Sunday, June 01, 2014

A Rose For You

Oh, I just can't believe it! Almost a year! I don't want this blog to die. Not the idea of losing readers but the idea of keeping track of the stages of my life. This blog has been a really nice place where I was able to convey my thoughts and communicate with others.

Anyways, I hated the look of the shoes so I decided to post the first flower from our garden. We are so happy that we MOVED. It's been ten months now. We left the fourth floor and the beautiful view where you can see all of Amman and moved to a ground floor where we have a backyard and it worths it. We ate apricot, lemon and green cherries. We are waiting for grapes. I started gardening and I have plenty of plants. still trying and doing my best and experimenting the type of soil and what atmosphere certain plants prefer.

So, Karam graduated last week from his class. Ironically he will have to redo the class next year because officially he should be three years old to be in kindergarten. And he will in 20 days inshallah. My big baby boy is almost three now and my second baby boy is jumping inside of my belly as I am writing these words.

Oh, and a major change happened during the previous month. I rented a ceramic studio and started working and held a winter art camp for young girls. It went really nicely but closed it last week be prepared for the next baby. During this period I met people who can help me to go on with my ceramic career and I gallery owner visited my and loved my work and she wants me to display them at her gallery. Still working on that. and I also made over 30 ceramic artworks to prepare for a coming exhibition inshaAllah.

This is just an update, hopefully I will try to write at least monthly
That's all for now, see later

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Inspired! and more :)

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These days I feel inspired. I wish I can live in my atelier! (sepcially nabog tree is producing unbelievably big fruits this year, Masha Allah )But I'm still in the sketching phase. Can't wait to put all my ideas on paper and start playing with clay. I have so many ideas for different themes. I ran out of sketching paper and will have to buy a new sketch book soon.

Wednesday next week is going to be the inauguration of a big exhibition honoring the best student of Sharjah Institute of Arts over the last 10 years. I'm participating with two pieces (photos will be shared later). The ruler of Sharjah is attending the event.

That's all for now
Wish me luck :)

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Hot .. out of the Kiln

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Green Leaf


I'm still working on my thesis. Progress is something obvious but I still need to speed up more than just a little. I'm rewarding myself and earning my hours in playing with clay in my atelier. This is a tile which I made for gardens. It's part of a collection. Can be hanged on walls or put under the water tab of gardends or just to step on between isles :)

That's all for now
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