Showing posts with label Herbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herbs. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Moosewood Pesto

For classic recipes like pesto, I often turn to Mollie Katzen's Moosewood Cookbook.  This one comes from the original cookbook that I picked up at a yard sale several years ago.  I also have the 15-year anniversary edition, but it's not with me at the moment so I can't tell you if she updated or changed the recipe at all.

One of the things I love about this recipe is that you have several options of nuts.  This comes in handy, especially since I can't bring myself to pay $20/bag for pine nuts right now!  Unfortunately walnuts are also way UP in price, last time I checked a one-pound bag was about $8, which I also just can't do.  So luckily, I have a bunch of almonds in the freezer, and that's what I've been using for my pesto.

The first batch I made using my homegrown Lemon Basil and almonds, and it is amazing.  My generous FedEx driver dropped off a huge bag of homegrown Basil yesterday, so I am making more pesto today, again with almonds.  I stick the pesto in small freezer containers, so we can have that fresh green summer flavor all year long.

from Moosewood Cookbook
for about 6 servings of pasta

3 packed cups fresh basil leaves (removed from stems)
2 large cloves fresh garlic
1/2 cup pinenuts, walnuts, almonds or a combination
3/4 cup (packed) fresh-chopped parsley
3/4 cup fresh-grated Parmesan
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup melted butter
salt to taste

Combine everything in a blender or food processor on low, then medium speed.  Arrange things so the blender blade will turn efficiently.  Thoroughly work everything into a smooth paste.  Toss with hot, drained pasta.

*This keeps excellently in the freezer too, just thaw before tossing with pasta.
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