Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Well, all I can say about the past month is "fast and furious". I look up every night, it's 10:30, and my list isn't even half way done. Such is life though.

The girls are all settled in to their school routine. They love their teachers and are of course learning a lot. H Bug is on the big kid side at RBS, and Hopey is still in the Caterpillar room.

Hopey is a cute little monster child in her class. She barreled over two babies having tummy time on the mat the other day when she saw me at the door. She is crawling, pulling up, and walking with the truck at home. She doesn't like to take naps at school, but that's long as she's happy. She usually crashes on the way home and sleeps 2 1/2-3 hours. Kinda crazy that the only day this little one gets two naps is on Saturdays. She takes them though and both are usually 2-2 1/2 hours long. She is the sweetest baby. I could stare at her delicate little face for the rest of my life. She also has this cute little crooked smile and squeal she has mastered. TOO CUTE! I officially put away the baby swing on Saturday. She has taken almost every nap in that swing since she was 3 months old. Her little chubby buns were making the swing seat sweep the floor (it was a travel swing). The first day she only napped for 45 minutes and has progressed back to her 3 hours today. So 5 days of getting used to this napping in the bed thing is pretty good. She's still nursing 3-4 times a day (I'm in countdown mode...3 more months), and eats baby food and finger foods. I only made it to 10 months with Haelyn because I found out I was pregnant with Hope, but I think we're gonna make it to a year. I'd like to anyway...I think Hope would too! I mean, I AM producing as much as a dairy cow so why not?? Right?? I would like to have her weaned over Christmas break because we are going to NYC, and I really really don't want to travel with my lover Medela. Plus, that will make life much easier for my Mom. She can just give her milk and not worry with warming and all that jazz. I cannot believe this sweet baby girl is days away from being 9 months old.

H Bug is having a blast at school too. She mentions school almost everyday, and tells us the names of her friends when we ask. She has good reports on her Parent-o-grams. Sometimes she doesn't eat much while she's there, but that's okay...we just have a big snack! She too crashes about an hour after we get home. One day I even found her asleep on her changing pad on the floor. Silly girl. She has started to show big interest in the potty (until this week). She had 5 successful days of pooping in the big potty, but decided this week she doesn't want to use the big potty. That's okay...we'll get more serious about it in a few months. I'm just glad she understands the process and isn't afraid of the flush. Her language is just amazing...both her receptive language and her verbal language is growing on a daily basis. It's amazing to watch this process as a Mommy. I watched it as a teacher, but it's different when it's your own flesh. She can also be a little stinker, and has had to sit in "time out" a few times at home. She usually has to sit there when she needs to cool off after an all out fit, but it works for now and she only sits there for 1-2 minutes. I need to pull out my "Sugar Chair" from when I was teaching so she can sit there until she finds her sweet self! She falls more in love with Hopey everyday, and asks for her after naps and in the mornings. It's fun to watch them follow each other around the house to play.

As for me...I'm working like crazy AND getting to hang with my girls. It's the best ever. This semester I am doing a placement in a Head Start classroom working in my sweet friend Martha's class. I am so excited to hang out with some four year olds once a week. I need to keep myself honest and the best way to do that is to hang out with the kids I "profess" about. I'm going to Dallas to present at a Physical Science conference in November. I will also pick up another course in the Spring. It's a special topics Special Ed course and I'm really really excited to use some of my expertise in behavior management, assessment, etc.

Mark is crazy busy with work, traveling, and finishing up his MBA. He will be done with the MBA in May, and is very happy about that! He is also training for a FULL IRONMAN. That event will be one big family trip to Houston. We are looking forward to seeing the great things God will do with our Daddy's body! He is pretty incredible.

We sometimes get caught up in the crazy"ness" of our daily lives, but there are moments that remind us to SLOW DOWN. Like when we are rocking/singing our girls to bed, reading books, playing outside, going to the farmer's market, teaching Sunday school, cooking dinner as a family, having dinner with friends, etc.'s those moments that make our crazy world go round...they keep us grounded and make us take a moment to just be.

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