I'm not sure if all of you know, but Mark travels quite a bit with his new job. I won't reveal his travel schedule just in case there are creepers reading this blog. In case you are a creeper...we have quite the set of watch dogs and neighbors/friends that check on us A LOT!
Anyway, today was not such a glamorous day for us.We did a lot and had fun...mostly! We started off the day with two needy babies needing one on one time bright and early. This is usually possible when Daddy is around. He hangs with H Bug in the mornings while I hang with Hopey in the mornings. Mostly because Hopey is still nursing. I'm sure one day they will want to switch things up here and again. Well, after we got all of that settled with a little help from our trusty friend Dora the Explorer all was good.
A couple of hours later, while Hope took her nap, H Bug and I went outside to water the poor pitiful plants. BOO DROUGHT. After that, I went to pick up dog poo in the backyard while H Bug played on her swing and slide. If you know my daughter she is the kind of kid who needs a good forewarning before moving to the next activity. Especially if she is engaged...and she usually is...she has a great attention span. So, I told her "when Mommy is done picking up the poo poo we will fill the dog bowls with water, go inside, get a popsicle (homemade with REAL fruit), and you can eat it in the big tub while Mommy takes a shower". She obliged and transitioned well until I tried to put her in the big tub WITHOUT her baby doll. Oh holy night, was she mad about that??!! Don't mess with a girl and her baby doll (three snaps in a Z formation). While I showered she cried and cried and ate her popsicle and cried and ate her popsicle and cried. Then, when I got out she stopped. Of course she did. So dramatic. Now that she got that little moment out of her system we were able to get dressed without tears. H Bug decided to help me get Hopey ready by spraying a lot of water on her head and trying to make the little curl/mohawk. It didn't work, and Hope actually looked like a mop head but she was laughing away and letting H Bug "do her magic". After all girls are ready and bag is packed...it's time to put the dogs in the crate. Well, Mr. Rudy (our first born) decides he wants to hide out to give me a run for my money. Just what I needed. I had H Bug looking under beds and in the closets, all the while she is SCREAMING "RU REE...WHERE'D HE GO, COME ON RU REE". Finally, big chubby Rudy comes sauntering in and gets in the crate! When H Bug was locking the crate she was shaking her finger and telling him "no no no RuRee, come on to Mama". She might need to take her own advice here and again.
Dogs crated, babies buckled and we were off to pick up lunch for our sweet friends Kristy and Laney. Laney and H Bug had a great time playing while the Mama's caught up. I got to hold sweet Tate for about 1 minute, but he is a mama's boy so I handed him over. Hope preferred to climb on top of the mini trampoline and put most of Tate's toys in her mouth...she is just trying to boost his immune system. She figures if they are going to be in the same class at RBS they might as well share germs. I also learned that Hope is fearless...she is go go go and she may just beat up all the kids in her class at school. I told Mark if we get dirty looks from parents it's his fault...he's the freakish athlete of the family and she can only get this "go go go accomplish all things physical in record time" spirit from him.
After our fun play date we came home and napped. ALL OF US!
When the girls woke up we went to get a few groceries. I was trying so hard to get in and out of WalMart in 30 minutes. It's possible for me, but with the girls it takes a bit longer to load and unload. I let Hope ride in the front part (first time) and H Bug in the big part. All was good. H even helped me put all the groceries on the belt. Just as I was about to swipe my first item, I remembered that my wallet was in the console IN THE CAR. Here I was with two babies in a cart, all the groceries on the belt, and NO WALLET. So, I put all the groceries back in the cart, asked the lady at the front if I could leave the groceries with her, took H and h out and put them in another empty cart, and went to get my wallet. While I was running with the girls in the new empty cart H Bug was saying, "wee mama les go". Sweet girl has so much fun even in the midst of her mother having a sweat and panic attack. We got the wallet and went back inside. Thank goodness there was no one at the register where I was and we got all checked out. We were in a huge hurry so that we could go up to ACU and do Facetime with Mark. That's another story. Yes, we have an iPad2, a MacBook Pro, and an iPhone4, but no we can't do Facetime from home. It's our network connection or something. Any suggestions??
We had fun Facetiming with Daddy, but I was not in the mood to go home and cook so...here you have it. We ATE OUT! We ate at Rosas. I got two bean burritos and shared with the girls. H Bug ate only the beans and cheese out of hers. I gave Hope some applesauce and tortilla. We had fun playing with the honey and spilling ice water. H Bug waved at all of the passers by who probably thought I had lost my ever loving mind bringing a 7 month old and a 2 year old out to eat by myself. It really was a fun little date. I have become braver to venture out on my own with both girls.
This is what I want to look back on and say, "man that was hard...but look where we are and what we've done"!! For all of you Mommies with just one little one...relish in the moments where you don't feel like a pin ball in a pin ball machine! :)
ReplyDeleteWe haven't started real food yet, but I have been making baby food and freezing it to start soon. I just saw that you made your own popsicles, so if you ever want to make baby food with me, just let me know! I make mine out of mostly fresh items. I like to make a bunch up at once. It's a lot of fun and in my opinion so much better than bought!
Those Are the days you need to call me! I would love to have a date with the three of you! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are so funny! If you all ever want to hang out I am usually alone with my kids due to Alex's work schedule! Your girls are beautiful!