Showing posts with label Baseball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baseball. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Last Baseball Game

Wednesday was C's last baseball game this season. He was very sad and upset that the season is over.
His team played very well this season. They went on to State Championships. They won their first 2 games, but lost their last 2 knocking them out of the bracket.

After the game, the team huddled up for their usual post-game chat with coach. No one wanted it to end. The kids were all asking if they could have practice tomorrow. 

Oriole Team - C is second from left - Family, Baseball
Last Baseball Game

We presented both Coach and Assistant Coach with these plaques. 
I got the idea off of Pinterest. I cut open a baseball, soaked it in hot water so it would lie flat, then took it to a game so all the boys could sign it with their numbers. Then, I tacked the ball down on the plaque. I got official Orioles badges and glued them on. - Family, Baseball Coach Gift
Baseball Coach Gift
Both coaches were very happy with the gift. One coach mentioned he had wanted to bring a ball for all the boys to sign as a souvenir. Well, we did one better.

They always finish up with a huddle. This is their last huddle-up.
C is number 6. - Family, Baseball
Last Team Huddle
C had a great season. He wasn't even sure he wanted to play this year, as last year he didn't have much fun. Now, this year he has decided that baseball is is favorite sport.  Last year, his coach never held practices, kept him in the outfield or on the bench, and never offered any type of help. This year, his coach was amazing: they had practices several times a week, which the kids all LOVED and never wanted to leave; they played several different positions, rotating around the field; they were given lots of help and advice to improve. And they never wanted to leave.  C was visibly upset once the last game was over, coach saw him crying in a corner. He was trying to hide his tears at the post-game huddle. 

But it isn't over entirely.
Coach is planning a Kids vs. Parents game next week. That should be interesting. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Baseball Tournament

Today, we spent all day at a baseball tournament. C's baseball team signed up for a fundraiser tournament and had 3 games all in one day. It was supposed to be a 2 day tournament, but they were rained out yesterday. C plays on a city league team, and all the other teams at this tournament were accelerated teams that play year round. His team still held their own against these skilled teams, learned a lot, and had a great time.

C's coach used this time as a fun learning experience for them. He made sure they were all having a good time; he moved them around the field; and he praised their accomplishments.

C has been wanting to play pitcher and shortstop all year. He's had several opportunities to play shortstop, and today he had his first chance to pitch. He actually did rather well, and had a great time. - Family, Baseball
He also played center field, right field, second base and third base. There was a lot of plays in the outfield, so he was happy with everywhere he played. He was exhausted by the end of the day, but all smiles. He loved being able to play baseball all day long. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

More Baseball

I've mentioned before that I'm part of Amazon Vine where I get some select items for free in exchange for an honest review. Somethings I've gotten have been awesome and some others have been disappointing--it totally runs the gambit. 

Well, a couple weeks ago, I was able to get a baseball pitchback/rebounder. I wasn't sure how it would work, if it would be useful for C, or what. But I am so glad I got it. It's been perfect! C can practice his throwing and fielding anytime he wants without the need to beg and plead with S to play with him.  S and MK do play with it as well as R and me, but C is the one mostly using it.

 I recorded this video to use as part of my Amazon review, but thought I'd post it here as well because it just makes me laugh. It isn't long. It's about half a minute showing C throwing and catching the ball. The best part is you can hear S cheering C on every time he makes a catch. 

If you are interested in this product, it is called SKLZ Shockwave Baseball Pitchback and Random Rebounder. If you or your child is into baseball, this is a fantastic product.  It has helped C improve his fielding skills as well as his reflexes. My Amazon review can be found here.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Baseball Season

Baseball season is in full force in our household. All three kidos are playing--Sometimes at the same time.

Last night, I snapped this picture of all three in their baseball gear. 
S is playing for the Giants.
C is playing for the Orioles.
MK is playing T-Ball for the Bees. - Baseball
Baseball Playing Family

C and MK finished their games before S, so they sat on the sidelines during S' game to cheer him on. - Baseball
Baseball Playing Family

MK is SO excited to play T-Ball this year. Her coach is pretty awesome and even does practices with the young kids as well as their games. 

S is more interested in soccer than baseball, but he is still pretty good at the game. He loves playing catcher and hits consistently. He is playing in a coach-pitch league. 

C is the most dedicated baseball enthusiast. His league is what he calls "kid pitch." It's kids pitching, catching,  full rules, scorekeeping, tournaments, etc. He plays left field and shortstop. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Baseball Season

C loves playing baseball. He's been really lucky this year on having a coach who really works with the boys at practices and games to help them improve. C has wanted so incredibly much to play Shortstop. At his game on Tuesday, he finally got to play shortstop in the third inning.  The funny thing is that he had been drinking so much water during the game that it finally caught up to him and he had to go to the bathroom really bad! Thankfully, it was a short inning and he RAN for the bathroom as soon has he could. He finally got his moment, and he was out there doing the potty dance.  Even still, he did an excellent job. He stopped balls, he backed up bases, he did his job. He LOVED it. - Baseball
 Hopefully, he'll get more chances. 

Monday, June 1, 2009


 C at bat
C had his first T-ball game today. The whole fam went to watch him play. C did a great job and nailed a few out of the infield :). We still need to work on the running part after the hitting part, but he's getting there.

R has been trying out his new fancy camera and took a few pictures at the game. Here's one with A and MK that we really like. They were supposed to be watching C play T-ball, but MK can't focus when the camera is out.

Me and MK
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