Tuesday, June 21, 2011

So I question., yet again. Square one you say? I don't think so. Its different. Its not the same. Its, vastly different. Well, at least I think it is.

My experiences speak volumes, but has yet to bring me to where I want to be. But where do I REALLY want to be? What is it that truly drives me to behave the way I do? Do I really need to do the things I do to get what I want to be? Is it worth it at the end? What End? End? Is there an End to all these? Meaning and depth.

Why do we try? Everyday. Desire and Goal. An Endless fight to get to a goal unknown.

What do I really want? Why is it that what we want and what is right are usually two vastly different polar ends.

I've questioned my motives of late. If they are legitimate and life worthy. If they are true to a cost.

I am always questioning. Till my death, I will ask.

This Gift of inquisitiveness. I want to see, I want to know, I want to feel, I want, You.

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