Heyo! Stuff happened while I was at Animinneapolis aside from the Live Show and here are a couple of things. First up, I did another panel where I discussed with Madness Mark the New 52. Unfortunately, there's only audio of it, but you should still be able to listen to it and get the same idea.
So for those of you who want my most recent thoughts on the DC Relaunch (which I've been having a strange amount of new requests asking for them), here you go!
MarkMadness and Linkara discuss the New 52 HERE!
And for those who didn't listen to them before, you can recall my early thoughts back when I was doing That's All I'm Saying last September by clicking the "TAIS" tag at the bottom of the post!
Also, I did an interview where I answered some questions from the people! I still need to put together the questions from the Live Show, but here's some more fun for you in the meantime!
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Animinneapolis Stuff
Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
3:43 PM
Labels: Conventions, Interview, TAIS
Friday, December 2, 2011
TAIS: 12-1-11 (Plus Bonus!)
In this short week, Linkara looks at Blackhawks #3, Angel and Faith #4, and Ghostbusters #1!
Plus, as a bonus, here's the Q&A from the end of the Live Show at Youmacon!
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
2:23 AM
Labels: Conventions, TAIS
Thursday, November 17, 2011
That's All I'm Saying: 11-17-11
This week, Linkara looks at Green Lantern Corps #3, Justice League #3, Batman #3, Nightwing #3, Blue Beetle #3, Deadpool #46, and Wonder Woman #3.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
11:55 PM
Labels: TAIS
Thursday, November 10, 2011
That's All I'm Saying: 11-10-11
This week, Linkara looks at Green Lantern #3, Batgirl #3, Batwoman #3, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 #3, Batman and Robin #3, Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE #3, Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13, Mister Terrific #3, Ducktales #6, and Darkwing Duck #18.
NOTE: My shop didn't get Demon Knights #3, so I hadn't realized that it came out. Will be reading it digitally when I have more time.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
11:58 PM
Labels: TAIS
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
That's All I'm Saying: 10-19-11
This week, Linkara takes a look at Justice League #2, Green Lantern Corps #2, Batman #2, Nightwing #2, Wonder Woman #2, Blue Beetle #2, Birds of Prey #2, Darkwing Duck #17, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 #2.
NOTE: Okay, I think it's well established by now that I read EVERY comment you guys post in order to approve them. I've also asked before to please at least glance over the comments to make sure no one else has commented on the same thing you have. However, this is starting to reach the Schroedinger's Cat Incident level of posting the same thing over and over and over. As such, any other comments on the actual myths about Hera and Greek society without responding directly to another person's comments on it will be deleted. The point has been made and the information is appreciated. Thanks to all who wished to inform me.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
10:44 PM
Labels: TAIS
Thursday, October 13, 2011
That's All I'm Saying: 10-12-11
This week, Linkara looks at Superboy #2, Green Lantern #2, The Shade #1, Mr. Terrific #2, Frakenstein: Agent of SHADE #2, Batwoman #2, Batman and Robin #2, Demon Knights #2, and Batgirl #2
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
3:23 AM
Labels: TAIS
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
That's All I'm Saying: 10-5-11
This week, Linkara looks at Action Comics #2, Deadpool #44, Batwing #2, Static Shock #2, Hawk and Dove #2, Animal Man #2, Detective Comics #2, Green Arrow #2, Stormwatch #2, and Justice League International #2.
NOTE: Because of the broken scanner, if people want me to add in panels and whatnot later, feel free to let me know and I'll try to release an improved version of this episode. I decided to not wait until tomorrow because I need extra time for Atop the Fourth Wall this month.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
11:23 PM
Labels: TAIS
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
That's All I'm Saying: 9-28-11
This week, Linkara looks at Green Lantern: New Guardians #1, Teen Titans #1, Batman: The Dark Knight #1, Blackhawks #1, Aquaman #1, Angel & Faith #1, All-Star Western #1, The Flash #1, The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man #1, Voodoo #1, Superman #1, Justice League Dark #1, The Savage Hawkman #1, Avengers Academy #1-6, and a brief first thoughts on New Teen Titans: Games.
Brief Review of I, Vampire #1
I completely overlooked this one in the shop, but since I promised reviews of every one of the relaunch titles, I bought this one up from DC's digital store (which was nice and easy to use, thankfully). This book seems to want to be both Angel and Twilight, with young-looking people talking about dramatic crap and being rather lovey-dovey about it, but at the same time reminding people of the Buffyverse in how vampires, once sired, are, well, EVIL. It's not particularly interesting, rather dreary, and I just don't get the point (other than attempting to catch the Twilight crowd). I will say I liked the various transformation aspects of the vampires, calling to mind the not-often-used powers of vampire folklore. Maybe the thing's just not for me, but I found it completely underwhelming. So, yeah, not recommended. And that's why I didn't end up recording it and adding it to the video later.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
10:54 PM
Thursday, September 22, 2011
That's All I'm Saying: 9-22-11
Linkara finds some truly dreadful material this time, but the full list he reviews is Green Lantern Corps. #1, Captain Atom #1, Legion of Super-Heroes #1, Supergirl #1, Catwoman #1, Darkwing Duck #16, Blue Beetle #1, DC Universe Presents: Deadman #1, Birds of Prey #1, Batman #1, Nightwing #1, Wonder Woman #1, and Red Hood and the Outlaws #1.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
6:08 AM
Labels: TAIS
Thursday, September 15, 2011
That's All I'm Saying 9-14-11
Today, Linkara looks at Green Lantern #1, Red Lanterns #1, Frankenstein - Agent of SHADE #1, Batwoman #1, Legion Lost #1, Batman and Robin #1, Deathstroke #1, Demon Knights #1, Mister Terrific #1, Suicide Squad #1, Superboy #1, Grifter #1, Resurrection Man #1, Deadpool #43, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 #1.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
3:34 AM
Labels: TAIS
Thursday, September 8, 2011
That's All I'm Saying 9-8-11
This week, Linkara looks at Action Comics #1, Detective Comics #1, Men at War #1, Hawk and Dove #1, Green Arrow #1, Batwing #1, Justice League International #1, Animal Man #1, Swamp Thing #1, Stormwatch #1, Static Shock #1, OMAC #1, and Batgirl #1.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
2:13 AM
Labels: TAIS
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
That's All I'm Saying: 8-31-11
A new series! I take a quick look at my weekly pulls and give my immediate thoughts on them. Agree? Disagree? Suggestions on the format? Feel free to post below and discuss. This week I look at Flashpoint #5 and Justice League #1.
NOTE: This series, as I say in the video, is quick and dirty. I haven't read the books multiple times to spot any mistakes I make - it's just my IMMEDIATE reactions upon finishing them, so I'm bound to miss things or make errors.
ANOTHER NOTE: Please, please, please, please, PLEASE read the comments before you make one yourself. Someone has probably pointed out something to me before you could.
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Posted by
Lewis Lovhaug
8:22 PM
Labels: TAIS