Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Since Deb Asked...

So uh...hi. It's been what -- 2 months or something since I've written? Most of you know basically what has happened in that timeframe (a lot) but I may as well start trying to recap the summer as it has transpired thus far.

I've kind of been overwhelmed (in general) and didn't really know where to start, but then Deb sent me an email with eleventy billion questions and I thought, "You know, I should just answer those as my first blog post!"

So I'm doing that. I'll fill in the details with gobs of pictures soon, and by soon I mean maybe when school starts? Anyway, here's an appetizer, courtesy of Deb and her mad cooking skills:

So have you moved in to your new house or just have an address?

We've moved into a house that we'll be renting for 2 years. It's a gorgeous home that I can't get used to living in. The best way I can describe it is this: I don't recognize myself in this house. It's amazing and has 2 islands in the kitchen and a shower that we could set patio furniture in, and I feel like I don't belong here. Will update if that changes.

Find good doctors for Keaton?

Haven't even started that process, but honestly, there's not a lot of ongoing stuff he needs regular medical attention for. What he really needs is a good teacher in school, and we moved into the best school district in the state to give him (and Ry and Branik, too) the best shot possible.

What's the name of the practice going to be?

Elizabeth Family Dental! It was the name of the practice before Boone bought it, and he's keeping it because it comes up high on Google when you search "Elizabeth, CO" and "dentist". When we thought he was buying closer to the Denver metro, we were going to need a more distinctive name. But since he is in a rural area (about 40 miles southeast of Denver proper, and 25 miles from our house) he doesn't need anything too catchy.

Catchy name or not, he is SO happy with his decision to leave the army. It was an extremely stressful 3 months between first contact and closing, but it was so worth it. The practice is about 4 years old, has state of the art equipment, and a great staff. He started getting referrals from other patients the 3rd day he was in the office and is seeing 2-4 new patients a day. He plans to be pretty involved with the community out there and is already sponsoring the high school's foot ball team (he gets a banner to prove it!) As soon as he gets his website up and running I'll link it here so you can see the office and a picture of Boone with his staff.

Does your new house have a wonderful washer and dryer?

Same washer and dryer I had in Georgia, which is good enough for now. But after using family owned front loaders for a month this summer I don't know how long I'll hold out;)

Did you have the best time ever traveling all spring?

Great to see everyone, thrilled to be done living out of a suitcase. Wedding was fun and stressful, like weddings are. Slept in 13 locations in June, and 11 of those were in a 14 day period. Shoot me in the face. I still can't even look at those stupid air mattresses.

Keaton had a great birthday. I know this because when he talked to Boone's parents on the phone that night, he said, "Nana, can you see my heart? It is so happy because of this day!" I cannot even handle the cuteness. Know what else I can't handle from Keaton? Him dropping the F-bomb. Twice. During dinner with 2 of his grandmothers. Apparently he saw the word written out on a volcano video on YouTube. Fantastic! He has no idea what it means, of course, but I nearly choked when he blurted it out.

Family reunion was great and I caught up with cousins I hadn't seen in a decade. Ate a ton, exercised a very, very little. Gained about 7 pounds. Stayed up until 4:30 one night with my sisters and left my mom to tend all 8 grandkids until we stumbled out into the living room at 11:30 or so the next day. It was my favorite.

Kids are still not back on a schedule but that's what summer is about, right? Just tell me yes, because I'm too tired to fix it.

Have you heard about Bristol and Levi?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sarah Palin and her whacked out family make me smile:)

Do you have floors suitable for your Bissel?

Some. I asked our landlord (who is also the builder) about using it on the hardwoods and he said no. So I have this hardwood floor cleaner for the kitchen, dining, entry and then I use the Bissel on the tile upstairs and in the laundry/mudroom. And we'll just go with the notion that I have actually plugged in the Bissel since I have been living here for 3 weeks now...

Have you fallen in love with Denver already?

Yep. Love it. Love the sunsets. Love the dry weather (except my heels look like the Grand Canyon, but whatever). Love the good shopping. Love the lack of McDonalds/fried chicken restaurants here. Love the trails and parks everywhere. LOVE LOVE LOVE that I live literally 90 seconds away from SUPER TARGET. Nothing. Else. Matters.

If you need an optometrist, Perry Umlauf just transferred from Pee-Yay to Denver and he was the president of our state optometric association and Matt's former optometrist. Maybe you could be his dental family, you know, if you have a practice name and all.

Thanks! Boone needs one, I suppose. One of these days I am going to make him get Lasik though.

Are there fabulous moms bringing you cupcakes to welcome you to the 'hood?

No cupcakes, but that's okay. Still hanging on to about 3 extra pounds from Bingefest 2010 (I can thank the stairs in the house for getting rid of the others). Honestly, our neighborhood is going to be pretty quiet I think. There are only 6 homes on the street and although 3 of us have kids, the other 2 are on vacation. They seem nice so far though. I'd like to be somewhere a little busier when we buy in a few years, but for now we'll be fine.

Do they all wear bras?


Have you been Ugly yet?

Constantly. I hid in the house for the first 2 weeks because I didn't want to meet people for the first time being all gross and move-y, but then I made the mistake of going for a walk with the fam and I got busted in all my Ugliness by the whole neighborhood. All 11 of them. Oh well, better not to set unrealistic expectations, right?

Do they know about Purple Donkephants in Colorado?

I don't know if they know they are Purple Donkephants or not, but I think many people here would fit the bill. Except where Boone practices. It's rural. People have horses. And big trucks.

Do you have a nice or a crappy Walmart?

It's nice for Walmart, but with Supa Target so close I have to really, REALLY need something at Walmart for me to drive the extra 3 minutes to get there.

Is your computer plugged in so you can start blogging again ... privately, of course, to protect the innocent.

I think I've answered that question, and I am abandoning the private thing for now.

Thanks Deb for your questions! Maybe this will help me unclog the blog and get going with the gory details of May and June. If you have anything you are dying to know about just beg and plead and I will consider appeasing you.


Chrystapooh said...

Hooray! She's back in blogland!
I really really miss you.

Deb said...

First, to everyone: you're welcome for your new Nicole post!

B, to Nicole: sounds like after all your wondering and searching and planning, you and Boone did a pretty darn good job. Yay to that.

JustMe said...

About freaking time you got back to blogging. I almost forgot who you are. Can you see how happy my heart is?

Leave poor Sarah alone. She'll never be President or even VP and she's going to have that (what's the male word for skank?) for a son-in-law.

Missed you

Sara K. said...

A - I need your address.

ii - I'm so glad Deb took the time to draft all those questions, especially the one about whether your neighbors wear bras. Snort, indeed.

3) So glad you're loving CO.

IV. Have you worked out with Sonja yet?

Nicole said...

To Chrysta: I miss you too. Sniff.

To Bed: We think so, but it'll be awhile before we really, truly exhale I think. Maybe once a solid 6 months of employment have transpired and we haven't starved to death we'll pat ourselves on the back for making good choices. Still a little scary for now.

To JustMe: Leave Sarah alone? I would GLADLY never mention her name again if she would JUST GO AWAY. She keeps signing up for the spotlight, I keep making fun of her;)

To Sara:

A -I'll email it to you.
IV. Snort. Sonja is training for Kona right now, so there will be no training with her unless she needs someone to reassure her how superior she is. But I DID meet her PIC Michelle (linked to Sonja's blog) at the pool the other day and she is about the nicest person in the world. And no, I CANNOT think of a worse circumstance to meet a world class athlete than poolside after 3 months of non-exercise and pigging out.

Which is why I joined the gym and hired a trainer yesterday.

I missed all y'all!

Jennifer Sharpe said...

Your house sounds amazing! I'm glad your loving everything! The heat in Ga is horrible! Enjoy Denver, and your personal trainer! Jealous! I just joined the gym three weeks ago, I'm excited about getting into shape.

Jessica said...

I miss your face. And your family's face. I googled your address and saw a pic of your house. BEEEEEAUUUTIFUL! Good job.

I can't wait to hear about your new life and Boone's new office.

Also, I peed a little reading about the F bomb. That's all.

Anna@Exasperation said...

So what have you named the islands in your kitchen? Because if my kitchen had islands you know I'd be all over that. Like Copa Rawlins and Anna Cabana (if I had two islands, that is).

Debi B, thanks for getting Nicole's ball rolling. It is so good to have you back!

Levi and Bristol. I have no words for that. Oh yeah, I do. OF COURSE I'd totally get back together with the man-whore who exploited our relationship and then proceeded to whore himself out in every whore-worthy venue. Is there a limit to how many times I can use the word whore on a Mormon blog? Because the scriptures use it a lot, so maybe there isn't.

Hooray, you get more spastic comments from me! BONUS!

Why does Keaton say better things than all three of my children combined? "Can you see my heart?" Kill me now with your freakin' cuteness future husband of Sophie.

Debi B also too, of course her neighbors wear bras. They're sports bras, though, and they're made of organic alpaca fibers that have been collected after the alpaca naturally shed them. Purple Donkephants might be a little conservative for this crowd.

Jay and Sherrie said...

YEA!!! We are so happy for you guys.It sounds pretty great. Hope it just keeps getting better.

Miss you guys.

Deb said...

Anna or Nicole, can you get me one of those alpaca bras for Christmas? Not to wear, of course, but to snuggle with.

One island could be the Boonedocks, and the other KoNicoMo.

Levi and Bristol... Well, he may be a whore, but he is a *hot* whore. I'm just sayin.

Ah, yes, the F-bomb (whistfully). That's all I want to say about that.

Courtney said...

Really? Cause I would've SWORN the waiter who made you blush and act like a school girl was your favorite.

Love the new blog name. Glad you're back.

JustMe said...

Just wanted you to know, I'm still kind of pissed that you passed up the opportunity to meet the wonderfulness that is me. You could have been the daughter I've never had - you know, the liberal one.

Nicole said...

Well then I'M kind of pissed that you didn't stop by on your way to help your daughter you never had pack up her house. Or paint the 7 rooms that had to be painted. Or fence and grade and sod the backyard. Or fix the garage door opener. Or lay new sprinkler lines for the new sod that would have died otherwise. Or photograph the house and put it up for lease. Or find the appropriate legal forms to set UP a lease. Or run credit checks on prospective tenants. Or go to IEP meetings. Or go to Horizon's end of year party where Rylan was the mayor. Or go to the kindergarten BBQ. Or go to the 2nd grader dance party. Or go to preschool graduation for Branik. Or field and water day for all three (on different days, of course).

Because that's what I was doing the last month in Georgia. And I was busy enough with all of it that I missed the Lost finale because I was frantically cleaning my house the night before we drove away until after midnight. Still haven't seen it, actually, and I watched faithfully for 6 years.

So don't feel too bad -- I passed up Sawyer and Kate and Jack too, and I've had a relationship with them since like 2004.

Deb said...

O.M.G. You did NOT miss the finale of Lost. That's as bad as me missing the finale of The Bachelorette next weekend because I'll be visiting Sara in Iowa.

(Can I post this anonymously?)