaîné (2)

A selection of Pétillon and Cabu cartoons published in Le Canard:

Sarko and the massacres in Libya: "I no longer recognize the Gadhafi that I welcomed in Paris." 

Le Canard enchaîné (1)

A very interesting profile of the French satirical weekly Le Canard enchaîné from The Irish Times: