Showing posts with label History. Show all posts
Showing posts with label History. Show all posts

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

90th Anniversary Message from Miss Mary Glasgow

As we enter the Merdeka week, let's pause to remember our school history. BBGS started as a missionary school, and we were led and taught by many teachers who left their home shores to come to Malaya, a British colony, to educate young girls. Many of them spent their entire adult lives teaching local girls, preparing them for nationhood - to become "loyal women with their race".

This message was sent by Miss Mary Glasgow (BBGS Principal, 1946 - 1957) who helmed BBGS until 1957 when she befittingly handed the baton of leadership to Miss Elena M Cooke, our first Malaysian headmistress. Miss Glasgow's message was read out during the BBGS Annual Speech Day in 1983, which commemorated the 90th anniversary of the school.

Dear pupils, staff and friends of the school,

It is a great privilege and pleasure to be able to speak to you today and give you my warmest greetings and congratulations on this auspicious occasion.

It reminds me of my first arrival in 1930 and the welcome I received. From then on, I have had the happiest possible memories of those 31 years with BBGS and I thank God for such a wonderful experience. You made teaching a real pleasure and you taught me more valuable lessons than I gave you. I shall never forget the sincerity and warmth of your approach and the help that was always available in any kind of need. Indeed, after 22 years of absence, I still find myself referring to Malaysia and BBGS as home.

Miss Glasgow (fourth from the right) with some of her former students

The 9oth anniversary! What a long way we have come from that little gathering I remember in the Fook Yam Tong on Davidson Road with your marvellous buildings and playing fields in BBGS today.

Then the pupils were rather shy and were accompanied to and from school, often by rickshaws. Many parents preferred to keep daughters at home. So numbers were small. However, time marches on and after the war, there was tremendous pressure to get girls admitted. The buildings could not rise fast enough and even yet I hear the enrollments continue to soar,

It is delightful to see how the school maintains its character and high standards. May it ever be so and continue to go from strength to strength in humility and trust in the living God who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.

Are we aware of Satan's greatest weapon. Self-pity? Never succumb to that or you are lost! Forget yourself, put others first, avoid hasty words and criticism, grumbling and complaining.

Dwell deep! There is a depth in life which is too seldom used. We live too much on the surface and do not dig down to the riches beneath. Let us take a look at a verse of Amy Carmichael:

From prayer that asks that I may be,
Sheltered from winds that beat on Thee,
From fearing when I should aspire,
From faltering when I should climb higher,
From silken self, O Captain, free
Thy soldier who would follow Thee.

Give me the love that leads the way,
The faith that nothing can dismay,
The hope no disappointments tire,
The passion that will burn like fire,
Let me not sink to be a clod:
Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Memories of Food Sales

This article was written by Valerie Kuan/4 Sc5 and published in the 1985 School Magazine.

"Oh! Here he comes, at last! Hey, the ice-cream man is heeerrree...". Screams of delight pierced the morning silence. Girls in school T-shirts started to bustle here and there. The canteen was in a mess. Biscuits, packets of mee, nasi lemak were arranged on the tables. Suddenly, a bell rang, destroying the quiet hum of the day. Just as suddenly as before, girls appeared here, there and everywhere. They rushed for the food-strewn table. A million noises seemed to fill the air, the chink of coins, the shrill laughter of girls, the splashing of water. Another typical BBGS foodsale had begun.

Foodsales were introduced over 30 years ago (1950s) by Miss E. Cooke, a former headmistress. Foodsales were begun not only to collect money, but also or a much more meaningful purpose. Foodsales, back then, were organised by the girls, teachers as well as the canteen people. Foodsales were to, little by little, forge a bond between the girls and the teachers, a bond of love and trust, an eternal bond.

Funfairs were also held way back in the "old days". It used to be day-long affairs, from about noon to six in the evening. Funfairs were also to promote the tie between student and teacher. They used to collect about RM40,000 a day. Sad to say, BBGS did not continue that tradition for very long.

Funfairs and foodsales alike made bundles of profits. These profits were achieved by the willingness of BBGS girls to work. The teachers' generous nature also insisted they helped in any way possible. Some of the proceeds from the foodsales and funfairs helped support BBGS financially. The rest went into a fund known as the Building Fund. It was from this fund, we built the Science Laboratory D and the staff-room. After 7 long years, we can now boast a gymnasium and a junior library. Our old school hall was renovated to become the School Library.

Unfortunately, funfairs are but fond memories now. Memories embedded in the age-old history of this school. True, foodsales lost some of their glitter through the years. BBGSians became less enthusiastic as they aged. Teachers are now burdened with heavier work loads. But the banning of foodsales has affected all of us in one way or the other.

Following the announcement of the ban, opinionated arguments arose. The pros and cons were weighed. Sound reasons were sought. Finally, BBGS girls reached a verdict. We want our foodsales back!

Saturday, 24 July 2010

School Rules - Part 6

All food must be consumed outside the classrooms. Eating is only allowed during recess.

All litter must be disposed of in the proper containers provided. The school grounds, drains and flower pots must be kept clean of all litter.

Bags are not to be left lying about. During assembly, all bags must be in the hall.

Bahasa Malaysia and English are the only languages to be spoken on school premises. Bad language is forbidden. On Wednesdays, Bahasa Malaysia is compulsory.

  1. Cars must stop outside the school after 7.30 a.m. except when it rains.
  2. Cars must wait outside the school after 1.30 p.m. except when it rains.
  3. No buses are allowed into the school compound.
  4. Parking is not allowed in front or under the perch of the school.
  5. All pupils must enter the school through the pedestrian gate.
  6. Line up when boarding the school bus. No pushing.
  7. Obey the traffic warden when crossing roads.
All accidents that occur in the school must be reported immediately to a member of the staff or a prefect.

All images courtesy of Poh Ching Suan (Class of 1985)

Friday, 23 July 2010

School Rules - Part 5

Here are more delightful ditties from the School Rules Book...some of them sound as if they were written by Master Yoda himself :-)

Keep the compound clean
By throwing your rubbish into the bin

Rocking your chair, please cease
Or else, five cents please
Cups and bottles please return
This good habit you must learn

All images courtesy of Poh Ching Suan (Class of 1985)

Thursday, 22 July 2010

School Rules - Part 4

Time: Monday - Friday : 7.30 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
Saturday : 8.00 a.m. - 12.45 p.m.
School Holidays : 8.00 a.m. - 12.45 p.m.

All library rules must be observed when using these facilities.

Rules for borrowing:
  1. All girls, except Upper Sixth formers, are allowed to borrow only ONE book at a time. Upper Sixth formers are allowed to borrow two books at a time.
  2. There can only be ONE renewal after a week. No immediate renewal of spotted books is allowed. Any renewal can only be made after a week.
  3. There will be a fine of 5 c per book/magazine per day late until the book is returned. There will also be a fine of $2 on red spot books due on Saturday but returned on Monday. All red spot books must be returned by 8.00 a.m. on the specified date. There will be a fine of 5 c per hour late until the book is returned.
  4. The loss or damage of books must be reported to the librarian immediately.
  5. Borrowers responsible for the loss or damage of books or magazines must pay for the repairs of replacements in addition to a fine.
  6. The following books are NOT to be taken out of the Library: Atlases, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias and other books marked an 'R'.
  7. Books with any of the following faults must be reported to the librarian: books with loose or torn pages, books with missing pages, books with completed date due slips or cards, books without date due slips or cards
  8. Nothing must be written on the page of any book or magazine and nothing must be underlined. THIS IS A PUNISHABLE OFFENCE.
  9. Blue, green and red spot books are to be borrowed by teachers and Sixth formers only
  10. Only Fifth and Sixth formers and teachers are allowed to borrow magazines, ONE at a time. They are allowed to keep the magazine for a period of THREE days.
  11. A borrower's card is NOT transferable.
  12. No reserving of books or seats is allowed.

Other rules:

  1. There must be NO talking or whispering in the Library.
  2. No eating is allowed in the Library.
  3. School bags, tupperware etc. must be left outside the library neatly.
  4. Anything taken out of the Library must be checked by the librarian on duty.
  5. Only teachers and Sixth formers are allowed to take their files into the Library. Sixth formers must leave these at the counter.
  6. No printed materials of any kind, except textbooks, are to be taken into the Library. If found, such materials will be confiscated.
  7. Anyone leaving the Library with a library book must have her borrower's card with her.
  8. No one will be admitted unless wearing school uniform and school badges. Girl Guides may come in their uniforms on Saturday.
  9. Book shelves must be tidy and books replaced according to call numbers after use.
  10. Magazines and periodicals must be replaced properly in their respective shelves after use.
  11. Chairs must be pushed in after use. THERE WILL BE A FINE OF 5 C FOR CHAIRS NOT PUSHED IN AFTER USE.
  12. There will be no leaning against the walls or sitting on the floor.
  13. Girls not taking a certain subject are allowed into the Library, but only with permission from their Form Mistress.
  14. Girls whose classes are given Library periods must come to the Library during the specified times. They are only allowed to borrow books for the first 30 minutes ONLY.
  15. Borrower's cards are sold on the first two days of the month only (please refer to the Library notice board for these dates) to girls who have lost their cards. New cards are priced at 50c each. Girls with completed cards may renew their cards during Library hours at 5c each.
  16. Magazine slips are sold on the first two days of the month to girls who have lost their magazine slips. New magazine slips are priced at 20c each. Girls with completed magazine slips may renew their magazine slips during Library hours, at 5c each.
  17. Each girl is allowed to use a maximum of two books & 2 magazines while working in the Library.

NOTE: Ignorance of these rules will not be accepted as an adequate excuse.

All images courtesy of Poh Ching Suan (Class of 1985)

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

School Rules - Part 3

Are you enjoying this series on the School Rules? I most certainly AM! While some of the rules are good, some of them are downright funny - in this day and age. I've found myself bursting into laughter reading some of these pages. Here's a good one...

Pillars support the building
Not the feet when shoe-lacing,
Neither the head when resting
Nor the feet when standing

All images courtesy of Poh Ching Suan (Class of 1985)

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

School Rules - Part 2

The complete school unifrom must be worn at all times in the school. The school uniform must be worn at all school functions and games outside the school unless special permission is granted. Once the pupil is in school uniform, she is not to let down her hair, remove her badges and bows or wear other shoes besides her school shoes.

The following must be observed:
  1. correct colour
  2. unifrom - clean and ironed
  3. skirt - not more than 2" above the kness
  4. white blouse - not shirts, no pockets
  5. sleeves - not to be folded in or up
  6. proper buttons, no pins
  7. bows for 6th formers - 1/2" to 3/5" wide, 45" long
  8. shoes - white/brown/black (clean). At special functions only white shoes are to be worn by girls in Forms One to Five. Slippers or shoes with heels are not allowed. Black shoes and a maximum of 1 1/2" heel are allowed for 6th formers only. A fine of 5 cents is imposed on dirty shoes, 10 cents per shoe for 6th formers.
  9. white socks - clean, turned down ankle length
  10. a) long hair - tied up and tidy. If possible, hair must be plaited. No hair must touch the eyebrows b) short hair - well brushed and tidy. No hair must touch the eyebrows. No hair to touch shoulders. If it is shoulder length, it must be plaited.
  11. no fancy or coloured clips. Only black or white ribbons allowed.
  12. no jewellery except earrings and watches to be worn.
  13. Badges - Every pupil must possess 2 badges i.e. school badge & house badge to be worn at all times on the left hand side with the school badge above the house badge, not overlapping.
  14. nails - short and clean. No nail varnish. 6th formers are allowed long nails & colourless nail varnish
  15. Baju kurung to be worn only on Fridays. Slits in front must have a clasp, not a school badge.
All images courtesy of Poh Ching Suan (Class of 1985)

Monday, 19 July 2010

School Rules - Part 1

Here's an image that is bound to send shivers down many a spine.'s the BBGS School Rules Book!

Strange creature that I am, this familiar green book sent me into spasms of delight because I used to memorise its contents, and have been hunting high and low for it since the blog began. Thanks to Poh Ching Suan (Class of 1985), this "ancient relic" is now available in digital format and will be shared on this blog as a series of posts.

Love it or hate it, we can't deny that it played a big part in how we chose to behave (or not!) during our BBGS years. Enjoy this trip down memory lane with me, as we journey through the yellowed pages of the BBGS School Rules book.

School Hours
Our school hours are as follows:-

Forms 1 & 2 1.20 p.m. - 6. 15 p.m.
Forms 3 - 6 7.30 a.m. -1.10 p.m.

All pupils should be in school at least 5 minutes before the bell.

Girls from Forms One & Two should try not to come to school too early as the older girls are still in session. All afternoon pupils must make their way straight to the Canteen/Hall where they will wait till their bell summons them.

No pupil is allowed to leave the school compound during school hours, including recess, without the permission of the Principal.

No pupil is allowed to absent herself from school without permission from the Principal. In case of illness or any emergency, a medical certificate or letter of explanation from either the pupil's parent or guardian must be produced as soon as possible.

The habit of asking permission to leave school in order to bid relations farewell/welcome is greatly deplored. Far too much time is wasted on this and pupils would be much better employed at school.

Silence must be observed:

a) during Assembly
b) in or near the office
c) in or near the Library
d) when moving from one class to another
e) on the stairs
f) once the bell rings at 7.30 a.m/1.20 p.m. and after recess

  1. The highest code of behaviour is expected from every BBGS girl.
  2. Courtesy, sincerity and uprightness should characterise every pupil.
  3. Respect all teachers. Greet them and offer help whenever the opportunity arises.
  4. No pupil is allowed to participate in any outside activity without the permission of the Principal.
  5. No pupil is allowed to linger outside the classrooms or the hall when there is a class in session.
  6. Pupils are to line up as soon as the bell goes and wait for the teachers before entering the classrooms.
  7. No dashing along the corridors and up and down the stairs. Keep to the left when moving up or down the stairs and along corridors.
  8. All books, comics and magazines considered harmful will be confiscated.


  1. All classrooms must be kept clean.
  2. Flowers in the classroom must be fresh and well-arranged.
  3. All pictures should be changed at least once a term.
  4. Charts/diagrams/News items must be up-to-date.
  5. Desks & chairs must be straightened before school begins and during recess.
  6. Chairs must be used properly. No jigging of chairs is allowed
  7. The corridors immediately outside the classrooms must be kept clean by the pupils concerned
  8. Class cleanliness shields for both morning and afternoon sessions are presented weekly to the classes which are considered cleanest.
  9. No pupil may switch on any light or fan before recess in the morning without the teacher's permission. On leaving a classroom all lights and fans must be switched off.
  10. No pupil is allowed to write or draw on the blackboard without the teacher's permission.
  11. All pupils must vacate their classrooms during recess, before and after school and during physical education. No pupil is allowed upstairs during recess.

Pupils are not allowed to use the stage or the piano without permission. No entry to the hall during recess

Sick Room
The clinic is meant for those who are ILL. Anyone who wishes to use it must get the necessary form completed and signed by a teacher. Any girl found in the clinic without a form will be severely punished. No eating is allowed in the clinic.

Every pupil is responsible for the cleanliness of the toilets. Only use the toilet allotted to your class. Report any damage to the office immediately.

All posters on the notice boards must bear the signature of the Principal. All out-dated posters must be removed.

  1. The canteen must be kept clean at all times.
  2. Line up for food. No pushing.
  3. Don't eat behind the canteen.
  4. All bottles and cups must be returned to the counter.
  5. No rubbish is to be left on the tables.
  6. Pupils who stay back after school are not to make noise in the canteen.
  7. Pupils are not to linger in the canteen when the bell rings after recess

Monday, 26 April 2010

Candle 37: A Song to Sing

I received a delightful gift in my inbox this morning from Carolyn Joan Lau (Class of 1981), which she'd like to share with all BBGSians. Carolyn is a landscape designer based in KL, who found a pre-Independence songbook that was used by schoolkids in colonial Malaya, containing the origins of our beloved School Song. Curious to find out on! Thanks for sharing, Carolyn...

Dear Joanna

Here is something to add to the Back2BBGS blog, more so for you younger ones. (Joanna says: Thanks for the compliment, Carolyn. It's been ages since anyone described me as young!)

I found this old song book in an old Ipoh junk shop. The cover is as old as my generation - hope we're weathering better than this book!

There are so many odd songs in it that us older girls used to sing in primary school - with Mrs Singham at the piano (Pri 1) - that we can never shake out of our heads. School concerts were such a blast - done properly - and so much fun.

More importantly, do note that our school song was adapted from "Land of Our Birth" (words by Rudyard Kipling). Many schoolkids in the Federation of Malaya, and later Malaysia were singing this!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Sands of Time

I've been researching BBGS history for many years and would just like to clear the misconception that we're the oldest school in Malaysia. We're NOT. The chronological order for the founding of premier Malaysian schools is:

Penang Free School - 1815

St Xavier's Institution, Penang - 1825
(which my father attended)

Treacher Methodist Girls' School, Taiping - 1889
(which Miss Yeap Gaik Khoon and my grandmother attended!)

Bukit Bintang Girls' School, KL - 1893
(which my mother, my sister and I attended)

Victoria Institution, KL - 1893

Methodist Girls' School, KL - 1896

Methodist Boys' School, KL - 1897

Convent Bukit Nanas, KL - 1899

St John's Institution, KL - 1904

...but that still makes us the oldest girls' school in Selangor :-)

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Garage 9

Have you ever wondered what happened to Miss Prouse and Miss Glasgow during World War 2? Up until last week, all I knew was that they were interned in Palembang, Sumatra. Thanks to Barbara Coombes, a Masters student at London Metropolitan University, we now have a unique glimpse into their lives as prisoners-of-war. I am very grateful to Barbara for sharing her research with us. We'd love to hear from you if you have any comments about this article.

Views of Palembang in South Sumatra, circa 1935

Women’s internment camp at Palembang, Sumatra

Fleeing from the fall of Singapore, many civilian women found themselves interned in camps throughout Sumatra, Java and the Philippines during the World War 2. Eva Prouse and Mary Glasgow were among the women in a camp at Palembang Sumatra, although they were moved many times during their internment. However it was at Palembang camp early in their captivity that they found themselves housed in Garage 9. The houses, previously a Dutch settlement were already occupied, often 30 to a house!

Garage 9 was to be their home for nearly a year and they shared this small space with 12 other women and one orphaned little boy. This group appeared to have a particular bond with several keeping and hiding diaries recording their captivity. There were four Presbyterian missionaries, a civilian teacher; a nurse with the Colonial Nursing Service; the wife of the choirmaster at St.Andrew’s Cathedral in Singapore with her daughter who was in her early twenties, three other wives, a young single woman and the small boy. Mary Glasgow apparently had the nickname ‘Paddy’ because she came from Ireland.

(L-R) Miss Eva Prouse and Miss Mary Glasgow

Their days centred on all the chores that they had to undertake in order to survive with tasks allocated according to physical ability. Task such as carrying great lengths of wood to cut for firewood to fuel the fires for cooking needed strength and to keep them burning one had to stoop low and keep fanning the heat, therefore the younger members took on these tasks. Mary herself said that she enjoyed getting up early to chop the wood! They cooked in pairs and for their own group, later when they were moved to another camp the cooking was done centrally. Other chores that had to be completed were: cleaning the rice as it arrived with glass, stones, weevils and maggots and had to be painstakingly cleaned. Often other rations, if they were lucky, were just dumped in the grounds of the camp so had to be collected. Water also had to be carried a long way then used for cleaning food before being able to be used for personal washing. The worst job of all was clearing the open drains that serviced what passed for toilets. The heat and humidity of course made these tasks even worse. It was amazing that in the light of this that the women managed to keep their dignity and supported each other. Physical conditions and the women’s health deteriorated, as they were move from camp to camp and many suffered from malaria, dysentery and beriberi. Only 4 women and the small boy survived from Garage 9.

Despite the conditions, particularly in the early days when they were all in much better health, some women were able to earn a little money that was used to buy extra food, albeit very small amounts. Eva Prouse volunteered for the sewing party making garments for the Japanese military. There was much debate and excitement when she came back with her first 50 cents! How were they to spend it? One diary records that once they bought a whole banana! Later it became clear that the children of the camp were running wild so a school system begun with Eva Prouse in charge of the seniors and Mary Glasgow assisting. Other women took on the younger children and also ran language classes for the adults. One of the Presbyterian missionaries, Margaret Dryburgh from Garage 9, along with another internee Norah Chambers started a ‘vocal orchestra’ giving concerts to the camp internees. The ‘orchestra’ in four parts hummed classical pieces; the scores had been written down by memory – an astounding feat. The women worked hard at trying to keep spirits high but many of the activities, as the years passed, had to be forsaken as they fought hard to stay alive. From the very beginning, Margaret Dryburgh assisted by others, ran Sunday services and bible readings, helping to sustain the women throughout their ordeal.

Sadly, Eva Prouse died but Mary Glasgow survived and returned to Kuala Lumpur to continue her work in teaching.

Barbara Coombes researching women’s internment for a Masters Degree at London Metropolitan University, London.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Women of Vision: 1893 - 1925

The "Timeless Traditions" exhibition took place on 4 August 2009 at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. It showcased the pioneers of BBGS as well as school activities through the decades. Some readers who couldn't attend the function have asked me to share the exhibition online. So here it is...enjoy!

This exhibition has been researched, written and sponsored by Joanna Yeoh and photos have been re-produced with permission from Miss YL Moey. Please obtain written copyright permission from the author before reproducing any information and images for print or digital use. Thank you.

Miss Betty Langlands, 1893 - 1895

The British Empire was at its height of glory when Miss Betty Langlands left England for Malaya, an equatorial colonial outpost.

Her vision?

To educate the women in this country and elevate their status in society, in order that they might live fuller lives. In 1893, this determined missionary lady gathered a few women in Brickfields and taught them to read.

The first girls’ school in Selangor was born.

Miss Bessie Maclay and the five orphans she adopted

Miss Bessie Maclay (1895 - 1914)

Miss Maclay arrived from China in 1895 to take over the reins of the school, then known as the Chinese Girls’ School. The school grew under her care, even while it was physically moved to Petaling Hill and Davidson Road.

A hardworking, broadminded and strict Headmistress, Miss Maclay was feared but loved by all her pupils. Coming from a well-to-do family, Miss Maclay gave generously to all who needed help. As a nurse, she welcomed everyone who came to the dispensary at her house. Babies were left on her doorstep. She raised five of these children, all of whom grew up to be a credit to her.

In 1914, she went on leave via USA on board the Lusitania. The First World War broke out and the ship was torpedoed off the coast of Ireland and she was drowned. Maclay House was named in her honour.

Miss Shirtliff and her pupils in the early twentieth century

Miss Shirtliff arrived from New Zealand in 1898 and came to Kuala Lumpur in the early 1900’s. Firm, forthright and outspoken, she soon became well-known to the schoolgirls of that era. She planted a rain tree under which the girls loved to shelter at recess time. The much-loved raintree continued to provide welcome respite for over half a century. Shirtliff House was named in her honour.

L-R: Miss Ruth Lewis, Miss Molly Ham (1914 - 1918)

From 1914 – 1918, during the difficult days of the First World War, the school continued under the joint leadership of Miss Ruth Lewis and Miss Molly Ham.

Miss Lewis also came from New Zealand. She later married and became Mrs Robert Austin.

Miss Ham left Malaya after the war and went to live in Cheddar, England.

L-R: Mrs Green, Miss Luke, Miss O' Connor

Mrs W.H. Green, 1918 - 1919

Mrs Green, the sister of Miss Shirtliff, took over the reins of the school for a year. One of Mrs Green’s pupils was heard to remark, “Oh dear, she was very, very strict but most efficient as a Principal.” Green House was named after her.

Miss A. Luke, 1919 – 1925

Miss A Luke arrived in 1919, and led the school until 1925. She married and became Mrs. Bennett, and went on to reside in Brisbane, Australia.

Miss O’ Connor, circa 1922

When Miss Luke went on leave, Miss O’ Connor who later became Mrs G. Gough, was given the headship in 1922. She was the first graduate teacher of the school.

Women of Vision: 1925 - 1993

This is the second part of the "Timeless Traditions" exhibition that took place on 4 August 2009 at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. This exhibition has been researched, written and sponsored by Joanna Yeoh and photos have been re-produced with permission from Miss YL Moey. Please obtain written copyright permission from the author before reproducing any information and images for print or digital use. Thank you.

Miss Prouse and the first class of Senior Students presented for the
Cambridge School Certificate Examination

Miss Eva Prouse, 1925 - 1941

Miss Eva Prouse arrived from Rockhampton, Queensland in April 1925. During her tenure as Headmistress, the school presented students for the Cambridge School Certificate Examination for the first time in 1928.

Miss Prouse was strict but fair, and a stickler for neatness and tidiness. Straight and tall, she was always impeccably dressed and walked round the school with a firm and purposeful tread.

She took a keen interest in sports and would attend all the badminton matches in which the school participated. Before leaving for the venue, the school players and supporters were usually given a talk on fair play and sportsmanship.

When the Second World War broke out, Miss Prouse was interned in Palembang, Sumatra. On 8 February 1945, just six months before the Japanese surrender, Miss Prouse died from malaria. Prouse House carried her name and Prouse Wing was built with the savings she left the school.

Miss Mary Glasgow, 1946 - 1957

In 1930, Miss Mary Glasgow arrived to serve with Miss Prouse as the school moved to Bukit Bintang Road. Together, they worked tirelessly to improve the school until the Second World War. Serving until the last possible moment, Miss Glasgow and Miss Prouse were both captured and interned in Sumatra.

Miss Glasgow survived the internment and returned to head BBGS in August 1946. Before the war, many parents preferred to keep their daughters at home so the numbers were small. However following the war, there was
tremendous pressure to get girls admitted to the school. The buildings could not rise fast enough to meet soaring enrolment.

Miss Glasgow was known for her ability to make Literature come alive and was brilliant in Mathematics. She was loved because she took personal interest in the girls, while demanding that they gave of their best. She taught, guided and inspired the next generation of Malaysian educators including Miss Elena Cooke, who took over from Miss Glasgow as Principal of BBGS in 1958.

In recognition of her contribution to education in Malaya, Miss Glasgow was awarded the MBE (Master of the Order of the British Empire) in 1955. In 1960, she retired from teaching after 30 years of dedicated service and returned home to Ireland.

Miss Elena Cooke, 1958 - 1977

Miss Elena Cooke had the rare distinction of being a student, teacher, headmistress and chairman of the Board of Governors of Bukit Bintang Girls’ School (BBGS). Her student days began in 1928 and she started her teaching career in 1945, having earned a degree from Queen’s University in Belfast.

She went on to become one of the most well-respected headmistresses of BBGS, leading the school from 1958 – 1977. Renowned as a perfectionist who demanded nothing but the best from her staff and pupils, she took on her responsibilities with thoroughness and dedication. She is known for her sharp eye for detail, her insistence on excellent pronunciation, her intolerance for laziness, rudeness and untidiness and preoccupation with discipline.

Under her leadership, BBGS flourished. The school buildings, enrolment and reputation grew from strength to strength, earning her the title of Master Builder. She was awarded a KMN in 1977 for her excellent service and dedication to the field of education in Malaysia.

Miss Yeap Gaik Khoon, 1980 - 1993

Miss Yeap came to BBGS from another well-known missionary school - Methodist Girls’ School Taiping. She is a graduate of the University of Malaya (Singapore) and University of Southampton (United Kingdom). When Miss Yeap took over the reins of BBGS, she faced the formidable task of maintaining the high standards of BBGS while carrying on the school traditions.

Fortunately, Miss Yeap has one special quality that helped her cope with the challenges – she cares. She always had a listening and sympathetic ear for her students and staff. She encouraged open dialogue between teachers and parents to talk about their children’s progress in school.

Sports, especially hockey, was close to Miss Yeap’s heart. She was always there to encourage and support the BBGS hockey team, which went on to win district, state and national championships.

Miss Yeap retired as Principal of BBGS in 1993, and went on to become Principal of Fairview International School. Today, she is retired from active teaching and resides in Kuala Lumpur.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Hostage drama in 1975

To date, most of the emails I receive are from BBGSians who write to tell me their stories. Last week, I received an interesting email from Sheith Faikis (a 26-year old male!) from Malaysia who is doing some research for a TV program. This involves tracking down a BBGSian named Chong Fei Fei who was caught up in a hostage drama way back in 1975. I'll let him tell you the story in his own words, and if you can help him locate Fei Fei, please email him directly at

Hello Joanna Yeoh,

I just visited your blog.

My name is Sheith Faikis Abu Bakar. I work as a researcher at FM Production: A production house that provides content for Astro. We are currently in the making of a documentary on the terrorist organization, The Japanese Red Army (JRA).

In 1975, the JRA stormed the AIA Building in Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, and held over 50 hostages. Among the hostages was Chong Fei Fei. She was 13 at the time, and was a student at Bukit Bintang Girls' School.

I am now trying to locate this former student. I write to you hoping that you could give me some ideas on where I should begin my search.

About 3 months ago, I was asked to start research on this historic incident. Historic it may be, it has, however, surprised me that not much has been covered on this incident. I myself had never heard of the events of 1975, let alone the Japanese Red Army.

I started by first reading old newspaper articles and started listing names of everyone involved. Sometimes, in the news stories, they only mention names and don't furnish the reader with other details, and so not much can be researched from there. But in this girl's case (Chong Fei Fei) it mentions that she's a student of BBGS, and this is helpful.

This investigation has begun to get very interesting indeed. To date, I have managed to get in touch with a total of nine (out of 53) former hostages. Apart from those who are here, we have managed to get in touch with three who are now in the United States, and a Swedish woman. Why Swedish and Americans involved? Well, the AIA building housed a number of embassies back then, including the Swedish and American Embassies.

You will not believe how I got hold of this Swedish woman. All I can say is, "Thank you, Google!" She came down to Malaysia two weeks ago to be interviewed and stayed for five nights. The American hostages are waiting for us to go there, but I doubt the company would want to go all the way to the United States.

It's unfortunate that the ones here, are so unwilling to be interviewed. But I respect everyone's wishes. I am hoping that I can find more of these people from the past, and get interviews with them.

Last week, we went to see a Mr Sukdave Singh, an AIA security guard back then who was shot below the right eye by the terrorists.

I have attached here a news story (NST) on Chong Fei Fei dated August 7th 1975. If she was 13 back then, this means she was at that time either in secondary 1 or 2. Do you know anyone from this batch?

I look forward to hearing from you again.

Thanks so much,


Saturday, 5 January 2008

Down Memory Lane

I have always been fascinated by the history of BBGS, and grateful to the extraordinary women who were our school’s early pioneers. They dedicated their entire lives to build the BBGS legacy that we are proud to call our own today. This is why we must constantly strive to live up to the ideals that have been sown so many years ago.

This is the story of Miss Ma, one of those early pioneers. This extract is taken from her article published in the BBGS Centenary Magazine, May 1993.

Down Memory Lane
By Miss Ma Tak Yan
Ex-student, ex-teacher & first headmistress of BBGS Primary 2

I treasure the earliest memories of my old school where I spent 55 years of my life, first as a pupil, then a teacher and finally as headmistress. It is also the school where two brothers, six sisters, my adopted daughter and eleven nieces received their education.

I joined BBGS in 1922 when I was five years old (at that time there was no fixed age for admission). Although it was called a girls’ school, boys were also admitted. However, they had to leave and join a boys’ school after completing Standard 2.

During my student days, BBGS was under four fine Christian headmistresses who endeavoured to live and teach the faith which they professed. The first was Miss Luke and when she went on leave, Miss O’Connor took over the helm. Then came Miss E. Prouse, a disciplinarian who instilled a healthy fear of authority in students but was much respected by everyone. She is also fondly remembered as the person from whom we learned to do fine embroidery. When she went on furlough, our dear Miss M. Glasgow became our headmistress.

The early Davidson Road days

In those early days, BBGS operated from the Chinese Gospel Hall. This was a small wooden building in Davidson Road. Four classes were held in the main building, each occupying one corner of the Hall with the headmistress’ desk beside the main door. Two other classes were held in the vestry.

Lack of space and facilities did not dampen the enthusiasm displayed by Miss Prouse. As there was no playing field, she made full use of whatever space there was in front of the church building to teach us folk dancing, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and club drill. These activities made up for the sports of which we were deprived.

There was great fun when the school broke up at the end of the year. We always had a very interesting concert which was held in the church building. A wooden stage was erected in the vestry by my father, Mr Ma Tham Shun, who was the pastor of the Chinese Gospel Hall. There were singing items and plays and parents were treated to Christmas carols and hymns which students sang with gusto.

BBGS was established as a mission school by the Brethren Assembly. Its aim was not only to provide much needed education particularly for young girls, but also to give them the opportunity to learn the love of God and to acquire good values. Scripture was taught the first thing in the morning from 8 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. I enjoyed the Bible lessons given by some of our missionaries like Miss Shirtliff, Miss Falconer and Miss Daws. Students were encouraged to memorise Bible passages such as Psalm 23, Isaiah 53 and John 14. The teaching of the Word of God has certainly not been in vain and many students have gone on to make valuable contributions to society.

Moving to Bukit Bintang Road

It was a red-letter day when we moved to our own school building on Bukit Bintang Road in 1929. It was still called the Chinese Girls’ School for some time after that. I clearly remembered scrubbing the floors of the classrooms and painting our desks. Standards 7, 8 and 9 (Forms 3, 4 and 5) occupied the classroom next to the headmistress’ office. Woe betide us when we made noise which was immediately silenced by the sound of the press-bell in Miss Prouse’s office.

When I entered Form 5, there were only two pupils – Lizzie Tan and myself. When my classmate fell ill (which she often did), poor me was the only one answering Miss Glasgow’s Literature and Bible Knowledge questions. There were terrifying moments when I failed to answer any of them correctly. This made me more or less memorise every word in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles so that I could perform well.

Our school was in the limelight when our Badminton Team won the coveted Silver Trophy for four consecutive years in the Selangor Inter-School Badminton Tournament held at the Victoria Institution hall. There were three singles players (I was one of them) and two doubles players. Miss Prouse was very concerned that we should not only perform well but also set an example in sportsmanship. Students, therefore, were strictly instructed not to show delight when our opponents lost a point!

Torture Chamber

When I became a teacher in 1934, the importance of maintaining strict discipline was impressed on me by Miss Prouse with whom I shared a classroom. My class occupied half the room while her class the other half. I used to call that classroom my “Torture Chamber” for while I was teaching my class, I had a pair of blue eyes focused on me from the other end of the room.

In 1936, our school participated in the King George V Silver Jubilee Celebrations held at the former Stadium on Circular Road (now known as Jalan Pekeliling). I was given the task of training the participants for the Maypole Dancing. Imagine my relief when the performers received loud applause from the audience.

Then came the Japanese

During the Japanese Occupation in 1942, we had to study Japanese. I cannot imagine how I managed to teach Algebra (Dai-su) in Japanese! The classes were small and were made up of girls from St. Mary’s and Pudu English schools which amalgamated with BBGS and operated at our school, then called Bukit Bintang Gakko (meaning school in Japanese)

Mrs de Silva from the Pudu English School was the headmistress and we worked in harmony with the teachers from these two schools. However, Miss Prouse and Miss Glasgow, who served the school until the last possible moment, were captured by the Japanese army and interned in Palembang. Miss Prouse did not survive the internment and passed away from malaria six months before the war ended. We will certainly not forget the courage and sacrifice of people such as these. Miss Glasgow returned to BBGS as the headmistress until 1957.

After the Japanese surrender on August 15, 1945, it was a day of great rejoicing when we returned to BBGS in September 1945 to teach in English again The school was denuded of furniture because the Japanese soldiers who camped there had used our chairs and desks for firewood. They also converted the School Hall into a kitchen. Anyone who joined the school had to bring her own desk and chair and we had an interesting assortment of classroom furniture.

The call to be headmistress

I was appointed headmistress of Primary School 2 in 1958, and there were about 1000 pupils under my care. It was a huge responsibility and I recalled the lessons of those years as a class teacher under Miss Prouse and later under Miss Glasgow. Miss Glasgow, in particular, taught me the importance of applying Christian principles and values in discharging my responsibilities. I was privileged to have their own shining example to follow – how to be caring and dedicated but at the same time, to be strict.

I also had the help and the support of a very efficient senior assistant Mrs Bux (nee Wong Sau Lan), a conscientious senior teacher, Mrs Lim Peng Nyun (who succeeded me when I retired and a very capable and industrious school clerk, Mrs Lim Ngoh Moi. These factors enabled me to cope with the challenge and difficulties of the job until my retirement in January 1977.


My retirement in January 1977 marked the end of my teaching career. It was a sad day for me to leave the school and to hand over the reins to others. However, I am thankful for the precious memories I have of BBGS and am always delighted when I hear of the successes achieved by my former students and their contributions to society. BBGS has produced generations of students of fine calibre. I am very proud that three of my students, Miss E.M. Cooke, Mrs Lim Peng Nyun and Mrs Siew Pick Yoke, who became headmistresses of BBGS.

Monday, 17 December 2007

Bukit Bintang : a poem

When long ago this country, jungle clad,
Saw rising by the muddy meeting place of streams,
A hamlet of poor huts, a dwelling place for quiet country folk,
Was Starry Hill a name conceived in dreams?

When tin was mined and rubber planted row on row,
When streets were made, and gharries came, and bicycles and cars,
When people crowded in, and women, freed, came out to work with men,
Did someone say, "What shall we build upon the Hill of Stars?"

The mission came and sought the land upon the Starry Height,
The School arose and girls began to fill
Its halls and classrooms with a throng of bright young life,
And placed a coronet of stars upon the hill.

The Principal, the gentle moon, sheds radiance on all,
The Staff, the planets in their courses, truth instil,
The Pupils, more and more come year by year,
To clothe with great and little stars the Starry Hill.

This poem by Mr M. Lomas, Asst. Director of Education (Girls) 1951, was written in honour of Miss Glasgow, the principal then and printed in the first issue of the School Magazine in 1951.

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Roll of Honour

Did you know that there's a BBGS museum within the school grounds of SM Seri Bintang Utara? I was informed by Ainun Ghazali, a much younger BBGSian who was part of the transition to the new grounds in Cheras.

Looking through the museum pictures, my heart literally leapt for joy when I spotted the School Captains Honour Roll that used to hang in the school hall. What a nostalgic sight!

I'm probably over-emoting and slightly biased because my name is on that honour roll, but it was a special honour to serve as BBGS school captain, and till today - it's an accolade that I proudly display on my CV.

School Captains of BBGS

1947 Boey Poh Theen
1948 Tan Leng Gek
1949 Liew Peng Nyun
1950 Ong Cheng Sim
1951 Chooi Kut Nooi
1952 Catherine Angus
1953 Wong Sui Fong
1954 Lim Chock Leng
1955 Sosie Kwong
1956 Ong Cheng Im
1957 Goh Yoon Fong
1958 Tan Kim Lewi
1959 Khoo Suat Pheng
1960 Tan Yoke Wan
1961 Choi Kwai Eng
1962 Leng Ah Mooi
1963 Boey Pick Yoke
1964 Kang Geok Sue
1965 Chew Fei Yin
1966 Chew Fai Peng
1967 Patricia Ong Buan Tee
1968 Tong Wai Sin
1969 Ng Ay Vin
1970 Alice Samuel
1971 Lee Yin Ling
1972 Phang Sow Yoong
1973 Kiang Chew Peng
1974 Kwan Poh Lan
1975 Yee Yoke Sum
1976 Caroline Ho / Kon Sui Phin
1977 Leong Kit Lan
1978 Audrey Kum
1979 Teoh Pooi Boon
1980 Yap Yoke Chin
1981 Lau Chow Ong
1982 Chin Yoke Mun
1983 S.S. Patricia
1984 Lim Yuet Suan
1985 Cheah Swee Peng
1986 Koh Lee Wah
1987 Lum May Yee
1988 Liow Bin Wei
1989 Joanna Yeoh Kui Pheng
1990 Lisa Ng Hew Mei
1991 Shariza Sharif bte Yusof
1992 Uma Devi Kylasam
1993 Yan Yin May
1994 Tong Yin Fen
1995 Tay Hui Ping
1996 Aina Zahari

If anyone knows the names of school captains post-1996 or the whereabouts of any of these special ladies named above, please drop me a note and I'd be delighted to feature them on this blog.

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Miss Cooke's Story (Part 2)

This is the story of Miss Cooke, BBGS' Master Builder, taken from her article published in the School Centenary Magazine, May 1993.

Seeking Nothing But the Best (Part 2)
by Miss Elena M. Cooke
Ex-girl, ex-teacher and ex-headmistress (1958 - 1977)

Teach us to bear the yoke in youth
with steadfastness and careful truth

I never thought I would be a teacher but that was God's plan for my life and once I got into the profession I found great delight in opening up new worlds to my pupils. But it was not always easy. Taught from early childhood 'Whatever your hand finds to do, verily do it with all your might', there was this keen determination to bear the yoke with steadfastness and careful truth.

Late nights became the order of my day as I prepared the next day's lessons and marked piles of exercise books. That did not mean I had to lose delight in simple things. With great enthusiasm I began the school choir when all I had in qualifications was a love of music!

It was soon after the war. Our library was non-existent. I remember visiting friends and suggesting that they should let me have some of their collection to begin a school library again. All contributions were carefully scrutinised and thus began a lending library on the verandah outside the Fifth Form classroom. Every interval found me sitting on a low stool advertising my books and telling the girls they did not know what they would be missing if they did not stop by and borrow one of my best sellers all neatly packed in cardboard boxes on the floor beside me.

I was soon to find myself spending nearly every afternoon in school looking after such extramural activities as the Literary and Debating Society, the Geographical Society, St John’s Ambulance Brigade and the Christian Union. Those were the times I really got to know my pupils especially when we went on excursions and debated with other schools. They were fun times too.

Yes, they surely were hard times too, when difficult pupils could make life unbearable and when I had to learn to win them over – to break through long standing barriers. Then there were the not-so-academically-minded pupils who had a defeatist attitude to learning. They had to be helped out of that sad state and made to realize that they had their talents too. Yes, there were those from broken homes, those from poverty-stricken backgrounds. Knowing and appreciating the care and concern of my teachers when I was at school, I prayed for special strength and understanding to help my many pupils.

Early years of teaching were a time of learning and teaching. There were the special training classes every Saturday and sometimes, during the week, speech-training and singing. And when those exams were all over then came my private studies for entrance to a university in the UK. An activity-oriented life intermixed with much fun and laughter and sometimes tears as well.

Father in heaven who lovest all
O help Thy children when they call
That they may build from age to age
An undefiled heritage

That became my prayer when I was appointed Principal of BBGS – a position which I never wanted and which filled me with fear. But one never cries out to God in vain – His ear is ever bent low to hear our feeblest cry and He enabled me through those difficult early years and then the challenging years that followed. Mistakes were made and hard lessons learnt.

From an enrolment of 500 the school was to grow to over 2000! School extensions became necessity every time there was yet a further increase in numbers. Fun-fairs and food sales became the order of the day – hard work but so challenging one could not resist it! They were truly fun times too as the whole school – head, deputy head, staff and pupils (both old and present) all worked as a team. There was such a tremendous sense of achievement when all the necessary funds came in time for the various building projects.

The policy of the school from its inception was to build only when funds were in hand. I remember being told by the Board that we could not build a hall the size I planned as we did not have the funds for such a large building. I felt strongly we had to build it according to the original plans and hence prayed much. God answered in a wonderful way when the Lee Foundation contributed RM40,000 and made our dream come true. Yes, those were challenging years and I am always thankful that Mrs Tan Lai Kuen, our deputy head, was always there to support and be fully involved in all our dreams. Together, two very different personalities worked as a team both seeking nothing but the best for BBGS.

We aimed at excellence in every aspect of school life. We were anxious that each BBGS pupil should give of her best and so towards that end we worked. Cleanliness, a sense of order, a love of beauty had to be inculcated and so began competitions in class cleanliness, toilet cleanliness and floral arrangements in every classroom. Discipline had to be maintained and a sense of dignity instilled and total loyalty practised. Above all our sincere desire was that every pupil should know without a doubt that without God in their lives all would be in vain. And hence our school motto – Nisi Dominus Frustra – has been and, I hope, will continue to be a guide to right and wholesome living to every BBGS pupil.

Miss Cooke's Story (Part 1)

This is the story of Miss Cooke, BBGS' Master Builder, taken from her article published in the School Centenary Magazine, May 1993.

Seeking Nothing But the Best

by Miss Elena M. Cooke

Ex-girl, ex-teacher and ex-headmistress (1958 - 1977)

Teach us delight in simple things...

As I look back to the days when I was a pupil of the Chinese Girls' School in Davidson Road, which later in 1930 moved to Bukit Bintang and became known as Bukit Bintang Girls' School, I realise more and more that those happy days were truly filled with delight in simple things. Miss Prouse and those early teachers enriched our lives by their dedication to their profession. While there was strict discipline, there was also real care and love. A cane was to be found in every classroom and I had my full share of its use. Today as I think back on those times I realise just how beneficial they proved to be.

But intermixed with learning were those carefree times dancing round the May Pole to music on Sports Day, picnics by the sea, badminton tournaments with other schools and the making of wonderful friendships which have lasted to this day.

Miss Prouse must have known what an over-active little pupil she had in Elena Cooke and I remember how thrilled I was when, one day, she singled me out and asked me whether I would like to read an interesting book she had. Furthermore, she said she had other books she would lend me when I had completed the one she was lending to me. And so began a life-long love of books.

There was Mrs Lim, my primary teacher, who constantly gave me two cents and sometimes the princely amount of five cents to spend at interval because I had lost my pocket money! There was Miss Too whose art lessons I found a delight because I could spin all kinds of stories for her and thus help her forget that she was almost completing my drawing for me.

Miss Ma will never forget my piece of embroidery which she and many others had a hand in finishing! Miss Glasgow introduced us to the wonderful world of English Literature and held us enthralled. She transported us to far-distant and fascinating places but at the same time was always on the ready to catch any mischievous imp seated right in front of her! I think of her deep concern for me when I lost all interest in living when my father suddenly passed away. I think of the challenge she put to me: "Your father was so proud of you. Do you think he would be happy if he saw your total lack of interest in anything, especially your studies?" That made me sit up and get on with my preparations for my School Certificate Examination.

Yes, those were the days when a good foundation for life was laid - days when I was taught by example simple kindnesses which meant so much, when I was taught true delight in simple things and mirth that has no bitter springs.