Showing posts with label Home Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Video. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

How to Transfer VHS Tapes to Your Computer

It has been said that there is more than one way to 'skin a cat'...

Here below is one of those ways.

VHSTransferIf you’re like me you probably have a ton of VHS tapes gathering dust in some drawer. I’ve been afraid I would loose my old family videos to obsolescence if I didn’t get them into digital format. I just had a baby girl and someday I want to show her videos of when my brother and I were just children. When her grandparents were young and we all packed into the wood-paneled station wagon for family vacations off to Yellowstone or Disneyland. So I was excited when I found the video below which shows you how to transfer your VHS videos to your computer. From there you can store them on a thumb drive or the cloud for safekeeping for future generations.