Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Results

Last Monday Peter had his hearing test. I was nervous but striving to have faith that all would be well and that the blessings that Peter had received while in the hospital would be fulfilled. As we went through the appointment, it became clearer and clearer to me the blessings and the miracle that I was witnessing. The technician was unable to find any damage or the blood that had been behind Peter's ear. I consider this a miracle. The doctors were trying to be optimistic when we left the hospital but they told us there was the chance. The miracle has been Peter's recovery! The day we left the hospital they told me he would want to sleep most of the day and would probably be in pain and throwing up a little still. We got home and Peter was off running! He has had very little pain, next to none, no throwing up, and has just wanted to play and run! It has been a challenge to make sure that he doesn't re-injury his head. His favorite thing to do is stand on his head (I know...weird kid) and since the accident that is totally not allowed. It's been hard trying to explain to a three year old why he can't do some of the things that he wants. But I consider it a miracle that he is doing so well!

We would like to offer thanks to everyone that prayed for Peter and for us. It has been a very faith promoting experience and we have come to learn how much our Father in Heaven loves us. Peter himself said, "Jesus made my head better because He loves me." The faith of a child!


Brandon and Emily said...

I am glad he is doing ok. It is good to hear it didn't really slow him down.

Amy said...

I love to see the faith of a child. So innocent and precious, if only everyone could have such faith...