Showing posts with label crockpot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crockpot. Show all posts

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A fresh start...Crockin' Sunday!

At the beginning of the year we changed meeting times at church. We now have the 1:30-4:30 slot and that has us adjusting how we do things. The new norm will be either making sure I prepped before church or I make something that will be ready when we walk back through the door. Especially since no one in this family will wait until 7pm to eat supper.
I've opted for using my beloved crock pot, I only have 3. So for this year I'll be posting my Sunday meals and hopefully pass on some of my love for the crock. Lets kick it off.


4-5 lg Sweet Onions
2 tbsp Olive Oil
2-4 lg Containers of Beef or Veggie Broth
Mozzarella slices
Baguette slices
6qt Crock Pot or larger

Cut onions in half and slice. Put olive oil into a fry pan and sauté onions with a lid on to get them sweating. Salt and pepper. When the onions begin to become translucent remove from heat and put into crock pot. Add beef broth, garlic and chives.
Cook on low 8 hours or on high 4 hours.
When the soup is done ladle into oven safe bowls, top with baguette and mozzarella. Put under the broiler until cheese has melted.

3-4 pounds London Broil
1 cup Beef Broth
Favorite Steak Seasoning

Place all items in the crock pot and cook on low 6 hrs and on high 3 hours.

Ace beef on favorite rolls or bread, I use French bread. Top with slices of mozzarella. Enjoy!