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Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycling. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Super easy newspaper pots for starting seeds

A super simple way to make pots for starting seeds is with a single strip of newspaper. I've seen all sorts of complex cutting, folding and taping instructions and even advertisements pitching a wooden tool to form the pots. Phooey! All you need is paper, scissors, a jar and your fingers.

Choose a jar that is the same diameter as your desired pot size. My jar held bouillon cubes. It is bigger than a standard spice rack jar, and smaller than a pint jar.

I cut a standard newspaper sheet (one side of the vertical fold) into three pieces lengthwise. Place the jar on the strip of paper so about two inches of width extends beyond the jar's opening. Start at one short end of the strip and wrap the paper around the jar as you roll it.

Push the two-inch edges of the paper back into the jar all around. Take the pot off the jar, and using your fingertips scrunch the newspaper down from the inside to form the bottom. You're done!

For a single strip of newspaper they are surprisingly strong. They do dry out quickly, however, so be sure to keep them in a watertight tray. Packing them tightly will help them keep their shape as well as promote even moisture. I also recommend moistening your seed-starting medium before putting it in the pots.

You can plant the entire pot into your garden. I like to pull off the bottom to free roots as I transplant. Be sure to bury completely when planting, as paper still sticking out on top can draw away moisture.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Off-season uses for tomato cages

With a nod to Dr. Seuss ... 

"Where will we hang the stockings?" the kids asked me this year.
Christmas is coming, it's practically here.

For a fireplace we've got,
but a mantle -- with crannies and nooks for placing hangers and hooks --
a mantle, we have not.

Then the gardener got an idea. A silly idea.
The gardener got a wonderful, crazy idea.

"I know just what to do!" the gardener cried
and she threw on her boots and went outside.
She tromped through the snow past summer's veggie bed
and claimed metal tomato cages resting in the shed.

Why, upside down these garden structures are just the trick
to hang up our stockings for good Ol' St. Nick.
They stand on their own in the shape of the tree:
An efficient use of space, as you can see.

With clothespins in hand the gardener thought of other reasons
Tomato cages could be useful beyond standard growing seasons.
Greeting card displays! Hat stands! Mitten racks!
Boot shapers and homes for scarves drying in stacks!

Just think -- if you place a cage above a heat vent
You can make your own compact snow-gear-drying tent. 

As she brought a little of her garden inside for the day
the gardener began to look at things in an entirely new way.
To some it's absurd, but the possibilities are endless
When the wish is to create something practically spend-less.

Happy Holidays from Backyard Farming!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Decisions on Cleaning green Waste

By Jennifer

I am hosting an inner debate. My city recently announced a voluntary curbside green waste recycling program. I am excited the city is going this direction, in a move that will surely reduce the amount of waste
in the landfill. 

The problem? I'm not sure I want to join.

See, at the same time I want to support environmental measures, I also want to do what's best for my household. That means a different kind of green speaks loudest: money.

The city program will cost $6.50 a month for a 90-gallon green waste container that is collected once a week. Accepted green waste is lawn cuttings, clippings from bushes and shrubs, leaves and produce.
Collected materials will be made into compost. (I've yet to learn if that compost will be made available to residents.)

In my city your first trash container (black 90-gallon bucket) costs $11.50 per month, with any additional containers costing $8 a month.The city is pitching the green waste program as a cost-saving measure for those who replace a second black can with a green waste can. Current cost for two trash containers: $19.50. Cost for one trash container and a green waste container: $18.

Most households on my street have two black cans. Our home does not --even though our family of seven could easily fill two cans if I tookthat route (or cleaned under my teenager's bed)! Instead we've made
efforts to minimize our trash by recycling paper, cardboard andplastic; and by donating our outgrown clothing and other household items we no longer use.

With green waste in particular, we have traded lawn space for other plantings, and mulch the grass clippings right back onto the lawn instead of throwing them away. We make compost. We have lots of trees
whose leaves, come fall, go into our garden plot; we don't bag the leaves for garbage collection.

At the end of summer we do have a lot of green waste in profusion when we cut back perennial flowers and remove large vegetable plants. These items exceed our compost space, so we opt to take them to the green
waste collection point at the landfill. Cost is $5 a truckload. We generally make two or three trips.

All told, the green waste program would cost me $96 a year. Did I mention that green waste isn't collected Dec. 1 through March 31, but that the green waste container may be used for a regular trash can
then (which I don't need)? So make that $96 for eight months of green cleaning.

I'm torn. I applaud the city for starting this program and I want it to succeed, even if it doesn't make sense financially for me. Should I consider the cost to me an investment in the greater good of the
community? If I opt out will I forever feel guilty for every seedy dandelion (my compost no-no!) that I throw in the black bin? How badly do I want that 90-gallon green badge of honor on my driveway?

I'd love to hear your thoughts as well as learn about the green waste programs in your communities.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bag Lady

 Aren't these Recycled Grocery totes adorable? Click here for the tutorial. 

And check out these fantastic gift bags made from newspaper. Click here for the tutorial.

Even Martha has gotten into the reusable bag trend. Check out her tutorial here...it's a good thing.


Friday, April 30, 2010

Muck Buckets and Mobile Babies

They don't mix!

(no babies were harmed in the making of this post)
Luckily the muck bucket just had some stale bread and nothing too disgusting!

To find out how to recycle your food and how to make your own muck bucket, click here.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Recycled Gift Bow Tutorial

How About Orange has a great tutorial on how to make a gift bow from a magazine. Not only are you reusing, but they are really cool.