Showing posts with label germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label germany. Show all posts

Friday, August 2, 2013

LA Dusseldorf - Dampfriemen (Maxi - single 1980)

A  Dampfriemen
B  Individuellos

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Die Atlantik Schwimmer - Die Atlantik Schwimmer (Zick Zack, 1985)

Komm Mit Mir 3:26
Der Tunnel 4:52
Film Mit Überlänge 4:39
Lage Der Nation 2:33
Sehnsucht 4:20
Herbst 3:43

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ledernacken and Band - Ich Will Dich Essen (I Want To Eat You) (12", 1984)

A Ich Will Dich Essen (I Want To Eat You)
B1 Wie Ein Hund / I'm A Dog
B2 Amok (Dub-Gruntstylee)(Remix Mike Kamins)

basarab, Aug 23, 2008 This is one of the best/worst singles of the late 20th century. I'm sure it wasn't planned that way but that's how it turned out. More monkey/typewriter/time than inspiration, no doubt, but who cares.
Like many other young men listening to one particular John Peel show some 25 years ago I made a failed resolution to buy this knowing if I didn't I would have a memory-flash 25 years later to seek it out at all costs. this happened today: furious googling revealed only other seekers and not answers. We all remembered the lyric 'ich will...' but got sidetracked by thinking it was by Die Toten Hosen. shame on us for eliding 'leder' and 'hosen' in our post-sound-of-music psyches and getting confused....
anyway; it still ROCKS and some! This is one of those tunes that you really musn't assess by who made it just LISTEN to it and will KNOW


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Familie Hesselbach - Süddeutschland ( 12", 45 rpm, Zickzack)

A1 Süddeutschland
A2 Das Bild
B1 Rimini
B2 Zur kur


mp3 256, 40mb

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Deo - Deo (12'' album, 1982)

01 Exakt Neutral
02 Bequem
03 Killerautomat
04 Traum
05 Deodorant
06 Peepshow
07 Ruhrgebiet
08 Angesagt
09 Let's Go West
10 Andre Welten
11 Vorbei
12 Neonlicht

about band
76mb, mp3 256

Monday, April 6, 2009

Die Goldenen Vampire - Hinter Der Grunen Tur (Zensor, 1982)

01. Die silberne kugel
02. Knochen
03. Das strandbad
04. Hinter der grunen tur
05. Geachtet
06. Das unglaubische kind ohne kopf
07. Hotel zur einsamkeit

mp3 256, ifolder

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mau Mau - Kraft (1982)

01 So weit die fusse tragen
02 Auf der jagd
03 Geradeaus
04 Alles luge
05 Rhythmus der trommel
06 Mm dub
07 Mau Mau
08 Abenteuer im all
09 Kampfjacken
10 Wie ein mann ( benimm dich )
11 Dondola


53mb, mp3 192

Sunday, October 19, 2008

M. Walking On The Water - M. Walking On The Water (1988)

01. Flowers of the gone
02. Party in the cemetery
03. Stones on the beach
04. Water in your eyes
05. Tears behind laughing
06. Melitaah
07. Lovesong for you
08. Pink pinks
09. Skin on the cacao
10. Hands in the big machine
11. Waiting
