Sunday, February 02, 2014

Family Vacation Day 2-Heber Girls Camp

We got up early and traveled to Heber the next morning where the rest of Anthony's family was camping out. This year for the family reunion they decided to go to the Heber Family Girls Camp. We missed the first day  but made it there just after breakfast. We all had lunch and then went to the obstacle coarse and learned about working together. 

This activity we had to swing every member of the family across the without their feet touching. The kids were easy and I will have to say that I have no upper body strength and after 3 attempts, a blessing happened. Turtles appeared that let me walk across their backs! I was so embarrassed! 

We then went on to the next activity where we had to build a board bridge. It was lots harder! 

Then it was our turn for the zipline! Peter and Anthony were the only brave ones! 

The sandpit were all the kids played while they waited for our turn to be over on the zipline. 
We then went back and had dinner and then played games and talked. We opted to stay in a hotel in Heber that night.  We got there really late and most of our kids were asleep before we got there. It's hard to carry in kids and bags! 

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